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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Kaos on September 14, 2016, 09:45:44 AM

Title: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 14, 2016, 09:45:44 AM
Been examining the map. 

For Trump to win, he will need to gain Florida and Ohio, keep Georgia and Arizona. 

He's currently leading in Florida and Ohio.  Georgia and Arizona will eventually fall his way. 

Will also need to pick up two or more of Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Iowa, Missouri.

Or if he stages a huge comeback in Pennsylvania things could take a significant turn.  That seems less likely.

Clinton's path is definitely easier.   
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: War Eagle!!! on September 14, 2016, 09:55:31 AM
I think Clinton is done. I think Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania all go Trump. Plus a couple of others that we aren't expecting.

The best thing that Hillary has going for her right now is Obama on the campaign trail and Hillary being no where to be seen. He is damn good at this and she sucks. The more she is out there, the worse it will get for her.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on September 14, 2016, 10:25:27 AM
I think Clinton is done. I think Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania all go Trump. Plus a couple of others that we aren't expecting.

The best thing that Hillary has going for her right now is Obama on the campaign trail and Hillary being no where to be seen. He is damn good at this and she sucks. The more she is out there, the worse it will get for her.

Tend to agree. Right now he has it won. Now it's up to him to hold on to it. Florida and Ohio are really all that matter. Penn would be icing for him. He should hold Georgia. But it will closer than normal.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 14, 2016, 10:36:42 AM
Been examining the map. 

For Trump to win, he will need to gain Florida and Ohio, keep Georgia and Arizona. 

He's currently leading in Florida and Ohio.  Georgia and Arizona will eventually fall his way. 

Will also need to pick up two or more of Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Iowa, Missouri.

Or if he stages a huge comeback in Pennsylvania things could take a significant turn.  That seems less likely.

Clinton's path is definitely easier.

IMO. If he acts like Trump in the debate (should there be any) that hurts him. If he comes out a little like Regan and sticks to the facts he could pound her into the ground.

A little of both would be perfect.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Townhallsavoy on September 14, 2016, 02:48:50 PM
Have I been looking at the wrong polls or something?

Clinton has this in the bag right now. Kaos is right. Her path is much easier because states with large populations (notably in large urban areas) swing to the Dems.

It's been almost 30 years since Pennsylvania voted red in the presidential election.

The last time the Republicans won the presidential election, they won:

New Mexico

Those four states are leaning heavily towards Hillary outside of Nevada, which is a close race but still projected to go blue.

What should be extremely worrisome for the GOP (and any conservative supporters) is that North Carolina, Iowa, Georgia, and Arizona are close states trending towards voting blue.

IMO Trump cannot win. Not even if he bats a thousand from now until November. Clinton must destroy herself. She's trying to, but she hasn't taken herself out just yet.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 14, 2016, 03:09:41 PM
Have I been looking at the wrong polls or something?

Clinton has this in the bag right now. Kaos is right. Her path is much easier because states with large populations (notably in large urban areas) swing to the Dems.

It's been almost 30 years since Pennsylvania voted red in the presidential election.

The last time the Republicans won the presidential election, they won:

New Mexico

Those four states are leaning heavily towards Hillary outside of Nevada, which is a close race but still projected to go blue.

What should be extremely worrisome for the GOP (and any conservative supporters) is that North Carolina, Iowa, Georgia, and Arizona are close states trending towards voting blue.

IMO Trump cannot win. Not even if he bats a thousand from now until November. Clinton must destroy herself. She's trying to, but she hasn't taken herself out just yet.

Well she's about the only one left she hasn't tired to.  :haha:

I think (hoping) that the polls like most of the media coverage is very skewed.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on September 14, 2016, 03:17:12 PM
Have I been looking at the wrong polls or something?

Clinton has this in the bag right now. Kaos is right. Her path is much easier because states with large populations (notably in large urban areas) swing to the Dems.

It's been almost 30 years since Pennsylvania voted red in the presidential election.

The last time the Republicans won the presidential election, they won:

New Mexico

Those four states are leaning heavily towards Hillary outside of Nevada, which is a close race but still projected to go blue.

What should be extremely worrisome for the GOP (and any conservative supporters) is that North Carolina, Iowa, Georgia, and Arizona are close states trending towards voting blue.

IMO Trump cannot win. Not even if he bats a thousand from now until November. Clinton must destroy herself. She's trying to, but she hasn't taken herself out just yet.

Yes. You are.

Swing state polls are all that matter. And ones that are recent. Also trends the last 3/4 weeks in those polls. He is winning in Ohio and Florida now. He holds that then he wins. That simple. As long as he doesn't lose a red state like Georgia or Utah.

