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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Saniflush on August 20, 2009, 12:49:34 PM

Title: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Saniflush on August 20, 2009, 12:49:34 PM

http://blog.al.com/birmingham-elections/2009/08/candidate_antwon_womack_says_h.html (http://blog.al.com/birmingham-elections/2009/08/candidate_antwon_womack_says_h.html)

Antwon Womack, candidate for District 6 on the Birmingham Board of Education, said at a news conference this afternoon that he will not drop out of the race after The Birmingham News reported that he lied about his age, education and residence while campaigning.   "My campaign is not based on a foundation of lies," Womack said today. "My values are not lies. It's just the information I provided to the people is false."

Womack admitted again today that he lied on both his campaign Web site and his Facebook page, which he also uses to campaign, by claiming he was 23 years old, graduated from West End High School in 2005 and received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Alabama A&M in 2009.

Records indicate Womack is 21 years old and dropped out of Wenonah High School in 2004 as a freshman. Student record databases at Alabama A&M show Womack was never a student at the university.

"I have been told not to drop out of the race," Womack said, but declined to say who told him that. "I apologize to District 6 voters for this. ... This here is not the end of the world."

When confronted with the discrepancies Monday, Womack admitted the embellishments and said he wanted to make himself look older and more dignified so voters would take him more seriously. At that time, he also admitted he didn't live in Birmingham's District 6, and said he instead lived in Fairfield.

Today, he said he did indeed live in Birmingham's District 6.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Aubie16 on August 20, 2009, 01:21:31 PM
The man certainly has command of the english language.

From a scholarship essay...

Why I Deserve a Scholarship to Attend
I believe that when resources are available for young professionals who are intersting and working to change there communities and states with one voice but many members to have move that voice, that they should take advantage of the opporunities that come to have more wisdom and knowledge as it relates to becoming an sucessful, strong minded,progressive, and hornest leader that we need for the new generation to come. The President of the United States have inspired many youth to become active in there local government and thats why I believe that I shoulod have the opporountity to go to the DFA National Convention in August

Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 20, 2009, 02:33:48 PM
Yeah...we need a few more hornest leaders here in Birmingham.  Larry Langford has set the bar too high, I fear though.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Kaos on August 20, 2009, 04:25:31 PM
The man certainly has command of the english language.

From a scholarship essay...

If I were grading that as the written component of the GED exam, it would receive a 1.  Lowest possible rating. 

This cat would fail the GED.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Tarheel on August 20, 2009, 05:52:31 PM
This guy can't even be honest about being a liar..."My values are not lies. It's just the information I provided to the people is false."  Then you are a liar.

Sounds like he ought to fit in well in the world of politics...should I venture to guess which party he affiliates or caucuses with?  He must be a Republican...or, perhaps, a Libertarian?  Constitutional Party, maybe?

Apart from that I can't imagine a more incongruous office for him to run for election based on his lack of edumacation.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Townhallsavoy on August 20, 2009, 07:57:40 PM
I bet he gets elected. 
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Pell City Tiger on August 20, 2009, 08:22:48 PM
In amongst the hilarious comments on the FARK.com thread about him are a couple of links to campaign sites of his. In these, he calls himself Dr Antwon Womack and Bishop Antwon Womack.

I am going to start referring to myself as President Emperor Supreme Leader King.

Birmingham and this ignorant asshole were made for each other.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 20, 2009, 10:20:26 PM
Now he lied about backing out of the race?!?
How the hell do you miss your own press conference?

http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2009/08/school_board_candidate_antwon.html (http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2009/08/school_board_candidate_antwon.html)

School board candidate Antwon Womack misses scheduled news conference
Posted by Marie Leech -- Birmingham News August 20, 2009 3:35 PM
Categories: Breaking News

Birmingham Board of Education candidate Antwon Womack, who had called a news conference for 3 p.m. to announce his withdrawal from the race, had not arrived at the West End Public Library as of 3:45.


Womack, who was seeking the District 6 school board seat, said earlier today that he would announce his withdrawal from the race at the news conference.

"This race has just gotten to be too much for me," Womack said.

The Birmingham News reported Tuesday that Womack had lied about his age, education and residence while campaigning.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Tarheel on August 21, 2009, 12:51:08 AM
In amongst the hilarious comments on the FARK.com thread about him are a couple of links to campaign sites of his. In these, he calls himself Dr Antwon Womack and Bishop Antwon Womack.

I am going to start referring to myself as President Emperor Supreme Leader King.

Birmingham and this ignorant asshole were made for each other.


I bet he gets elected. 

