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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: JohnDeere on January 21, 2009, 08:33:10 AM

Title: Let's make history together
Post by: JohnDeere on January 21, 2009, 08:33:10 AM
http://www.kintera.org/cms.asp?id=682163&campaign_id=140932&tr=y&enString=hhRGQDUzKmKMI4PGLbIKLXOBJ9LzGHTqOSRKNbNKKhKKLZOFIoG&auid=4422746 (http://www.kintera.org/cms.asp?id=682163&campaign_id=140932&tr=y&enString=hhRGQDUzKmKMI4PGLbIKLXOBJ9LzGHTqOSRKNbNKKhKKLZOFIoG&auid=4422746)
From the desk of T. Boone Pickens

This is a day that makes America different from any other modern nation. For the 43rd time in our history, the power of the Presidency will be passed from one American to another - peacefully, respectfully and hopefully.

President Barack Obama has it within his power and his skills to lead America. He has set goals which are lofty, but within our grasp. He has promised to end oil imports from the Middle East, Africa and Venezuela within 10 years. That is a reachable goal.

The Pickens Plan New Energy Army is made up of Americans of every political stripe. This is beyond politics and I have every reason to believe President Obama will rise above politics to establish policies and ask for legislation which will embrace the pillars of the Pickens Plan.

I want to thank each one of you for your hard work leading up to this important day. Over the last 6 weeks alone, over 300 of you have signed up to lead District Groups and you have recruited over 20,000 new members to the Army. Every day I'm reading the op-eds you’re getting placed in your local newspapers and hearing about the meetings you're holding to discuss how you can do your part to make the Pickens Plan happen. I'm grateful for your hard work and glad to be a partner with you in this effort.

If we keep working straight through the first 100 days of the administration of President Obama, we will reach our goal of getting America on the path of energy independence.

-- Boone

It looks like Barry is about to be used by T.Boone.
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: AUTiger1 on January 21, 2009, 10:54:58 AM
http://www.kintera.org/cms.asp?id=682163&campaign_id=140932&tr=y&enString=hhRGQDUzKmKMI4PGLbIKLXOBJ9LzGHTqOSRKNbNKKhKKLZOFIoG&auid=4422746 (http://www.kintera.org/cms.asp?id=682163&campaign_id=140932&tr=y&enString=hhRGQDUzKmKMI4PGLbIKLXOBJ9LzGHTqOSRKNbNKKhKKLZOFIoG&auid=4422746)
It looks like Barry is about to be used by T.Boone.

T.Boone was probably a happy man on election night.  He has pushed his green energy plan for sometime now and "Neo" wants us to pursue green alternatives and it plays right into to T.Boone's hands.  T.Boone stands to make an even greater fortune than he has now.
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: War Eagle!!! on January 21, 2009, 11:01:48 AM
T.Boone was probably a happy man on election night.  He has pushed his green energy plan for sometime now and "Neo" wants us to pursue green alternatives and it plays right into to T.Boone's hands.  T.Boone stands to make an even greater fortune than he has now.

If a sucessful Pickens Plans means that Boone makes another 1000 life times of cash and that we do not have to depend so much on OPEC and other foriegn countries, I am all for it.

If someone is willing to invest private money into a plan like this, he deserves the rewards if it works...

With that being said, I don't know much about the plan and have no clue if it will work or not. BUT, I would rather see a private company invest money in a technology to test than this being regulated by a politically corrupt government with tax payers money...

That is capitalism...and America...at it's finest!
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: AUTiger1 on January 21, 2009, 11:25:42 AM
If a sucessful Pickens Plans means that Boone makes another 1000 life times of cash and that we do not have to depend so much on OPEC and other foriegn countries, I am all for it.

If someone is willing to invest private money into a plan like this, he deserves the rewards if it works...

With that being said, I don't know much about the plan and have no clue if it will work or not. BUT, I would rather see a private company invest money in a technology to test than this being regulated by a politically corrupt government with tax payers money...

That is capitalism...and America...at it's finest!

Here is the plan: http://www.pickensplan.com/theplan/ (http://www.pickensplan.com/theplan/)

and a good article on why it won't be sucessful:  http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5882292.html (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5882292.html)

I don't care if he makes trillions if we can do something, but I think his plan is a little more self serving than it is for the good of us.  The wind mills that he wants to build will only provide 22% of the energy that we use.  My problem with the natural gas to fuel cars is this, how expensive will a car then become and how are those that already struggle to make going to be able to afford another payment?

I think we need something comprehensive that includes, drilling and exploration of our own oil and natural gas, nuclear, nuclear more nuclear, and wind/solar.