No matter who you like, this thing is going south for her and fast.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Townhallsavoy on September 14, 2016, 03:53:41 PM
It's not simple. Winning Ohio and Florida doesn't win him anything. Give him North Carolina and Georgia and Arizona. That puts him at 242.

Give Clinton Pennsylvania. That puts her at 268. Because of her large leads in Colorado and Virginia, she just needs to win one of the following to secure the presidency:

Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire.

Here's the latest polls I could find on swing states:

Nevada: Trump 44 to Clinton 42 (Monmouth)

Iowa: Trump 44 to Clinton 39 (Emerson)

New Hampshire: Clinton 42 to Trump 37 (Emerson)

Clinton wins the presidency.

But that's being awfully nice to Trump's chances in North Carolina. The latest poll there has Clinton at 47 to Trump 43 (Quinnipiac).

The trends have favored Trump recently, but he still needs a miracle. Clinton has too many heavy hitters in the bag. It's not that he has to win Ohio and Florida to win. He has to win them to simply not lose. He has to secure North Carolina. He can't lose Georgia and Arizona (he won't). He has to capture New Hampshire in addition to Nevada and Iowa.

Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on September 14, 2016, 04:27:09 PM
I'm being generous in assuming all the typical red and blue strongholds stay put. Larry Sabado and Scott Rasmussen seem to think they will. And their polls are as good as gold historically. As Dallas said (man I really hate that guy. Stupid commoner) most polls are skewed. And this also can skew the RCP average. In red states some think Trump is close in like Georgia or Arizona, he isn't. It could be before its all over but I don't think he is right now. I really think all the red and blue states are going to stay put. And for every red state that has a chance to turn blue, there is an equal and opposite blue state that is closer to being red than usual. In the end it will come down to which of these two can pull Ohio and Florida. The rest are nice to haves. Iowa and North Carolina certainly have their place but are not near as critical of a requirement.

Another factor is that so far (and this bewildered me with Indiana)Trump has typically over performed the polls in states he should have been close in or lost (aside from Texas - Cruz).

I do agree that her path is certainly easier though. But that has been true for the last 50 years - since LBJ implemented great society.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 14, 2016, 04:42:05 PM
I'm being generous in assuming all the typical red and blue strongholds stay put. Larry Sabado and Scott Rasmussen seem to think they will. And their polls are as good as gold historically. As Dallas said (man I really hate that guy. Stupid commoner) most polls are skewed. And this also can skew the RCP average. In red states some think Trump is close in like Georgia or Arizona, he isn't. It could be before its all over but I don't think he is right now. I really think all the red and blue states are going to stay put. And for every red state that has a chance to turn blue, there is an equal and opposite blue state that is closer to being red than usual. In the end it will come down to which of these two can pull Ohio and Florida. The rest are nice to haves. Iowa and North Carolina certainly have their place but are not near as critical of a requirement.

Another factor is that so far (and this bewildered me with Indiana)Trump has typically over performed the polls in states he should have been close in or lost (aside from Texas - Cruz).

I do agree that her path is certainly easier though. But that has been true for the last 50 years - since LBJ implemented great society.

One of the best bets would be that some real shit comes out in those Oct. releases that are being promised. Something the Hillary and her MSM can't cover up.  Something along the lines that she has a tiny (Snaggle) penis or something.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 14, 2016, 04:59:31 PM
I'm being generous in assuming all the typical red and blue strongholds stay put. Larry Sabado and Scott Rasmussen seem to think they will. And their polls are as good as gold historically. As Dallas said (man I really hate that guy. Stupid commoner) most polls are skewed. And this also can skew the RCP average. In red states some think Trump is close in like Georgia or Arizona, he isn't. It could be before its all over but I don't think he is right now. I really think all the red and blue states are going to stay put. And for every red state that has a chance to turn blue, there is an equal and opposite blue state that is closer to being red than usual. In the end it will come down to which of these two can pull Ohio and Florida. The rest are nice to haves. Iowa and North Carolina certainly have their place but are not near as critical of a requirement.

Another factor is that so far (and this bewildered me with Indiana)Trump has typically over performed the polls in states he should have been close in or lost (aside from Texas - Cruz).

I do agree that her path is certainly easier though. But that has been true for the last 50 years - since LBJ implemented great society.

The polls have been wrong more in this cycle than I can ever remember. 

There were states where we saw Clinton predicted to romp and then Bernie either won, or she cheated him, or it was way closer than predicted.   There were states where the polls said Cruz was going to push Trump (or Rubio, or whoever) and then Trump crapped all over their heads. 

