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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Tarheel on June 29, 2009, 03:38:59 PM

Title: Nuclear Deterrence in an Age of Nuclear Arms Proliferation
Post by: Tarheel on June 29, 2009, 03:38:59 PM
I'd written a few days ago under the Topic "Iran and Beyond" about my concerns in part regarding Nuclear Arms proliferation and keeping this type of weaponry out of the hands of the mad mullahs (http://www.tigersx.com/forum/index.php?topic=5956.0 (http://www.tigersx.com/forum/index.php?topic=5956.0)).

Today I read this very alarming article about the reluctance and even complete opposition of The ONE to update and maintain our nuclear arms in this age where we are going to be needing them as a deterrence more than ever since the end of the Cold War.  To put it bluntly this fucking idiot and his peacenik, socialist friends want to do everything they can to disarm the good ole' USA of our Nuclear Weapons (while we've got North Korea threatening us and our allies in addition to the real danger of nuclear weapons in the hands of the mad mullahs who won't think twice about using them).  And while The ONE's 2010, 1.3 TRILLION Dollar budget has a lot of spending for social schemes; there's apparently no spending for nuclear maintenance.

At any rate, Jon Kyl and Richard Pearle posted this commentary (see excerpts following) on The Wall Street Journal today, a bit timely and worrisome (as if we didn't have enough to concern us...Cap and 'Tax', Nationalized Healthcare, Bailouts, Inflation, Jobs, Russkies threatening Georgia again, ...), all emphasis is my own:

Our Decaying Nuclear Deterrent
The less credible the U.S. deterrent, the more likely other states are to seek weapons.
[29 June 2009]

A bipartisan congressional commission, headed by some of our most experienced national security practitioners, recently concluded that a nuclear deterrent is essential to our defense for the foreseeable future. It also recommended that urgent measures be taken to keep that deterrent safe and effective.

Unfortunately, President Barack Obama has adopted an agenda that runs counter to the commission's recommendations.

Consider the president's declaration, in a major speech this spring in Prague, of "America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." Will such a world be peaceful and secure? It is far from self-evident.

In the nuclear-free world that ended in 1945 there was neither peace nor security. Since then there have indeed been many wars but none has come close to the carnage that occurred regularly before the development of nuclear weapons, and none has pitted nuclear powers against each other.

Consider also that while the administration accepts the urgency of halting the spread of nuclear weapons, the policies it has embraced to reach that goal are likely to make matters worse.

Thus, in his Prague speech, Mr. Obama announced that the U.S. would "immediately and aggressively" pursue ratification of the comprehensive ban on the testing of nuclear weapons. The administration believes, without evidence, that ratification of the test-ban treaty will discourage other countries from developing nuclear weapons.

Which countries does it have in mind? Iran? North Korea? Syria? Countries alarmed by the nuclear ambitions of their enemies? Allies who may one day lose confidence in our nuclear umbrella?
Robert Gates, who is now Mr. Obama's own secretary of defense, warned in a speech last October that in the absence of a nuclear modernization program, even the most modest of which Congress has repeatedly declined to fund, "[a]t a certain point, it will become impossible to keep extending the life of our arsenal, especially in light of our testing moratorium." Suppose future problems in our nuclear arsenal emerge that cannot be solved without testing? Would our predicament discourage nuclear proliferation -- or stimulate it?
For the foreseeable future, the U.S. and many of our allies rely on our nuclear deterrent. And as long as the U.S. possesses nuclear weapons, they must be -- as Mr. Obama recognized in Prague -- "safe, secure and effective." Yet his proposed 2010 budget fails to take the necessary steps to do that.

There are some who believe that failing to invest adequately in our nuclear deterrent will move us closer to a nuclear free world. In fact, blocking crucial modernization means unilateral disarmament by unilateral obsolescence. This unilateral disarmament will only encourage nuclear proliferation, since our allies will see the danger and our adversaries the opportunity.

By neglecting -- and in some cases even opposing -- essential modernization programs, arms-control proponents are actually undermining the prospect for further reductions of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. As our nuclear weapons stockpile ages and concern about its reliability increases, we will have to compensate by retaining more nuclear weapons than would otherwise be the case. This reality will necessarily influence future arms-control negotiations, beginning with the upcoming Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty follow-on.

For these negotiations, the Russians are insisting on a false linkage between nuclear weapons and missile defenses.  They are demanding that we abandon defenses against North Korean or Iranian missiles as a condition for mutual reductions in American and Russian strategic forces.
If we were to approach zero nuclear weapons today, others would almost certainly try even harder to catapult to superpower status by acquiring a bomb or two. A robust American nuclear force is an essential discouragement to nuclear proliferators

Please read the entire article if you have the time:
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124623202363966157.html#printMode (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124623202363966157.html#printMode)
Title: Re: Nuclear Deterrence in an Age of Nuclear Arms Proliferation
Post by: AUTiger1 on June 29, 2009, 04:02:19 PM
Jesus!  "The Gipper has to be rolling over in his grave........

