Cause that's the problem with those Mexican immigrants. They're too damn educated. What we need is the a law that forces their children to grow up illiterate so that they're even more of a drain on society than their parents. their own country.
I'll tell you what we really need. We need to be extra-sensitive to these illegal immigrants and just ignore the fact that American citizens' education is depleting because we can no longer afford it.
I'll tell you what we really need. We need to keep telling the kids in Algebra that they have to share a textbook with another student because the county is literally too bottomed out to buy new ones. We need to tell teachers who have 35 kids in a room that there's no money to hire new teachers.
We need to ignore the fact that for every student enrolled, it costs the state $10k per year just to fund that student in the classroom.
And ignore the fact that at my school, we have 76 (as of the first week of school) illegal immigrant children in our school.
Since education is depleting in this country, I'll do the math for you - that's about $76,000 just at my school alone. $76k that isn't being repaid through taxes.
Sorry, but my sensitivity is shot. At this point, our country has to right the wrong it's committed to itself. We can't waste a generation of our own children just because we don't want to hurt an illegal immigrant's feelings.