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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Aubie16 on March 30, 2010, 08:41:53 AM

Title: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Aubie16 on March 30, 2010, 08:41:53 AM
EAST COBB - "I feel like a princess," Casey Carroll, 19, said as she walked to the limousine that was to take her to dinner and her prom at the Fox Theatre. Her mother clicked her camera every five seconds, looking for the perfect shot after an hour of staged photos. Casey Carroll, dressed in a floral gown she bought days after being asked to the prom last summer in the midst of her uncontrollable excitement, smiled as she turned to her mother and said what most teenage girls have said to their mothers at least once: "Mom, stop. You're embarrassing me."

But Casey Carroll was not like most girls at the Lassiter High School prom. She was not the prom queen, she was not looking forward to any big after-party, and she was ready to step out of her high heels before she even got into her limo. "When Casey was little, me and her father just thought she would probably never get to go to the prom, because we just weren't sure anyone would ask her," said Sue Ann Carroll, Casey Carroll's mother. "Not only is she getting to go, but she has two great dates. To see that, and to see her so happy, I can't tell you how much that means to us." That's because Casey Carroll, full of laughter, jokes and smiles, was born with Down Syndrome. And as much love as Casey Carroll gives, she receives even more.

"She's my girl," Casey Carroll's brother, Kevin Carroll, said as he stood near his sister, dressed in his tuxedo. Kevin Carroll is a junior offensive lineman at Auburn University, and has always had a close relationship with his little sister, even giving up his free afternoons as a Lassiter student to sit with her at lunch. "I can honestly say knowing her has made me a better person. She's waited so long for this, I'm just really happy for her."

Kevin Carroll would have taken his sister to her prom, without any hesitation. No need, though, as she had a date most Lassiter girls would have loved to have. Philip Lutzenkirchen, a former Lassiter and current Auburn football star, told Casey Carroll he would take her to her prom last father's day, as the Lutzenkirchen and Carroll families celebrated the holiday together. The two families have been close ever since Kevin Carroll and Lutzenkirchen became friends as Lassiter football teammates.

"Casey was just upset talking about it because she said she wanted to go to prom but probably wouldn't get to because no one would invite her. So Philip told her he didn't get to go to his prom, so he'd be happy to come back from school and take her," Sue Ann Carroll said. "I pulled him to the side later and just said that was sweet but he didn't have to do that, but he was insistent and said he would be happy to."

Kevin Carroll also came back to his home town to travel with Casey Carroll to her prom with Lutzenkirchen's sister, Ann, as his date. But the weekend was not short of drama, as Casey Carroll had a reaction to a medication on Friday and broke out in hives, head to toe, with a 102 degree fever. She spent Friday in tears, afraid she would not be able to have her dream day on Saturday as Sue Ann Carroll took her to two different doctors, desperately searching for help.

Luckily, with a combination of new medicine, love and prayers, Casey Carroll was well enough to have her day in the limelight. But Lutzenkirchen was not as lucky, when he received a concussion during Auburn's Saturday morning football scrimmage. After visiting the doctor, it was apparent he would not be feeling well and would not make it in time for photos, but that did not stop him from coming.

"I told her I would take her, so I'm going to do that," Lutzenkirchen said, as he traveled from Auburn to Marietta on Saturday evening.
"We just have a special relationship. She makes me crack up, and she has that gift where she just lights everyone up. She deserves a great prom."

And even though Lutzenkirchen was not able to make the photo session, Casey Carroll had another date as 25-year-old Chris Melka, the son of her life-long swim coach Barbara Melka, got his hair cut and dressed in his tuxedo on an hour's notice to be Casey Carroll's stand-in. He held her hand as she walked from one photo location to another, telling her she looked beautiful.

"Casey's one of the most popular kids in the school. The teachers, students, everyone will tell you that," Tommy Carroll, Casey Carroll's father and a football coach at Lassiter, said. "I'll take her to Publix every Sunday and they all know her and love her. Everyone loves Casey. She's hard not to love."

Tommy and Sue Ann Carroll said the entire Lassiter community has come together to support their daughter on her big day. The parents wanted to get her a limousine for her big night, but were disappointed when they found out it would cost a staggering $900.

So when Kyle Cooper of Property Masters and Corey Agee of the law firm Agee Fisher Barrett found out that Casey would not be going to the prom in a limo like many of the other prom attendees, they pitched in with other Lassiter alumni to pay for her limo, as well as flowers and a dinner gift card.

