Disagree with what? What does posting a bunch of pics of other African Americans have to do with my assertion that MLK is one of the most revered and important figures in American history?
I get that you don't like him. Fine. But do you really not think that he helped to shape the foundation of the equal rights movement? Do we at least agree that equal rights is a good thing?
I do think he helped shape it. I also think he was NOT the saintly person portrayed. I think he was very flawed and had an agenda that is counter to the best interests of the country as a whole. I think he was communist/socialist.
I think his actions made things worse. Quotas, forced integration, stupid ass things like REQUIRING neighborhoods to be racially diverse are offensive to me. Section 8, which allows people who cannot afford homes to move into neighborhoods, treat the property with disrespect and drive property values down for their neighbors is abhorrent to me. Laws that say my organization MUST accept anyone regardless of their race, gender or sexual proclivities offend me deeply. Requirements that I MUST rent my house to this person or that person regardless of my personal feelings toward that person's ethnicity or orientation piss me off.
I believe in the natural order of things. Like capitalism. Without rabble-rousing race baiters who flow from the King lineage racial issues would be resolved on their own. People can make up their own minds who they want to associate with, who they want to live near, who they want to worship with without the intervention of the government. Would be a lot more peaceful.
I have no respect for King or the movement he led. It was rooted in communism/socialism and promotes nothing but inequality. No, I don't think the civil rights movement was a great and glorious thing. At all.