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The Library => Haley Center Basement => Topic started by: boartitz on April 03, 2009, 09:34:15 AM

Title: Have Some Fun
Post by: boartitz on April 03, 2009, 09:34:15 AM
With this. Talk to random strangers about anything.

http://omegle.com/ (http://omegle.com/)
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Saniflush on April 03, 2009, 09:35:39 AM
I find it best to cuss them and let them know you don't like strangers.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: BloodTypeORANGEandBLUE on April 03, 2009, 12:16:24 PM
Excuse me, isn't what this board is about?

I try really hard not to actually talk to strangers.  I don't have a brain to mouth filter, so it usually ends bad.

I'm being asked to go to lunch today with a bunch of accountants.  I think I'll decline as most of my conversations end up with sex or my penis as topics.   that kind of stuff needs to stay within my circle of friends.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: boartitz on April 03, 2009, 12:57:13 PM
Stranger: ERVADOCE
You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: Do you smell something?
Stranger: where you form?
Stranger: no
You: Smells like something burning here
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: boartitz on April 03, 2009, 01:01:24 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wslijbeRZQs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wslijbeRZQs)
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Saniflush on April 03, 2009, 01:03:23 PM
A small sampling......

You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: ok so what is the deal with this
Stranger: dunno
Stranger: need to spend some free time
Stranger: lol
You: is the time free
Stranger: stop fucking my brains
Stranger: tell me about yourself
You: i don't do that.....
You: I make with the dookie love
Stranger: good
Stranger: continue

Taylor you should be all over this.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 01:05:56 PM
Here you go.

You: Hi
Stranger: hello
Stranger: wanna start a race war?
You: You're damn skippy I do!
You: Are we on the same team?
Stranger: Ok, lets start with the black people.
Stranger: Yeah i'm arabic...
You: Sweet
You: I'm Jewish
Stranger: Ok
You: Wait....
Stranger: But you are my foe?!
You: DIE
You: Fate has brought us together
Stranger: Yes that's true my brother.
You: My emotions are like a pretzel
Stranger: Ok..
Stranger: My are like a stewed bunny..
You: I like white meat
Stranger: ok
You:  So are we gonna do this race war or what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Buzz Killington on April 03, 2009, 01:09:24 PM
Here you go.

I swear I read that last week on here somewhere...
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 01:13:13 PM

You: Hi
Stranger: hii
You: I'm in prison
Stranger: hey welcome to mcdonalds can i take your order?
Stranger: want me to get you out of prision?
You: I need you to bust me out.
Stranger: get a little hammer and start chipping away at the wall
Stranger: then get a poster of a hot woman to cover it
You: They won't let me have a hammer
You: I have to use my penis
You: It takes a while
Stranger: oww good luck with that
You: Thanks
Stranger: i will help you if u want
You: Really?
Stranger: course
Stranger: anything for the person i love
You: That's hot
Stranger: thats love for ya
You: I should tell you that I am HIV Positive
Stranger: thats ok
Stranger: we didnt have sex
You: yet
You: So what time are you going to be here? 
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: 5-10 mins
Stranger: hold on my love
Stranger: i gotta tell u since uve been in prision
Stranger: ive put on a bit of weight
You: Awesome.  I'll fluff for you
Stranger: cool
Stranger: gotta go im coming
Stranger: xxx
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 01:36:45 PM
Damn, am I the only one having fun with this thing?

Stranger: rorschach?
You: I don't talk to strangers
You: Mommy told me not to
Stranger: iiiiiiiiiinteresting
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 02:08:22 PM
Ok, one more:

You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: I'm hungry
Stranger: good, me too, make me a sandwich
You: I'll make you a cockmeat sandwich
Stranger: sounds salty
You: It's actually a little sweet....go figure
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Thrilla on April 03, 2009, 02:10:47 PM
Stranger: wanna cyber?
You: absolutely.
Stranger: great!
Stranger: f/m?
You: does it involve any bodily fluids?
Stranger: of course.
You: excellent.  hang on, gotta unzip my pants.
You: OK.
Stranger: you go
You: OK, umm...I'm tickling my areola while fingering my poopie chute.
You: how does that make you feel?
Stranger: starting to make me wet
You: OK...
You: I'm defecating on my finger.
You: Shit.  Literally.
Stranger: thats nasty
You: I'm sorry let me clean that up.
You: OK your turn.
Stranger: rubbing my clit
You: Good thing you are because I never can seem to find it!  Rubbing my areola harder now.
Stranger: oh my gosh thats so sad
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Thrilla on April 03, 2009, 02:27:55 PM

