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Broun Hall / Oz Cobb
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 05:48:12 PM »
I haven’t watched any of the Penguin series yet.  I will. Love Batman stories and Penguin always intrigued me.  I’ll be doing my 1966 version of that character for Halloween.

Then I learned the director (name escapes me) changed Penguin’s name from Oswald Cobblepot to “Oz Cobb” to make him more relatable. 

WHAT? Why can’t you just leave well enough alone.  Oz Cobb is stupid.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Pre-Dick-Shuns Week Quattro
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 01:53:48 PM »
It feels lose-y, doesn't it? 

Local sports radio down this way is absolutely giddy over the prospect. The bama slurpling hosts...  "This a team with a five-win ceiling.  Four straight losing seasons. Oh, but recruiting? Great on paper, but you're not keeping any of those kids. How can you sell this as a program on the rise. It's not...." 

That segues into a 20 minute glorification of "did you know he's just 17?  Kid should be planning for the prom. Instead, he's out there under Kalen DeBOOer, turning into a number one draft pick."

That checks out.  So ready for them to get knocked off their pedestal. 

I never would have wagered that Arkansas would be our most important/hinge game this season.  Always thought it would be Oklahoma going in.  Yet, here we are... waiting to see for a 4th season in a row if we can win more than half our games.  If we don't win this one, I don't see it happening.
Broun Hall / Re: Tulsa King
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 01:28:55 PM »
Tulsa's back. Back again. 

Season 2, Episode 1 didn't really move the needle. Everything's basically the same. 

The FBI woman is still horrible. Dom Lom is still atrocious. Stallone seems to maybe move a little better and he's trying to add some facial expressions, but...

All the things that were right are still right.  Everything that was wrong remains kind of off-kilter. 

But it's back.  And we're doin' wind farms.  Cuz they blow.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Pre-Dick-Shuns Week Quattro
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 01:22:20 PM »
I know I picked us to win, but I’m going into this one expecting us to take the L deep down. Would rather be pleasantly surprised than hopelessly disappointed.

It feels lose-y, doesn't it? 

Local sports radio down this way is absolutely giddy over the prospect. The bama slurpling hosts...  "This a team with a five-win ceiling.  Four straight losing seasons. Oh, but recruiting? Great on paper, but you're not keeping any of those kids. How can you sell this as a program on the rise. It's not...." 

That segues into a 20 minute glorification of "did you know he's just 17?  Kid should be planning for the prom. Instead, he's out there under Kalen DeBOOer, turning into a number one draft pick."
War Damn Eagle / Re: Pre-Dick-Shuns Week Quattro
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 12:38:45 PM »
I don't have predictive powers and I can't stand the tune Rocky Top but the Vols are due again for another silver revival or whatever 20 years represents as far as anniversaries go. They go into Norman and win something like 31-20.

Incidently this is a historical first that the Wolverines have been underdogs in the Big House...at least this early in the season. USC 23-20.

Fact check me on both accounts bitches.

I don't see any blowout coming in our game v. Arkansas.
Maybe our front three learn to keep their feet and our corners will turn around in a timely manner. Auburn has a habit of making even the most ordinary seem invincible. Maybe we fall on a fumble late or their guy gifts us a pick for a win.
Not supremely confident.
Auburn 30-24.

I know I picked us to win, but I’m going into this one expecting us to take the L deep down. Would rather be pleasantly surprised than hopelessly disappointed.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Pre-Dick-Shuns Week Quattro
« Last post by jmar on Today at 10:40:55 AM »
I don't have predictive powers and I can't stand the tune Rocky Top but the Vols are due again for another silver revival or whatever 20 years represents as far as anniversaries go. They go into Norman and win something like 31-20.

Incidently this is a historical first that the Wolverines have been underdogs in the Big House...at least this early in the season. USC 23-20.

Fact check me on both accounts bitches.

I don't see any blowout coming in our game v. Arkansas.
Maybe our front three learn to keep their feet and our corners will turn around in a timely manner. Auburn has a habit of making even the most ordinary seem invincible. Maybe we fall on a fumble late or their guy gifts us a pick for a win.
Not supremely confident.
Auburn 30-24.

War Damn Eagle / Re: Who's going to be in Aub next week?
« Last post by jmar on Today at 09:51:44 AM »
A Mustang backed over him.  It was a keen scene.
I was a Chevy man myself but I've owned a few Ford's over the years. Too bad for Dallas. Better than a bus I suppose.
Broun Hall / Re: Frasier 2023
« Last post by Kaos on September 19, 2024, 08:51:42 PM »
Season 2 is out now. 

I really, really, really wish I liked this show. 

I waded through the entire first season and it was at its best when it called back to the past.  To Roz. To Lilith. It was at its worst when it spent time on the awful Harvard "administrator" or Freddy's female bartender roommate. 

Nothing's changed there. The first episode of Season Two tried so very hard to recreate the madcap insanity of a Frasier party gone wrong (staple of the original series).  As I was watching the dinner ham fall in the cake, get stuck in the garbage disposal, and crash to the floor I couldn't help but be disappointed by the comparison.  That same scenario in the hands of Niles, Daphne, and Martin would have been hilarous. With "Niles' son" and the bartender female guiding the action?  It just fell flat.

I'll watch it. Not because I think its very good, but just for nostalgia. That's really the tentpole of the series, not the new cardboard characters. 
War Damn Eagle / Re: Who's going to be in Aub next week?
« Last post by Snaggletiger on September 19, 2024, 05:33:50 PM »
What happened to Dallas? Did he croak?

A Mustang backed over him.  It was a keen scene.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Who's going to be in Aub next week?
« Last post by Kaos on September 19, 2024, 04:42:42 PM »
What happened to Dallas? Did he croak?
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