I get your point.
Polarizing politics (on both sides) is going to be our fall of Rome.
Fox News on the right which bred MSNBC on the left and crazy assed blogs and radio hosts in between have dumbed down America into parrots that regurgitate their manufactured outrage over the dumbest shit, and meanwhile it has become impossible for anyone in Washington to get anything done whatsoever, because anything positive for the country is considered a negative to whatever party is not in office. People cheer for their "team", not for a second considering the other side of the argument because it would be perceived as "weak", or "giving in" to "the enemy".
(Poorly formulated metaphor ahead, bare with me.) It's like Auburn and Alabama fans. No compromise, no grey area. The difference is, there's no harm done to the real world when I'm a homer that blindly believes my football team can do no wrong, and the other guy is incapable of anything not saturated with corruption so I want to see them fail miserably at everything they do. Our country suffers when people do the same with their political parties.
Whichever party is not in office wants the country to implode because they are more loyal to their political party than their country. They want to be able to say "I told you so, and it's the President's fault."
Take for example,
this latest "strike" issued by Tea Party NationI, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.
I hereby declare that my job creation potential is now ceased.
That's patriotism?
Most of you will roll your eyes at this, but if you talked to me in 2003, you would have thought I was Sean Hannity because I was consistent on this same point. The President has our country's best interest in mind no matter how badly you want to paint him as a baby-eating Hitler monster. No one pissed me off worse at the time than the Cindy Shehans and Michael Moores of the world. Many of Bush's stances on immigration, or policies such as No Child Left Behind were the kinds of policies that they should have loved. They were pretty liberal in nature. Yet, to them Bush was straight up Authoritarian. That's called compromising, and unfortunately, it gets you jack shit in politics these days. The people who should be happy about it are too blinded for their hatred for you to recognize it.
Same applies today. If you want to compare Obama to Hitler, that only makes since if you want to compare Islamic dictators to Jews. Osama Bin Laden - Dead. Moamar Qaddafi - Dead. Anwar al-Awlaki - Dead. Khalid Sheikh Mohammad - Facing a military commission in Guantanamo (which Obama never closed). Obama essentially won the War on Terrorism that Bush started, and now we can finally bring our troops home (with a victory). Can't you recognize that as a positive and make a level-headed statement such as "While I strongly disagree with his plan for health care reform, I really appreciate and support his foreign policy"? Does he
have to be the the pacifist, multilateralist, the American "apologist", the bad guy that can never do anything remotely positive?
To differ in opinion and express your discourse civilly is patriotic. To blindly refuse to compromise and spend more time hating the other guys and filibustering, the country suffers.
Did not plan on this rant to go on as long as it did. I suppose a simple "I get what you're saying THS" would have sufficed, but it spun in an entirely different direction than I intended.
Politics in general just piss me off nowadays.