Tigers X - Number one Source to Talk Auburn Tigers Sports

Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 08:52:24 AM

Title: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 08:52:24 AM
Heart's not in it.  Didn't watch a single second of any games.  Only saw maybe 15 minutes of the College Football Final show.  Watching horror movies instead.   Here are a few, though.

1. My neighbor.  5:45 Sunday morning. He's running some kind of loud power equipment in his yard. I think he's pissed because we had a Halloween movie night in my back yard Saturday. I turned off the speakers, and stopped it at 11:30 even though the third movie wasn't over. Moved it inside.  I don't know when he started running mowers and grinders, but it woke me up at 5:45. 

2. Chuck Schumer and the entire anti-American/anti-2nd Amendment crowd. Before the first body in the Maine shootings had been released to the family, these disgusting opportunists were pontificating about gun control. Morons. Cars don't kill people, drunk drivers behind the wheel do. But let's ban cars!  Knives don't kill people, savages behind the blade do. But let's ban knives! Using tragedies to advance their agenda is despicable.

3. North Carolina.

4. USC. That team is trash.

5. Dumbo Swinney.  He's chumping his way right out of favored son and Saban heir status.

6. Fly War Eagle. Whoever those guys are?  They're embarrassing. Floating the Swinney to AU as OC rumor? Floating the Bama QB transfers rumor? Stupid click baiters.

7. The Michigan video "scandal."  There's nothing there. Giant 'so what?'  Pretty obvious the NCAA, bitches that they are, didn't appreciate his or his team's response to the earlier sanctions so he's being targeted. I think they want him gone.

8. High school referees. I know it's al.communist, but this incomplete/complete decision on the final playof the game is lunacy. https://www.al.com/highschoolsports/2023/10/st-michael-downs-tr-miller-55-54-in-overtime-after-controversial-finish.html

9. South Carolina. They thought they were going to win the division. Blech.

10. Gus. Big raise and extension for a coach that's 0-5 in the conference and a week after almost upsetting Oklahoma, loses by double digits to West Virginia.

Also: My neighbor. Still running gas-powered equipment at 7:49 a.m. 

I won't be watching the NFL pre-game this morning so I won't be able to comment  on Hannah Storm's bag of dough knees.  I also resolved to stay off Hugh Freeze, but it's kind of frustrating/galling to hear "we're gonna try one quarterback so he won't feel afraid he's gonna be taken out" this far down the line. 

Must also add: The extended Jamie Lee Curtis dance scene in Prom Night (1980). It lasts what seems like half the movie and it's just.... terrible.  She's bad, but the afro-coiffed white dude who's her partner really doesn't do more than shrug his shoulders and make an ape face.   Sadly the dance sequences continue after Jamie waggles from the stage, and they include the absolute worst meatball - a bully caricature who looks 35 and borrowed directly from a Stephen King movie - wobbling around.  That's one of this movie's biggest faults. A cast that looks to be in its mid-30s playing 17.  Still, there are a lot of components you see here that were badly used and then reconstituted in other later films (like I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream for instance). 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: GH2001 on October 29, 2023, 09:21:38 AM
- fly war Eagle is garbage. But there is a xfer rumor with legit legs - Riley Leonard from Duke who is from K’s neck of the woods in fairhope.

- Michigan stuff is a nothing burger. All the egregious shit some programs have done over the years and this is some sort of big deal? No. They do not like harbawwlll and meat chicken.

- freeze rolling with one qb and his statement. I don’t disagree and I think we all know exactly what he means with that. If you have a qb always wondering when and if he will be yanked, they get zero confidence and zero rhythm. We’ve all begged and pleaded for him to roll with one for weeks and it finally happened. Much better. Not great but better. Think this was a hugh decision not Montgomery - who I think is behind a lot of the buffoonery we had seen in most games. I don’t think he is here past iron bowl. Would shock me if he was.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 29, 2023, 09:45:51 AM
Two things…

We’re getting Riley Leonard in time for the Alabama game?

Fuck you on the over generalized statement on high school officials, Kevin. Yes, that was a messed up play but for the most part, the only time high school officials get noticed is when they fuck up.  Do a year in any sport and get back with me.  The demonization of the group as a whole will eventually lead to no high school sports as my generation gets out of the game. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: GH2001 on October 29, 2023, 10:24:42 AM
Two things…

We’re getting Riley Leonard in time for the Alabama game?