Stranger: hi
You: hi.  I need some help.
Stranger: k
Stranger: tell me
Stranger: how can i help u
You: I'm trying to figure out if bleach is a better alternative than drano for making crystal meth.
Stranger: mmm...
Stranger: first let me ask you some questions
Stranger: have u accepted heathus christ?
You: who's that?
You: why are you yelling? tell me more.
Stranger: he is an epic struggle with Señor Bale over our very souls
Stranger: our SOULS
You: I sold my sold to a Wall Street Banker.
Stranger: omg :O
You: so...drano or clorox?
Stranger: i rly dont know sry
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 02:37:26 PM
You: Hi
You: You're a quiet one
Stranger: sorry at work
Stranger: bored
You: No problem
You: I'm at home
You: taking care of my kids
Stranger: lucky
You: not really.  my son keeps sucking my finger
You: I think he may be homosexual
Stranger: hahaahah
Stranger: prob
You: I hope so
You: I think you get a tax credit for having a gay kid
Stranger: really, nice i hope i have a bunch of gay kids
Stranger: but i don't think their father would be happy
You: Don't worry, I'm sure you will
You: Is daddy a homophobe?
You: Great - now my son is trying to unzip my pants
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 02:41:09 PM
Thrilla, it looks like I got the same person you were talking to earlier:

Stranger: no
You: I haven't even asked you anything
Stranger: ontd?
You: You're just like my girlfriend
Stranger: somehow i doubt that
You: You say No before I can ask you anything
You: Ask me something
Stranger: so ask me something
You: I asked you first
Stranger: u first
Stranger: so?
You: I'm quicker than you
Stranger: Okay, sigh.
Stranger: Are you familiar with...
Stranger: ONTD?
You: NO
Stranger: KERMIT BALE?
You: Is that Christian Bale's pet frog?
Stranger: GOOGLE IT.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Saniflush on April 03, 2009, 02:42:07 PM
I decided to take the SGA topic to some impartial stranger.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi. I have a question
Stranger: ok
You: should pot be legal?
Stranger: With restrictions, yes
You: what restrictions?
Stranger: Not using it while driving, pretty much same rules with alcohol
You: So smoking a dime on the way to a concert is ok as long as you are not driving?
Stranger: Sure
You: Does that apply to crack as well?
Stranger: I think crack is far too much dangerous to use period
You: Hypocrite
Stranger: How?
You: I want my high as well
Stranger: Drink energy drinks
Stranger: Same affect
You: Past them. Even ejaculation doesn't do it for me anymore
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Thrilla on April 03, 2009, 02:47:36 PM
Thrilla, it looks like I got the same person you were talking to earlier:


1.  heathus christ 
 After legendary actor Heath Ledger died, he came to be Heathus Christ. His followers attend the Church of Heathus Christ Ledger-Day Saints.

'Our Lord and Savior Heathus Christ came to be one day on ONTD. His disciples come from all walks of life for Heathus Christ shows all the light.'

"Heathus Christ! Don't do that again, you scared me!"
"My Dear Lord Heathus Christ, please save me from this life."

2.  Heathus Christ 
 Heath Ledger's fist name mixed with Jesus Christ. Used by his crazy fans to give an immortal and divine statut to the actor, since his death in January 2008.

Our Lord Heathus Christ diserves an Oscar for his performance as The Joker!

 :taunt:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=heathus%20christ (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=heathus%20christ)
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Saniflush on April 03, 2009, 03:03:42 PM
Dude, this is providing the most entertainment I have had this afternoon!

