The Great Buck HowardMeandering film produced by Tom Hanks in order to give his kid something to do. His kid is like Tom, but blander and less compelling.
John Malkovich was good as the titular Buck Howard -- who was actually playing Kreskin. Why they couldn't have just named the movie The Amazing Kreskin, I really don't know. At the end they even acknowledged that the film was inspired by Kreskin. I'm probably the only person on this board who saw Kreskin perform so I can at least say that Buck Howard got the smarmy patter pretty close to right.
In a film like this you're looking for some redemption and there really was none. Not for Buck -- well maybe a little. Not for the ineffectual Hanks kid. Not for the appealing Emily Blunt who was sort of wasted here.
The movie told a story, but didn't give me quite enough to care what happened to any of the participants.
I would like to know how he does the final effect, but that's all I was left with.