I mentioned something back in the fall to some Democrats socialist that I know, about a video that was out of Obama talking about cutting funding to Missile Defense, Future Combat Systems, and downsizing our nuclear arsenal.  I asked point blank, with as many countries who have nukes and those who are trying to require them do you think that is a bad idea to cut spending in those areas.  I was told by several that "Neo" was smarter than that and he would leave that stuff alone and that we will have a stronger military than we have had in years under his presidency...... :jaw:

Have yet to see how that is going to happen.
Title: Re: Nuclear Deterrence in an Age of Nuclear Arms Proliferation
Post by: Tarheel on June 29, 2009, 04:12:28 PM
Jesus!  "The Gipper has to be rolling over in his grave........

I mentioned something back in the fall to some Democrats socialist that I know, about a video that was out of Obama talking about cutting funding to Missile Defense, Future Combat Systems, and downsizing our nuclear arsenal.  I asked point blank, with as many countries who have nukes and those who are trying to require them do you think that is a bad idea to cut spending in those areas.  I was told by several that "Neo" was smarter than that and he would leave that stuff alone and that we will have a stronger military than we have had in years under his presidency...... :jaw:

Have yet to see how that is going to happen.

By magic.

Obama the 'Magic Negro'

The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.
By David Ehrenstein, L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.
March 19, 2007
AS EVERY CARBON-BASED life form on this planet surely knows, Barack Obama, the junior Democratic senator from Illinois, is running for president. Since making his announcement, there has been no end of commentary about him in all quarters — musing over his charisma and the prospect he offers of being the first African American to be elected to the White House.

But it's clear that Obama also is running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination — the "Magic Negro."

Link provided to the L. A. Times for the benefit of the Racial Content Moderator(s):

http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-ehrenstein19mar19,0,5335087.story (http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-ehrenstein19mar19,0,5335087.story)
Title: Re: Nuclear Deterrence in an Age of Nuclear Arms Proliferation
Post by: jesus on July 11, 2009, 10:18:21 AM

Jesus!  "The Gipper has to be rolling over in his grave........

I mentioned something back in the fall to some Democrats socialist that I know, about a video that was out of Obama talking about cutting funding to Missile Defense, Future Combat Systems, and downsizing our nuclear arsenal.  I asked point blank, with as many countries who have nukes and those who are trying to require them do you think that is a bad idea to cut spending in those areas.  I was told by several that "Neo" was smarter than that and he would leave that stuff alone and that we will have a stronger military than we have had in years under his presidency...... :jaw:

Have yet to see how that is going to happen.

"...those that are trying to require them?...." 


Really was a squirrel.  In fact, Really was a flying squirrel.

No, I get it.  I actually do.

You're afraid that the cuts in nuclear weapons spending programs that someone on a video you saw back in the fall is wrong.  Such cuts are gonna mean we're gonna have a weak military that can't stop the coming electrical fire. And several of the Socialist you talked to, that are smarter than HiM, told you that the master plan is this:  Neo's gonna fiddle while Ome burns.

Warning:  Poetic License has been taken in the above post.
Title: Re: Nuclear Deterrence in an Age of Nuclear Arms Proliferation
Post by: AUTiger1 on July 13, 2009, 11:54:34 AM

"...those that are trying to require them?...." 


Really was a squirrel.  In fact, Really was a flying squirrel.

No, I get it.  I actually do.

You're afraid that the cuts in nuclear weapons spending programs that someone on a video you saw back in the fall is wrong.  Such cuts are gonna mean we're gonna have a weak military that can't stop the coming electrical fire. And several of the Socialist you talked to, that are smarter than HiM, told you that the master plan is this:  Neo's gonna fiddle while Ome burns.

Warning:  Poetic License has been taken in the above post.

No, not really.  Requisition should have been the word used there.  Does that make you feel better?

No, I don't think you get it.

The person in the video that I watched in the fall wasn't of just someone, it was Obama himself saying that he was going to cut Missile Defense, Future Combat Systems and downsize our Nuclear Weapons Systems.  Do I think that is wrong?  Yes I do. Will it weaken our military? In the long run it will.  Do you think that China, Russia, and others will stop all research and development in new weaponry, missile defense and downsize their nuclear arsenals?  Right now, I honestly believe that we are the most powerful and advanced military in the world.  Start making the cuts as proposed by Obama and you gives others the chance to catch up with us.   So when others tell me that Obama is too smart to actually make those cuts and that we will have a stronger military than we have ever had.....pardon me, if I don't believe them or see anything he has done or is doing to make that possible.