You: I hate random strangers
Stranger: I'm searching for sex
Stranger: get out of this site, moron
You: I like morons
Stranger: do you like to suck big cocks ?
You: If you want sex I can help
You: Slap some peanut butter on it and I'll send my poodles over.
Stranger: gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 03:13:55 PM
Here's a long one:

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: You know me
Stranger: how?
You: I'm Ashton Kutcher
Stranger: from punked?
You: Yep
You: I'm part owner of omegle
You: What brought you to our site?
Stranger: part owner?
Stranger: hows that
You: I'm a silent partner.
Stranger: tell me about it it sounds
Stranger: interesting
Stranger: tell me more
You: Basically I write the checks.  It's my buddy's site.  He runs it, and I fund it
Stranger: do you have a wikipedia article ?
Stranger: as the co-founder of omegle
You: I don't know, do I?
You: Thanks for participating, by the way!
Stranger: well it seems that omegle itself lacks a wikipedia article
Stranger: right now
You: Exactly
Stranger: this should be fixed ASAP
You: Do you mind if I assign you that task?
Stranger: such a massive site as omegle should not remain uncovered
You: You will be compensated
Stranger: not a problem first we must gather all the major
Stranger: newspaper articles
Stranger: covering omegle
Stranger: once thats done
Stranger: it will be easy to produce a top quality article
You: I like the structure you bring to the table
Stranger: oo oo what do you know
Stranger: I just checked
Stranger: wikipedia
Stranger: and it seems
Stranger: that Omegle was already created 3 times
Stranger: and then deleted 3 times
Stranger: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Omegle&action=edit&redlink=1
Stranger: see this link
You: Those rat bastards
Stranger: do you have Leif K-Brooks in your pocket?
You: Who doesn't?
Stranger: this site will be fucking huge
You: So do you want to get paid to write the Wiki article or should I move on?
Stranger: you know that right?
Stranger: sure
You: Cool.  How does $20 sound?
Stranger: cool
You: Get on it
Stranger: right awaz
Stranger: y
You: Since I am a silent partner, I don't want to see my name mentioned in the article.  Got it?
Stranger: right
Stranger: crystal clear
You: When you get finished, send the bill to this address:
You: Ooooooh I got you good
Stranger: right
Stranger: I never would have thought
You: Come on, I got you and you know it
Stranger: yes
Stranger: absolutely
You: I'm really Justin Timberlake
Stranger: no way
You: Ashton is my buddy
You: He's gonna freak when he finds this out!
You: Are you crying?  I didn't mean to get you so good.  I apologize.
Stranger: I am a little shaken
Stranger: by the experience
You: I'll give you front row tickets to a concert.  What area do you live?
Stranger: sec
Stranger: I am back
Stranger: so you will send the tickets?
Stranger: I live in
You: I will
Stranger: Brattleboro, Vermont, United States
You: I'm not going to be up that way for some time.
Stranger: please send them fast
You: I'll get you tickets to Hannah Montana though.
Stranger: im not a fan
You: I've been banging that on the side for a year or so.  Don't tell anyone b/c she's not legal yet.
Stranger: right you dont want to get caught with that shit
You: Sounds like you know from experience.
Stranger: I watch a lot of TV
Stranger: I watch dateline every day
Stranger: those ppl are disgusting
You: Tell me about it.  That Chris Hansen is the devil!
Stranger: chris hansen should really focus on gay ppl thats horribly disgusting as well
You: Right on. 
You: Lance Bass tried to fuck me in the ass when we were on tour with N-SYNC
You: I told him it was "Exit Only"
Stranger: good for you
Stranger: you told him off
You: Then he drugged my drink and raped me.  That's the real reason the band broke up.
You: You won't see that shit on Inside Edition
You: Have you ever been date-raped?
Stranger: right
You: It's no fun
Stranger: I cant say that I have
You: Good for you.  You better stay away from Lance Bass.  He'll date-rape you in a heartbeat.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 03, 2009, 03:20:17 PM
This shit is too much fun:

Stranger: RICK!?!??!
Stranger: RICK???
Stranger: RICK!!!!
You: It's me!
Stranger: It is?
You: Long time no see!!!!
Stranger: What kind of animal are you -_-
You: The kind that has a huge penis and fucks your mother
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Thrilla on April 03, 2009, 03:27:33 PM
Here's a long one:

It's gonna be hard to top that one.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ogre on April 04, 2009, 08:01:39 AM
This website is like a drug.  I can't quit it.

