Worthless statistics. 97% do not agree with the fear mongering.
Even if they did?
99.9% of the worlds best scientific minds once agreed the world was flat.
95% endorsed leeching.
100% of the 97% (eleven eighths for the challenged) are clearly idiots with no historical perspective. Their assumptions are flawed and the height of human arrogance.
It isn't happening. Period.
Based on what? Your scientific research, that is clearly superior?
If 95% endorsed leeching, at the time, it was the best science available. Science changes by its very nature. Doesn't mean it's complete hogwash. To think so is to have a limited understanding of the scientific process. Science is the best knowledge that we have,
until a breakthrough comes along. If you want to disprove the scientific community's consensus, then come up with a different theory. If it has merit, the scientific community will embrace it. However, you're not a scientist, and therefore have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Find me one climate scientist that thinks there is no such thing as climate change whatsoever. 97% think
we're responsible.
Everyone believed the world was flat, until the point that science determined that it was not. Having the belief that science is gobbledy gook is
exactly like those that believed the earth was flat, even after the scientific community proved otherwise. You are the flat earth society.
I seriously don't understand this stubborn refusal of reality. Is it a religious thing? Purely political? You can't admit that you were the wrong side of an argument you were probably having for 35+ years? What are you losing by acknowledging solid, scientific fact is not hocus-pocus?