Almost all of these polls have Trump within five points or less.  Add the fact that the media has put such a stigma on supporting Trump leads me to believe he will get more votes than the projections suggest.  When somebody calls to ask questions the average person -- because of the media bias toward Hillary and the suggestion that Trump supporters are troglodytes --  is likely to be loathe to admit that they're going to vote for him. 

I don't think there's much chance he loses Georgia.  Or Arizona.  There's a good chance he wins Ohio and Florida.  I'm not sure about PA.   I think Mich, Wisc, NC and NV go his way too by the time it's over. 

That still may not be enough. 

This is -- and was from the day she entered the race -- hers to lose.   And I STILL contend that Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Carson or any of them would be worse off than Trump.  He will energize a rarely utilized group of voters.   Obama was able to draw the idealistic (moronic) young, hippie, douchey, lesby, crowd.  Hillary is not going to pull nearly the same level of that demographic.  For that reason and that reason only, Trump has a chance. He's the only one who ever did.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 14, 2016, 10:07:26 PM

Trump leading in Ohio, Florida

The tightening presidential race is playing out in the states.

Real Clear Politics tracking of state polls now shows Trump up by 5 points in Ohio, 6 points in Texas and 4 points in Florida. Trump is also leading in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona but Clinton remains ahead in the Electoral College-rich states of California, Virginia and New York.

The Real Clear Politics composite poll has Clinton up nationally by 2 percent in a two-candidate race and 1.8 percent among four candidates.

Yeah, because Trump was going to beat her in California where the fruitbats live.  Or in NY -- which was possible but not likely.  Or in Virginia. 

What's sickening is that those three loony tunes states control almost 100 Electoral College votes.  Whoever the democratic nominee happens to be is essentially a third of the way to winning without ever doing a thing. 
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 15, 2016, 10:35:02 AM

Trump leading in Ohio, Florida

The tightening presidential race is playing out in the states.

Real Clear Politics tracking of state polls now shows Trump up by 5 points in Ohio, 6 points in Texas and 4 points in Florida. Trump is also leading in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona but Clinton remains ahead in the Electoral College-rich states of California, Virginia and New York.

The Real Clear Politics composite poll has Clinton up nationally by 2 percent in a two-candidate race and 1.8 percent among four candidates.

Yeah, because Trump was going to beat her in California where the fruitbats live.  Or in NY -- which was possible but not likely.  Or in Virginia. 

What's sickening is that those three loony tunes states control almost 100 Electoral College votes.  Whoever the democratic nominee happens to be is essentially a third of the way to winning without ever doing a thing.

The liberal way.  :facepalm:  ( Participation trophy's)
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 15, 2016, 10:42:53 AM

The liberal way.  :facepalm:  ( Participation trophy's)

You've got to be doing that shit on porpoise. 
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 15, 2016, 10:53:34 AM
You've got to be doing that shit on porpoise.

Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 15, 2016, 01:42:10 PM

Props.  That made me laugh.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on September 15, 2016, 04:22:31 PM

Trump leading in Ohio, Florida

The tightening presidential race is playing out in the states.

Real Clear Politics tracking of state polls now shows Trump up by 5 points in Ohio, 6 points in Texas and 4 points in Florida. Trump is also leading in Georgia, Nevada and Arizona but Clinton remains ahead in the Electoral College-rich states of California, Virginia and New York.

The Real Clear Politics composite poll has Clinton up nationally by 2 percent in a two-candidate race and 1.8 percent among four candidates.

Yeah, because Trump was going to beat her in California where the fruitbats live.  Or in NY -- which was possible but not likely.  Or in Virginia. 

What's sickening is that those three loony tunes states control almost 100 Electoral College votes.  Whoever the democratic nominee happens to be is essentially a third of the way to winning without ever doing a thing.

This is what I mean. He is turning that corner around the same time Reagan did mid sept. I'm a little surprised he was able to get the RCP average up that fast since they factor in old polls that favored Hillary more. He just needs to hold it. As it sits now in the latest legit polls, he would win both the electoral and popular. It's a matter of being able to hold the leads or even widen them. These are when the polls really start mattering and people really start expressing a favorite in the race. The debates can solidify those preferences.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: dallaswareagle on September 15, 2016, 04:36:36 PM

This is what I mean. He is turning that corner around the same time Reagan did mid sept. I'm a little surprised he was able to get the RCP average up that fast since they factor in old polls that favored Hillary more. He just needs to hold it. As it sits now in the latest legit polls, he would win both the electoral and popular. It's a matter of being able to hold the leads or even widen them. These are when the polls really start mattering and people really start expressing a favorite in the race. The debates can solidify those preferences.

