The software system I own/manage collects information on participants based on federal reporting requirements. One of the fields asks for whether the participant "Receives Public Assistance" and then you have to designate Food Stamps, WIC, TANF, Other.
I'm doing a training today and was zipping through that section when Sheeniqua (yes, that's the spelling) brought the entire thing to a halt.
S: Sir! Sir! Excuse me, excuse me... can we address this stigma please?
Kaos: I'm sorry, what?
S: Why do we want to stigmatize these people by using the derogatory terms like Food Stamps? That's an outdated term with racist overtones. I'd like to make a recommendation that we remove that as I consider it to be offensive.
K: Those are federally mandated definitions and we're required to list them and then report on them.
S: That is offensive and racist.
K: We follow federal requirements or our software is out of compliance. There's nothing I can do.
S: There's nothing you can do about racism?
K: There's nothing I can do about the term Food Stamps. That's what we're federally required to report.
S: You don't HAVE to call it that. You could just change the name to something less offensive and racist.
K: No, we have to collect and report based on the definitions we are provided. If you want that changed, I suggest you contact the federal agency that issues the requirements.
S: So you're telling me you refuse to remove this racist and demeaning label for our participants? Is this what you're telling me? Do I need to speak with your boss?
K: Well, I own the company so the buck stops here. And unless we're directed by the feds to make a change to that field, it has to stay as it is.
S: I DEMAND that you change this label. It's RACIST. There is different terminology available to you that does not carry this derogatory racist stigma. For example, you could just change it to SNAP, and everyone would know what that means without the racism.
K: I'm sorry, what?
S: SNAP! It's what Food Stamps is now called. Because the term Food Stamps has deeply RACIST overtones.
K: There's nothing we can do. The term is required. Take it up with the federal agency that requires it, we have to move on.
S: Oh, I will.
So USING food stamps is not racist, but CALLING it food stamps is.