Casey Carroll will graduate in May, after which her parents said they will expect her to get a job and pay rent for her room at their home. "We've raised her just like we've raised our other three kids," Sue Ann Carroll said. "But I have to say she's the least of our worries. She's taught us to be more patient, kind and accepting. We wouldn't be the people we are now without her." As the limousine pulled away, Sue Ann Carroll wiped her eyes and smiled. "She told me all day she's a woman now. But she's still my little girl."
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: djsimp on March 30, 2010, 08:59:36 AM
Cool story. Big Lutz gots a big heart.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Jumbo on March 30, 2010, 09:02:52 AM
Nice story!
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AuburnChopper 3.0 on March 30, 2010, 09:04:47 AM
Warm fuzzy moment.  :wartim:
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Godfather on March 30, 2010, 09:19:09 AM
I'm guessing she is fat or ugly...or both.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AUChizad on March 30, 2010, 09:23:08 AM
I'm guessing she is fat or ugly...or both.
Someone skimmed the article.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Godfather on March 30, 2010, 09:32:56 AM
Someone skimmed the article.
I did only skim it ...does she not have what you call the "social skills"?
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AUChizad on March 30, 2010, 09:43:42 AM
That's because Casey Carroll, full of laughter, jokes and smiles, was born with Down Syndrome.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Godfather on March 30, 2010, 09:48:33 AM
ahhh... foot n mouth = yummy

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AUChizad on March 30, 2010, 09:57:05 AM
ahhh... foot n mouth = yummy

I thought of this episode as I was reading the article as well.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Saniflush on March 30, 2010, 10:03:58 AM

foot n mouth = yummy

Fuckin' asshole.

Next thing you are gonna say you hated Corky.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Godfather on March 30, 2010, 10:07:29 AM
Fuckin' asshole.

Next thing you are gonna say you hated Corky.
He was a ginger
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AUsweetheart on March 30, 2010, 10:11:25 AM
I have never had a warm and fuzzy so spectacularly ruined.

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: War Eagle!!! on March 30, 2010, 10:21:28 AM
The x defined...

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Saniflush on March 30, 2010, 10:26:30 AM
The x defined...

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: GH2001 on March 30, 2010, 10:44:48 AM
good read... :vn:
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Snaggletiger on March 30, 2010, 10:52:23 AM
Excellent read.  Frutzenschlongen is a good egg.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: eagleair89 on March 30, 2010, 11:06:55 AM
ok, now that all the "awwww aint that sweets" are out of the way, on to more important things......

Lutz's concussion......... how serious? Is he going to be another in a long line of potential superstars that never makes it due to injury? (ie concussion prone)...how much practice will he miss?  what is his long term prognosis?

What is Auburn's current depth at TE look like?  If he is out for a while that aint good.......

Come on guys, we need more details and some follow up to the seriousness of this situation........phuck prom...skipped mine, cut grass all day instead and made a butt load of money that was not blown on some flusie.

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AWK on March 30, 2010, 11:10:15 AM
ok, now that all the "awwww aint that sweets" are out of the way, on to more important things......

Lutz's concussion......... how serious? Is he going to be another in a long line of potential superstars that never makes it due to injury? (ie concussion prone)...how much practice will he miss?  what is his long term prognosis?

What is Auburn's current depth at TE look like?  If he is out for a while that aint good.......

Come on guys, we need more details and some follow up to the seriousness of this situation........phuck prom...skipped mine, cut grass all day instead and made a butt load of money that was not blown on some flusie.

In his own words, it does not appear to be that serious.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: eagleair89 on March 30, 2010, 11:20:13 AM
In his own words, it does not appear to be that serious.

good to hear.....hope it does not become a chronic issue with the young man.

thanks for the follow-up

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Tiger Wench on March 30, 2010, 12:25:26 PM
I got all verkelmpt... seriously.  I sniffled.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: jadennis on March 30, 2010, 01:55:37 PM
This story reminds me of how we define "blessings" in our lives.  Our definition of a blessing and God's definition are (as should be expected, since we're not God) often different.

"Oh what a blessing to win the lottery!"  But then you don't have to work, so you have too much free time.  You get into strip clubs and porn, then an affair.  Then your wife leaves you.  Your kids, which now blame you for breaking up the family, don't talk to you, and don't need to since they have money of their own and need you for nothing.  Your brother blows through the money you gave him, comes back for more, then hates you when you don't pay for all his debts and buy him a new car (like you did for your wife's brother).

So?  Blessing?  Or curse?