If we were to lift the ban on nuke power we would get miles ahead.  It is safe. The spent fuel rods?  Well, American scientist have gone to France and helped them figure out a way to reuse the spent fuel, so they only have a 3% waste. If the damn French can become the worlds largest exporter of electricity, with the help of our scientist then I know that we can.  It is also cheap power and provides a lot good paying jobs.  Hell, convert all our rail systems from the nuke power to electric.  Creates more jobs converting our rail system, building electric trains, and we could do most of our shipping over the rail system and get a lot of big trucks off the road.  Saves fuel and road wear.  Could even travel on trains then, electric trains are a hell of a lot faster than anything we have besides planes.  Instead taking a 45 minute flight from H'ville to Atl, I could travel to Atl on train and be there in an hour and a half for a cheaper price than a plane ticket.

I think we need something that does recognize the need for alternatives, but also realizes that we can't just turn the spouts off and get off of petroleum for several more years.
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: JohnDeere on January 21, 2009, 12:40:58 PM

If we were to lift the ban on nuke power we would get miles ahead.  It is safe. The spent fuel rods?  Well, American scientist have gone to France and helped them figure out a way to reuse the spent fuel, so they only have a 3% waste.

I really didn't have a horse in this race until TVA dumped a few tons of coal ash into the Tennessee River a few weeks ago. So today, I'm all for nukes.
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: AUTiger1 on January 21, 2009, 01:55:41 PM
I really didn't have a horse in this race until TVA dumped a few tons of coal ash into the Tennessee River a few weeks ago. So today, I'm all for nukes.

Ahh, must have been clean up time at Colbert.  Funny that you mentioned coal ash.  A co-worker and I were talking today at lunch about the, or what seems to be high, rate of cancer in North Alabama and how many people believe it to be from Brown's Ferry.  I was reading an article by a doctor at UAB that was doing some research and he was led to believe that the reason for the high cancer rate in North Alabama, had to do with Colbert and Widow's Creek.  He believed that the coal they were burning and blowing out of the coal plants go straight up in the air, settles over a hundred mile radius or so and that it has no chance to escape the valley and that is what is causing the higher rates that he has noticed out of his patients. He said that both plants could easily cover the entire valley area.  Of course its all theory and it is his theory, but it sounds believable. 
Title: Re: Let's make history together
Post by: JohnDeere on January 22, 2009, 08:52:31 AM
Ahh, must have been clean up time at Colbert.  Funny that you mentioned coal ash.  A co-worker and I were talking today at lunch about the, or what seems to be high, rate of cancer in North Alabama and how many people believe it to be from Brown's Ferry.  I was reading an article by a doctor at UAB that was doing some research and he was led to believe that the reason for the high cancer rate in North Alabama, had to do with Colbert and Widow's Creek.  He believed that the coal they were burning and blowing out of the coal plants go straight up in the air, settles over a hundred mile radius or so and that it has no chance to escape the valley and that is what is causing the higher rates that he has noticed out of his patients. He said that both plants could easily cover the entire valley area.  Of course its all theory and it is his theory, but it sounds believable. 

I was initially speaking of the spill in Tennessee.

Interesting you bring this up. My grandfather and both of his brothers (my uncles) all passed away in a five year period after being diagnoised with various forms of cancer. All born/ raised and resided in Colbert County.
All three were strong/healthy, farm raised individuals. So I have speculated on a similar theory. One uncle did work for Browns Ferry and he would tell you he had been exposed to radiation. He would come home some mornings and throw his work clothes/work boots in the thrash and TVA would pay for his new work clothes/boots. So, it is no real big surprise there he contracted cancer. My grandfather worked many years at Robbins Tile. Before he died, he got pulled into a class action lawsuit with the asbestos they were using in floor tiles at Robbins back during the 1950s. (Sidenote: Harvey Robbins donated that property for the RTJ Golf Course in 2002. I guess that puts one back in good standing with the community after working a few thousand poor country folks to death).  So, I believe that asbestos lead to his cancer and significant other health problems. He also worked at Reynolds Aluminum for several more years and was burned a few times by molten metals, but overall it is said to be a safe place to work. But, you have to consider that less then two miles away the EPA shut down the Ford castings plant for "environmental" reasons. So, before we point fingers at the polution from one TVA coal plant; we have to look at all of industry in Colbert County, which doesn't exactly have a "clean" track record.

If you have ever wondered why District 5 of Alabama is hard core Democrat, despite the major defense spending happening in Madison County (Redstone). Somebody has to look out for the "little man". Sometimes, I almost feel it is my duty to vote Democrat.