Of this I have no doubts.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: BZ770 on August 21, 2009, 05:06:43 PM
And African americans wonder why people stereotype them.  This guy lied trying to get an easy way out.  Same excuse people use for running whores and drugs, saying they are just doing it to get out of the system.  You don't have to be a product of your environment, but watch out I bet he gets elected.
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Thrilla on August 21, 2009, 06:12:30 PM
The man certainly has command of the english language.

From a scholarship essay...

I just keep going over and over it, again and again...and I'm still only seeing one period.

Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Buzz Killington on August 26, 2009, 02:26:08 PM
Sorry guys, but the right reverend Dr. Bishop Womack didn't win last night.

http://blog.al.com/archiblog/2009/08/archibald_every_election_needs.html (http://blog.al.com/archiblog/2009/08/archibald_every_election_needs.html)
Archibald: Every election needs an Antwon
Posted by John Archibald -- The Birmingham News August 26, 2009 5:00 AM
Categories: Breaking News

Oh, for an Antwon Womack in every Birmingham election.

You remember Womack, right? He ran for that District 6 seat on the school board. He and his wife -- Morgan Fairchild.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Sure, there were more important races in Tuesday's city elections.

Council President Carole Smitherman seemed destined for a runoff, while incumbents Carole Duncan and Johnathan Austin trailed early. Councilman Steven Hoyt slugged through a fight, while Joel Montgomery just took it on the chin.

But all that was nothing compared to Womack. In his on-again, off-again, who-knows-if-it's-on-or-what campaign, more than 100 people actually voted for him.

Yeah, that's the ticket

Amazing, considering his campaign was built on lies and fabrications, that his resume was padded fluffier than an asylum cell.

So he was a ninth-grade dropout, and not the doctor he pretended to be. So what?

Because every Birmingham election needs an Antwon Womack.

Not just to scare reasonable people into voting. Not because of vote-for-the-worst chadenfreude. Not even for the pure sport of Womackian word-melding.

Without Womack, we wouldn't know the word "strutinate," or "co-organizator," or even "inbark."

But that's not it. In Birmingham, we need Antwon Womack for better reasons.

Because in Birmingham, we tend to look the other way when we come across people such as Womack, even though they make up a sizable chunk of our population.

Womack gave them a face.

He did it badly, for sure. He did it dishonestly. But in his ineptitude and desperation, he told us more eloquently than any scholar what happens to those who fall through the cracks.

Womack failed himself. But the city's education system failed him, too.

And the failure continues.

Just about one in five adults in Birmingham -- more than 27,000 people in all -- has no high school diploma, according to the Census Bureau. Better than 7,800 have even less schooling than Womack.

Such failure has consequences. As police Chief A.C. Roper has said, failure to graduate leads to crime, to poverty, to hopelessness and a vicious cycle.

We know it, yet we continue, like Womack, to fail. We look the other way.

Cities such as Nashville built adult high schools to put dropouts on track, but Birmingham schools have no meaningful adult education at all. The system no longer offers GED programs for people such as Womack. They refer those who want to try again to Lawson State or Jeff State.

There are reasons, sure. Money, lack of interest. The city has its hands full with kids who do stay in school. They are many reasons to look away.

That's why Birmingham needs Antwon Womack, right in our faces. We look into his eyes, and see only our shortcomings.

John Archibald's column appears Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Write him at
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: GH2001 on August 28, 2009, 12:04:25 PM
If I were grading that as the written component of the GED exam, it would receive a 1.  Lowest possible rating. 

This cat would fail the GED.

Yeah, but I bet his has "visions" of hope and change.

Yes HE CAN! Bwahahahahaha
Title: Re: Candidate Antwon Womack is stayin in da race.
Post by: Kaos on August 28, 2009, 03:27:15 PM
Sorry guys, but the right reverend Dr. Bishop Womack didn't win last night.

http://blog.al.com/archiblog/2009/08/archibald_every_election_needs.html (http://blog.al.com/archiblog/2009/08/archibald_every_election_needs.html)

FUCK Archibald.  The fucking system didn't fail Womack.  It's not the fault of the Birmingham City Schools or Lawson or Jeff State. 

When I look in the eyes of Anton Womack I see a motherfucking DUMBASS.  He had opportunity. The GED classes are right there for the taking and are free. He didn't have to fucking drop out of school. 

Fuck him. 

He is not my motherfucking responsibility.  If you lead the horse to water and it does not drink are you at fault?  NO!  It's the dumbass horse.  You can't cram education down the throats of the Anton Womack's of the world.  Those ignorant motherfuckers have to avail themselves of what's out there. 

Fuck him.  And Fuck Archibald for writing this ridiculous shit.