I'm sure that family wasn't thinking "oh what a blessing" when they found out their child had downs syndrome.  But now?  I'm sure they would all tell you she is the biggest blessing they've had in their lives.  And it's one they would never have asked God for.  But He knows.  It's quite the challenge to see things the way He does.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: eagleair89 on March 30, 2010, 02:19:34 PM

"Oh what a blessing to win the lottery!"  But then you don't have to work, so you have too much free time.  You get into strip clubs and porn, then an affair.  Then your wife leaves you.  Your kids, which now blame you for breaking up the family, don't talk to you, and don't need to since they have money of their own and need you for nothing.  Your brother blows through the money you gave him, comes back for more, then hates you when you don't pay for all his debts and buy him a new car (like you did for your wife's brother).

Since I dont work, am already into porn & strippers and with a gazzillion dollars can pay the wife off and  I can go play (God mints new good looking 20 year old gals every damn day), the kids already think I'm nuts and its not too hard to make more (see above about strippers and money), I dont have a brother, my wife's brother is an ass and in general I do not give a tinkers toot about what other people think...............

can I just go ahead and get my lottery blessing now?......please.


ps: Hope God waits til the lottery is around the $200 mil mark before my "blessing" is bestowed....be down right cruel and depressing to win the blame thing when it is only around $20-$25 million...... :poke:
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Saniflush on March 30, 2010, 02:25:50 PM
This story reminds me of how we define "blessings" in our lives.  Our definition of a blessing and God's definition are (as should be expected, since we're not God) often different.

"Oh what a blessing to win the lottery!"  But then you don't have to work, so you have too much free time.  You get into strip clubs and porn, then an affair.  Then your wife leaves you.  Your kids, which now blame you for breaking up the family, don't talk to you, and don't need to since they have money of their own and need you for nothing.  Your brother blows through the money you gave him, comes back for more, then hates you when you don't pay for all his debts and buy him a new car (like you did for your wife's brother).

So?  Blessing?  Or curse?

I'm sure that family wasn't thinking "oh what a blessing" when they found out their child had downs syndrome.  But now?  I'm sure they would all tell you she is the biggest blessing they've had in their lives.  And it's one they would never have asked God for.  But He knows.  It's quite the challenge to see things the way He does.

You have made me see the error of my ways.

<leaves to purchase lottery tickets>
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Snaggletiger on March 30, 2010, 02:33:30 PM
I bought some Georgia Powerball and Florida Lotto tix this weekend while I was there.  Obviously since I'm communicating with you fuckers today...I didn't win.  Don't play, it's a scam.

A guy comes home and obviously in the best mood ever. The wife asks, "What's the occasion, honey".

"Pack your bags baby, I just won the lottery...WOOOHOO.."

"That's incredible dear.  Where are we going, Paris, Rome, Hawaii..?"

No, no..you don't understand. I said pack your bags...I just won the lottery.

Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: GH2001 on March 30, 2010, 03:16:05 PM
I got all verkelmpt... seriously.  I sniffled.

I thought you were Jenny.....apparently this is Linda Richman.

Discuss amongst ya sleves....
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Tiger Wench on March 30, 2010, 04:10:56 PM
I thought you were Jenny.....apparently this is Linda Richman.

Discuss amongst ya sleves....
Jenny was my nom de plume from that place which shall not be named.  I do not go by that name any longer.  In fact, Taylor is the only person who still calls me Jenny.  Has he been pillow talking again? 
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: jadennis on March 30, 2010, 04:23:29 PM

You have made me see the error of my ways.

<leaves to purchase lottery tickets>

Don't get me wrong, I have tickets in my pocket right now.  I didn't mean it CAN'T be a blessing, I just mean everyone automatically assumes being rich would be a blessing.  My point was that it often isn't.  (btw, I know you probably got all that).
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: AWK on March 30, 2010, 04:25:21 PM
Jenny was my nom de plume from that place which shall not be named.  I do not go by that name any longer.  In fact, Taylor is the only person who still calls me Jenny.  Has he been pillow talking again? 
Just because it's a sexy ass name.  I saw you befriend ole Vandy Vol.  haha
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: Tiger Wench on March 30, 2010, 04:36:02 PM
Just because it's a sexy ass name.
Yeah, it was pretty hot that one time you said it while you were moa... ahem, never mind.
Title: Re: Lutzenkirchen's a Good Kid
Post by: CCTAU on March 31, 2010, 11:12:35 AM
Fuckin' asshole.

Next thing you are gonna say you hated Corky.

Corky was great. He grew up learned how to pitch a baseball and spent years in the major leagues. He was one of my faves while with Atlanta. Not many people knew that he changed his name to Greg Maddox.