Fuck you on the over generalized statement on high school officials, Kevin. Yes, that was a messed up play but for the most part, the only time high school officials get noticed is when they fuck up.  Do a year in any sport and get back with me.  The demonization of the group as a whole will eventually lead to no high school sports as my generation gets out of the game.

No the rumor is spring for him. Apparently recruits are being told there is a big time qb on the way. Some have done the math and concluded it may be Riley. Who knows. Would be great but I’ll believe it when I see it.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 10:34:24 AM
Two things…

We’re getting Riley Leonard in time for the Alabama game?

Fuck you on the over generalized statement on high school officials, Kevin. Yes, that was a messed up play but for the most part, the only time high school officials get noticed is when they fuck up.  Do a year in any sport and get back with me.  The demonization of the group as a whole will eventually lead to no high school sports as my generation gets out of the game.


Was a group demonized?  No. Those officials were.  And it was a terrible, game-changing call.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 10:35:46 AM
No the rumor is spring for him. Apparently recruits are being told there is a big time qb on the way. Some have done the math and concluded it may be Riley. Who knows. Would be great but I’ll believe it when I see it.

Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 29, 2023, 10:37:14 AM

Was a group demonized?  No. Those officials were.  And it was a terrible, game-changing call.

Apologies accepted.  Your statement was “High school referees”.  My bad for taking that as the entire group of AHSAA officials.  I am sure you can see my confusion. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 10:49:39 AM
Apologies accepted.  Your statement was “High school referees”.  My bad for taking that as the entire group of AHSAA officials.  I am sure you can see my confusion.

Good and bad in everything. There are some really crappy high school officials.  The ones calling that game really screwed up.  You can't rule it incomplete, get together and change your minds without replay, and then end the game.

Also know having called balls and strikes for a while for games that there's no worse job.  Parents, fans... they suck. Everything you do is going to piss off half of them. Or sometimes all of them.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 29, 2023, 11:03:12 AM
Apologies accepted.  Your statement was “High school referees”.  My bad for taking that as the entire group of AHSAA officials.  I am sure you can see my confusion.
I don’t know that his responses pass as an apology or suffice but whatever.

He has hurt a lot of feelings with these ass threads, all season long. I keep waiting for a picture of my ass.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 29, 2023, 11:12:45 AM
Two things…

We’re getting Riley Leonard in time for the Alabama game?

Fuck you on the over generalized statement on high school officials, Kevin. Yes, that was a messed up play but for the most part, the only time high school officials get noticed is when they fuck up.  Do a year in any sport and get back with me.  The demonization of the group as a whole will eventually lead to no high school sports as my generation gets out of the game. 
Still haven't seen Hannah's meaty knees nor do I care that there's no love for Harbaugh.

Never had a problem with officials... not in my short span of playing days nor as a lifelong casual fan have I personally witnessed any contest that has been ruined by excessively poor officiating.

I do get aggravated when a game begins and as many as four flags are thrown within the first half dozen plays. 

Crooked officials reside south of the border with a different brand of football.
It's  commonplace.

There were moments in the fourth quarter where situationally our offense looked to be playing not to lose which could have backfired although we were spared that frustration.


Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 11:23:10 AM
Still haven't seen Hannah's meaty knees nor do I care that there's no love for Harbaugh.

Never had a problem with officials... not in my short span of playing days nor as a lifelong casual fan have I personally witnessed any contest that has been ruined by excessively poor officiating.

I do get aggravated when a game begins and as many as four flags are thrown within the first half dozen plays. 

Crooked officials reside south of the border with a different brand of football.
It's  commonplace.

There were moments in the fourth quarter where situationally our offense looked to be playing not to lose which could have backfired although we were spared that frustration.

This was just one weird play.   Everything's a judgment when it comes to "having possession" but in real-time it looks pretty clear cut that the receiver never held on.  That was the call.  Then after they met, they overturned it.  THAT'S where I find fault.  Call was made by the official who was in position to make it. There's no replay.  What's the basis for overturning the ruling and ending the game? 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 29, 2023, 12:46:16 PM
I don’t know that his responses pass as an apology or suffice but whatever.