Oh, please baby Jesus :clap: :clap:.   
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 16, 2016, 10:42:21 AM
Don't think this guy is presidential?


Handled Fallon very well. 
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Token on September 16, 2016, 07:51:00 PM
Don't think this guy is presidential?


Handled Fallon very well.


They mad
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Townhallsavoy on September 16, 2016, 08:08:10 PM


They mad

And psychotic.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on September 20, 2016, 09:33:29 PM
And psychotic.


Good read and analysis here by Larry Sabato - one of my favorites to follow. He has had the best accuracy rating since 2004 with these races. Rarely does his miss. Puts a lot into what he predicts and does his own polling. I put his and Scott Rasmussen's work above any polls pedaled by the media.


And before anyone accuses him of bias, he actually worked with a democrat politician in his limited time working with political campaigns. He seems as neutral as it gets. Also predicted Obama in 12 when many had Romney practically moving into the White House a month before the election. He's not saying Trump will win or even is winning, but he is saying its very close. Much closer than it was. And trending in Trump's direction. Its the trajectory you have to keep your eye on with this one. If it continues, Trump will turn more "lean demo" states to toss ups, or toss ups to "lean gop".

In July 2008, Crystal Ball correctly projected that Barack Obama would win the presidency in a near-landslide.[11] Sabato predicted a 364–174 margin in the Electoral College, as well as the popular vote percentages.[12] The prediction was merely one point off the mark, with the actual result on November 4, 2008 being Obama 365 and McCain 173. (It did not predict an Obama win in Nebraska's 2nd congressional district.) Crystal Ball also accurately predicted 100% of all 35 Senate races, and 11 gubernatorial races correctly.

In November 2010, Crystal Ball projected that Republicans would pick up 55 seats in the House of Representatives.[14] The Republicans picked up 63 House seats. It predicted a pickup of 8 seats in the Senate for Republicans.[15] The Republicans picked up 6 Senate seats.[16]

In 2012, Crystal Ball projected that Obama would win the presidency with 290 electoral votes to 248 for Romney; there would be no change in partisan makeup of the Senate, with Democrats at 53 and Republicans at 47; and Democrats would pick up 3 seats in the House of Representatives, for a result of 239 Republicans and 196 Democrats.[17]
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: The Prowler on September 20, 2016, 11:22:55 PM
Almost all of these polls have Trump within five points or less.  Add the fact that the media has put such a stigma on supporting Trump leads me to believe he will get more votes than the projections suggest.  When somebody calls to ask questions the average person -- because of the media bias toward Hillary and the suggestion that Trump supporters are troglodytes --  is likely to be loathe to admit that they're going to vote for him.

The polls have been wrong more in this cycle than I can ever remember.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: Kaos on September 21, 2016, 07:48:27 AM

You can't be my defensive coordinator.  Too dense. 

If you don't understand that the first quote means the polls are skewed by media bias and (drumroll) therefore WRONG then you can't make calls on my defense.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: The Prowler on November 11, 2016, 09:45:13 PM
You can't be my defensive coordinator.  Too dense. 

If you don't understand that the first quote means the polls are skewed by media bias and (drumroll) therefore WRONG then you can't make calls on my defense.

I was right...told y'all. All the haters can go suck a bag of dicks, eat a big plate of dog shit, and then move to another Country!!!!

I think it'll be Donald Trump. Gonna be interesting to see what he can do.

Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2016, 07:08:05 PM
I was right...told y'all. All the haters can go suck a bag of dicks, eat a big plate of dog shit, and then move to another Country!!!!


You said Rasmussen was as wrong as anything. But I also put a lot of stock in sabado and 538. Everything was all over the place in this one. Only constants it seemed were ibd and la times.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: The Prowler on November 14, 2016, 07:12:18 PM
You said Rasmussen was as wrong as anything. But I also put a lot of stock in sabado and 538. Everything was all over the place in this one. Only constants it seemed were ibd and la times.
I would trust Sabannado over Rasmussen. The TigersX polls was right too.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2016, 07:14:46 PM
I would trust Sabannado over Rasmussen.

In 2012.

But in 16 Rasmussen whipped his ass. I like them both. And they are good at what they do. Just shows the craziness of this election cycle.
Title: Re: Can Trump win?
Post by: bottomfeeder on November 15, 2016, 03:02:20 AM
Screw the polls, I have the same heart as most Americans, pissed off and acting out of that anger towards the DC crowd the only way I can. I thank the DoD for the internets.