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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: oldautiger on July 30, 2013, 03:56:27 PM

Title: Just when you think you've heard everything
Post by: oldautiger on July 30, 2013, 03:56:27 PM
WARNING this is not bull shit

Sheila Jackson-Lee for Homeland Security Secretary

linky  http://blog.chron.com/txpotomac/2013/07/congressional-black-caucus-recommends-sheila-jackson-lee-for-homeland-security-secretary/

It does make sense, considering all the other bozos that His Assholiness Osama/bama has appointed
unfucking believable.  The sky is not falling, it is crashing down.
Title: Re: Just when you think you've heard everything
Post by: Tiger Wench on July 30, 2013, 11:40:09 PM
I saw that. No way does she actually get the nomination, but if she did?  I'd take the day off of work, fix a big bowl of popcorn and tune in to C-Span. Those confirmation hearings would be Must See TV.
Title: Re: Just when you think you've heard everything
Post by: The Prowler on July 31, 2013, 06:48:02 AM
Is this the same person that thinks she's a fucking Queen of some far away land, treats everyone around her like garbage in front of their family and thinks that her shit smells like Rainbow Sherbet? I would do exactly the same as Wench, that would be fuckin HILARIOUS...and sad. Think she'd get Bruce Buffer to introduce her, maybe have muscle heads carrying her in on a golden throne?
Title: Re: Just when you think you've heard everything
Post by: Tiger Wench on July 31, 2013, 10:02:59 AM
Is this the same person that thinks she's a fucking Queen of some far away land, treats everyone around her like garbage in front of their family and thinks that her shit smells like Rainbow Sherbet? I would do exactly the same as Wench, that would be fuckin HILARIOUS...and sad. Think she'd get Bruce Buffer to introduce her, maybe have muscle heads carrying her in on a golden throne?

She is the one that wrote a letter to the Hurricane Center, demanding to know why all the Hurricanes were named after white and hispanic people and not African Americans. 

In 2003, Sheila Jackson-Lee complained that hurricane names were too “lilly white” and said that “All racial groups should be represented.” She suggested Hurricanes “Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn”.

Other greatest hits:

When Enron wanted someone to use as a puppet, they picked Sheila Jackson-Lee. They wanted a woman who didn’t have a mind of her own. Enron executives described her as “agreeable”, which was a polite way of saying, “dumber than a bunch of rocks caught in the hubcaps of a slow bus going the wrong way on a one way street in the middle of a flood.”

Jackson-Lee’s only qualification for sitting on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics was the space between her ears. She visited JPL and asked if the Mars Rover would be able to show “the flag the astronauts planted there before”. Staffers were reportedly surprised that she didn’t complain about cost overruns on the Death Star.

Not only has Jackson-Lee voted against every national security measure she could think of, but she actually goes out looking for dictators to support. She invited Assad to speak in Texas, urged F-16 parts sales to Hugo Chavez, called for an end to economic sanctions against Saddam and participated in an event conducted by an Iranian regime front group against military action on Iran. She might be considered a walking security risk, if she actually knew anything.

Last last year she got up on the House floor to celebrate the victory in Vietnam and the “two Vietnams, side by side, North and South.”
There probably isn’t a single member of congress less fit to understand how the government works or what her duties are. Jackson-Lee opposed repealing Obamacare because that would violate the Fifth Amendment’s right to Due Process. An Amendment that had so little to do with the topic at hand that she might as well have picked it by throwing a dart at the Bill of Rights. In one sentence, she proved that she had never read the Bill of Rights and had no idea what Due Process even means.

But while Sheila Jackson-Lee might know as much about the Bill of Rights, as she does about Vietnam or what a hurricane is– she does know how to get attention. Before a State of the Union address, she makes sure to get herself an aisle seat so she can be seen shaking hands with the president. But not only is she an aisle hog, she’s also a floor hog.
Jackson-Lee’s floor hog antics got so bad, that congressional staffers ran a pool for the rare day when she doesn’t get up to speak. Because someone has to denounce those racist Pepsi commercials and call for affirmative action for hurricanes. And with Traficant fresh out of jail and Cynthia McKinney on a boat to Gaza– it’s all up to her.
Whether it’s trying to barge into the Treasury Building or demanding First Class upgrades or an entire row of seats to herself from airlines– rudeness and entitlement are second nature to a woman whose only achievement in life was to ride a sponsorship as the crony of the most corrupt company in America to a lifetime race card.

“I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen,” Sheila Jackson-Lee once reportedly said. It may be that she knows so little about government that she actually thinks she was elected to be a queen. The Queen of Racism, perhaps. Racism is her answer to everything. If there’s a problem that can’t be solved by crying racism, Jackson-Lee has never heard of it.
Title: Re: Just when you think you've heard everything
Post by: The Prowler on July 31, 2013, 11:27:07 PM
She is the one that wrote a letter to the Hurricane Center, demanding to know why all the Hurricanes were named after white and hispanic people and not African Americans. 

Other greatest hits:
Yup, that's her...I might take the week off and smoke a bowl, because our Country would turn to shit quicker than it already is, it'd almost be instantaneous.