You: Hi
Stranger: I put on my robe and wizards hat
You: Sweet!
You: I have my septor
Stranger: asl?
You: 29/m/your mom's bedroom
You: You?
Stranger: dammit, when am I gonna find a chick to cyber with
Stranger: I thought I had one before
Stranger: but I was convinced she was a dude
You: Why don't you go out in the real world and try to find a real chick to fuck?
You: You can't be that ugly.
Stranger: been there done that
Stranger: this is just for shits and giggles
You: I'm really a female
Stranger: doubt it
You: You're making me wet
Stranger: sigh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Ranger12 on April 04, 2009, 10:59:30 AM
Loving Ogre's Ashton Kutcher discussion. Everybody knows that if it is not in wikipedia, than it can't be legit or trusted!
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: Catphish Tilly on April 06, 2009, 12:55:12 AM
hahaha, this thing is a fucking riot!

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yo yo!
Stranger: hola
You: que?
Stranger: nihongo yooku hanasemasen
You: si!
Stranger: aa hola
Stranger: español hablante?
You: why did i get stuck chatting with a mexican?
Stranger: xD
You: wtf language is that now
Stranger: im not mmexican, im chilean, conchetumadre
You: english motha fucka! do you speak it?!
Stranger: si
Stranger: !
You: i love chili
Stranger: i love bachelet
You: i love you
Stranger: i think we have a real connection!
You: i think it just moved...
Stranger: i love obama
You: yep.  definatly moved
You: you would.  all of south america is full of socialist swine
Stranger: xD
You: there u go again with this xD
You: xD
You: xD
You: xD
Stranger: xD!
You: i really like you
Stranger: means laughing
You: is something funny?
Stranger: when sombody writes xD, is like a face laughing
You: shut your face before i fuck it
Stranger: cant u see it?
Stranger: get rational plz
You: dont see it
Stranger: have u seen mordy?
You: i trust you tho
You: wtf is mordy
Stranger: he hasnt taken his glacoma medicine
You: ....
Stranger:  _/_____\_____________\____________/____\
>> |_______|_____________\__________|______|
>> |_______`._____________|_________|_______:
>> .\________|____________|_________\|_______|
>> _\_______|_/_________/__\\\___--___\\_______:
>> __\______\/_____--~~__________~--__|_\_____|
>> ___\______\_-~___________________~-_\____|
>> ____\______\_________.----------.________\|___|
>> ______\_____\______//_________(_(__>__\___|
>> _______\___.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/
>> _______/\_|___C_____)/__lost_\_(_____>__|_/
>> ______/_/\|___C_____)___the__|__(___>___/__\
>> _____|___(___C_____)\_game_/__//___/_/_____\
>> _____|____\__|_____\\_________//__(__/______|
>> ____|_\____\____)___`----___--'______________|
>> ____|__\______________\_______/__________/_|
>> ____|_____________/____|_____|__\___________|
>> ____|____________|____./______\___\__________|_
>> ___|____________/____..|_______|___\__________|
>> ___|___________/_____..\___/\___/_____|_________|
>> ___|__________/________|____|_______|_________|
>> __|__________|_________|____|_______|_________|
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Title: Re: Have Some Fun
Post by: The Prowler on April 06, 2009, 01:52:37 AM
Dude, this shit is fun....

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey?
You: Sup
You: Man, this one time at band camp
Stranger: omg
Stranger: what about it?
You: what you've been to the band camp too....
You: Anyway
Stranger: nope :D
You: the band director asked me
You: to play on the Rusty Trombone
You: 'course me being young and dumb
You: I did it
You: The dog didn't seem to like it that much
Stranger: lol
You: have you ever played the Rusty Trombone?
Stranger: that'd be freakkin if it was true XD
You: I've got pictures
Stranger: BS
You: I've got videos of it on the YouTube and RedTube
Stranger: That's nasty
You: You're telling me, I was the victim
Stranger: I'll bet, you liked it didn't you
You: Well.....
Stranger: youre sick man
You: Don't knock it if you haven't tried it

Your conversational partner has disconnected.