It’s as close as it gets.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 29, 2023, 12:47:52 PM
This was just one weird play.   Everything's a judgment when it comes to "having possession" but in real-time it looks pretty clear cut that the receiver never held on.  That was the call.  Then after they met, they overturned it.  THAT'S where I find fault.  Call was made by the official who was in position to make it. There's no replay.  What's the basis for overturning the ruling and ending the game?

I have a feeling Montgomery will weigh in. Those guys won’t be working the playoffs, fo sho. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 29, 2023, 12:57:51 PM
- fly war Eagle is garbage. But there is a xfer rumor with legit legs - Riley Leonard from Duke who is from K’s neck of the woods in fairhope.

1st round projection makes this highly unlikely. No interest from Haskins or Gus. A little from Pearl but Coach Cutcliffe knew.

As much as I would have loved to see it, I don’t think it makes sense at this point.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 12:59:16 PM
I have a feeling Montgomery will weigh in. Those guys won’t be working the playoffs, fo sho.

C'mon, dude.  Auburn's offensive coordinator wouldn't know a forward pass or a legitimate catch if it bit him on the sphinter and butt-whispered the answer to him.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 29, 2023, 01:05:16 PM
Still haven't seen Hannah's meaty knees nor do I care that there's no love for Harbaugh.

Never had a problem with officials... not in my short span of playing days nor as a lifelong casual fan have I personally witnessed any contest that has been ruined by excessively poor officiating.

I do get aggravated when a game begins and as many as four flags are thrown within the first half dozen plays. 

Crooked officials reside south of the border with a different brand of football.
It's  commonplace.

There were moments in the fourth quarter where situationally our offense looked to be playing not to lose which could have backfired although we were spared that frustration.
A happy medium is hard to find in officiating. I agree especially about an over abundance of flags but if they are warranted, then the stripes have no choice.

It’s the ticky tack calls, which are a matter of opinion and obviously subjective, that get me.

If an o lineman makes the jersey separate away in an obvious way even for a second, hooks a guy or tackles, flag his ass.

Blocking a little low? Fuck that noise. Unless he’s going for knees on a double team.

It’s becoming pussified. It already is by old timer standards.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 29, 2023, 01:58:50 PM
C'mon, dude.  Auburn's offensive coordinator wouldn't know a forward pass or a legitimate catch if it bit him on the sphinter and butt-whispered the answer to him.

Yeah, but he is very familiar with poorly executed trick plays and incomplete passes. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 29, 2023, 02:27:44 PM
Suddenly our receivers find open space when previously they seem to have been looking for a jogging partner. Very peculiar.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 29, 2023, 07:28:17 PM
Suddenly our receivers find open space when previously they seem to have been looking for a jogging partner. Very peculiar.

Maybe they see the Colorado Buffs are about to go on a hiring spree and want to burnish that stock. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snakebite on October 29, 2023, 07:48:04 PM
Maybe they see the Colorado Buffs are about to go on a hiring spree and want to burnish that stock.

You reckon we win out til Bama with a chance of 8-4? That first half offense was what I was expecting preseason. If Thorne & Co. streaks some performances like that together???  I’ll be so happy to be wrong about him. Winning again, no matter the competition, it feels good.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Buzz Killington on October 30, 2023, 09:08:21 AM
Suddenly our receivers find open space when previously they seem to have been looking for a jogging partner. Very peculiar.
Them boys been sandbagging PAAAAAAWWWL
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: GH2001 on October 30, 2023, 09:49:11 AM
You reckon we win out til Bama with a chance of 8-4? That first half offense was what I was expecting preseason. If Thorne & Co. streaks some performances like that together???  I’ll be so happy to be wrong about him. Winning again, no matter the competition, it feels good.

Hes out. Didn't watch a minute....so there will be no hot take here.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snakebite on October 30, 2023, 10:33:44 AM
Hes out. Didn't watch a minute....so there will be no hot take here.

I know. I’m too stubborn to give up on K enjoying wins with the rest of us.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 30, 2023, 11:13:56 AM
Where have these receivers been?
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snakebite on October 30, 2023, 11:59:50 AM
Where have these receivers been?

They’ve been open more than given credit for. We’ve been plagued by tunnel vision at qb, bad pass pro on the line, and have not attacked the middle of the field nearly enough, which makes it easier to progress through reads.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 30, 2023, 12:37:30 PM
They’ve been open more than given credit for. We’ve been plagued by tunnel vision at qb, bad pass pro on the line, and have not attacked the middle of the field nearly enough, which makes it easier to progress through reads.
Okay. Be interesting see what we get against Vandy, a weaker defense with less fight than State. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: GH2001 on October 30, 2023, 12:53:00 PM
They’ve been open more than given credit for. We’ve been plagued by tunnel vision at qb, bad pass pro on the line, and have not attacked the middle of the field nearly enough, which makes it easier to progress through reads.

State also played more soft zone, less press. That helped some.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snakebite on October 30, 2023, 01:34:29 PM
Okay. Be interesting see what we get against Vandy, a weaker defense with less fight than State.

Vandy will likely play their best game of the season vs Auburn. Just a prediction predicated on past meetings.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 30, 2023, 01:49:21 PM
Hes out. Didn't watch a minute....so there will be no hot take here.

This is true.  I did not watch a single moment of this game nor have I seen the first play, even online. Didn’t watch any of Georgia.  Don’t remember who all else we played. 

I’ve watched parts of other games dispassionately.  Have not watched an entire quarter of any game except LSU. A play or two here or there in some of the others.  Still love AU. Occasionally curious. Still adamantly opposed to what Freeze represents (on and off the field). 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 30, 2023, 02:41:28 PM
Occasionally curious.
Deep down, I knew it. He is still my friend and I stand behind him. Very closely behind him.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 30, 2023, 03:36:41 PM
The receivers were open because they finally did what I’ve been screaming about.  Yes, I’m taking credit for it.  Short routes, quick throws.  Get the ball out of Thorne’s hands quickly.  Slants, shallow crosses, tight end etc.  It was exactly what we ran the last two drives against Ole Miss.  Opens up everything else.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 30, 2023, 04:11:52 PM
The receivers were open because they finally did what I’ve been screaming about.  Yes, I’m taking credit for it.  Short routes, quick throws.  Get the ball out of Thorne’s hands quickly.  Slants, shallow crosses, tight end etc.  It was exactly what we ran the last two drives against Ole Miss.  Opens up everything else.
We all owe you a great deal of gratitude for stressing this to our offensive staff.
It's much better than being a decoy and or being easily shadowed by a defender.
It's actually offensive.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 30, 2023, 04:20:14 PM
We all owe you a great deal of gratitude for stressing this to our offensive staff.
It's much better than being a decoy and or being easily shadowed by a defender.
It's actually offensive.
He ain’t told nobody shit.

I don’t owe him a damn thing.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snakebite on October 30, 2023, 04:24:06 PM
He ain’t told nobody shit.

I don’t owe him a damn thing.

He’s raised your kids and hasn’t asked for one red cent! That’s worthy of some praise.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 30, 2023, 05:34:53 PM
He’s raised your kids and hasn’t asked for one red cent! That’s worthy of some praise.
And he did it all on a solicitor's salary. I could spare a few shillings.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 30, 2023, 05:46:03 PM
Fair points
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: War Damn Six on October 30, 2023, 07:33:38 PM
This is true.  I did not watch a single moment of this game nor have I seen the first play, even online. Didn’t watch any of Georgia.  Don’t remember who all else we played. 

I’ve watched parts of other games dispassionately.  Have not watched an entire quarter of any game except LSU. A play or two here or there in some of the others.  Still love AU. Occasionally curious. Still adamantly opposed to what Freeze represents (on and off the field).

You are still a Tiger. 

Should I bring up the opening paragraph to A Tiger Looks At 40.

Even if you are like 70 or so now.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: GH2001 on October 30, 2023, 09:36:57 PM
You are still a Tiger. 

Should I bring up the opening paragraph to A Tiger Looks At 40.

Even if you are like 70 or so now.

K is officially an old fart now. And admittedly can’t tell when it’s a wet fart. That’s a bad feeling.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Kaos on October 30, 2023, 09:44:07 PM
You are still a Tiger. 

Should I bring up the opening paragraph to A Tiger Looks At 40.

Even if you are like 70 or so now.

I am. And will always be.

I’m not changing teams or colleges. I’m just mostly out. 
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: CCTAU on October 30, 2023, 10:28:10 PM
The receivers were open because they finally did what I’ve been screaming about.  Yes, I’m taking credit for it.  Short routes, quick throws.  Get the ball out of Thorne’s hands quickly.  Slants, shallow crosses, tight end etc.  It was exactly what we ran the last two drives against Ole Miss.  Opens up everything else.

Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: jmar on October 31, 2023, 05:50:04 AM
Yeah how about that Snags? He claims to have solved the case of the missing wide receivers by using deductive reasoning. But fortunately we have WT to chronical the story and set the record straight.   
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 31, 2023, 09:40:22 AM
Yeah how about that Snags? He claims to have solved the case of the missing wide receivers by using deductive reasoning. But fortunately we have WT to chronical the story and set the record straight.

WT is a gay, Indian wrestler.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 31, 2023, 10:20:16 AM
Heard a U Free sound bite this morning, which kind of put a little different perspective on things from this past Saturday.  Somebody on here may have mentioned this already, but that doesn't matter, because I only read 32%, or 114/470th of everyone else's stuff.

U was asked about the change in play calling in the 2nd half, and he actually kind of called the reporters out.  He said, (Paraphrasing) I see what you guys write, and your opinions on how things went down in the second half. But do you know how many possessions we had in the 3rd quarter?  One! And what did we do with it?  We had a nice drive and got points out of it.

We had 3 possessions in the 4th quarter. The first one started at the 3 yard line, and we were up 3 scores.  He went on to talk about the other possessions and how deep in their own territory they were, the defense MSU was playing and the fact they were still up 2 scores at that point. Like a lot of people, I was scratching my head at them seemingly going into a shell, but it made sense.

They needed a win.  Period!
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: wesfau2 on October 31, 2023, 11:07:02 AM
Heard a U Free sound bite this morning, which kind of put a little different perspective on things from this past Saturday.  Somebody on here may have mentioned this already, but that doesn't matter, because I only read 32%, or 114/470th of everyone else's stuff.

U was asked about the change in play calling in the 2nd half, and he actually kind of called the reporters out.  He said, (Paraphrasing) I see what you guys write, and your opinions on how things went down in the second half. But do you know how many possessions we had in the 3rd quarter?  One! And what did we do with it?  We had a nice drive and got points out of it.

We had 3 possessions in the 4th quarter. The first one started at the 3 yard line, and we were up 3 scores.  He went on to talk about the other possessions and how deep in their own territory they were, the defense MSU was playing and the fact they were still up 2 scores at that point. Like a lot of people, I was scratching my head at them seemingly going into a shell, but it made sense.

They needed a win.  Period!

Not a Freeze guy /disclaimer

But as long as he lays off the Jesus hucksterism and speaks plainly, I like his answers in these PCs.  He  dodges or gives coach-speak at least half the time, but that's far less than his contemporaries.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: WiregrassTiger on October 31, 2023, 11:57:19 AM
Heard a U Free sound bite this morning, which kind of put a little different perspective on things from this past Saturday.  Somebody on here may have mentioned this already, but that doesn't matter, because I only read 32%, or 114/470th of everyone else's stuff.

U was asked about the change in play calling in the 2nd half, and he actually kind of called the reporters out.  He said, (Paraphrasing) I see what you guys write, and your opinions on how things went down in the second half. But do you know how many possessions we had in the 3rd quarter?  One! And what did we do with it?  We had a nice drive and got points out of it.

We had 3 possessions in the 4th quarter. The first one started at the 3 yard line, and we were up 3 scores.  He went on to talk about the other possessions and how deep in their own territory they were, the defense MSU was playing and the fact they were still up 2 scores at that point. Like a lot of people, I was scratching my head at them seemingly going into a shell, but it made sense.

They needed a win.  Period!
He was talking about people like you.

He was being tactful but let me translate what he said, for you.

Basically, shut the fuck up. You don’t know what in the fuck you’re talking about, bitch.

But Hugh is a better Christian. That’s what he means. I don’t think you should take it personal.
Title: Re: Things that are ass - Nein
Post by: Snaggletiger on October 31, 2023, 03:38:37 PM
Things that are also included in the ass category.  Michigan's schedule.  Funny how everyone has been harping on Fuck Georgia's schedule after the Oklahoma game fell through.  But, check out this murderer's row of games:

East Carolina


Bowling Green





Michigan State

Purdue this weekend