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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: Aubie16 on June 28, 2011, 02:08:45 PM

Title: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Aubie16 on June 28, 2011, 02:08:45 PM
It was such an unbelievable season that it is hard to think about all the memorable games and plays.

Clemson - Come from 14 down. Nearly have a heart attack when Clemson has a guy open in the endzone for the game winner. Think we're going to 2 OT's, heart sinks when I see the flag, sigh of relief when the flag is for an illegal snap and not offsides. Celebrate like crazy when he misses the field goal.

South Carolina - First game I truly realized Cam could be something special. I was still keeping my feet firmly on the ground after his Arkansas St. performance.

Arkansas - There were 108 points scored. We allowed 43 points and STILL WON BY THREE TOUCHDOWNS.

LSU - What a dominating performance by our offensive line, running backs and quarterback. 400 rushing yards against one of the best defenses in the SEC.

Georgia - Another 14 point comeback. On-side kick to start 2nd half. All the rumors swirling the week of the game that Cam would be suspended. Ended a too long losing streak against the mutts.

SECC - Complete Domination. Completely insane celebration the moment T Bell returned that pick for a TD as we realized we were heading to Glendale and the mad dash to try to book plane tickets.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AUTiger1 on June 28, 2011, 02:11:27 PM
LSU - it was the only game where I didn't nearly stroke out, get pissed, suddenly become happy and then repeat the same cycle.  Plus they rank down there real close with bama.

Same could be said for the SECCG, but it wasn't as much fun as beating LSU.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: wesfau2 on June 28, 2011, 02:25:20 PM
SECCG from a pure fun/enjoyment stand.  Never really in doubt and the crowd knew it.  Fun times.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: War Eagle!!! on June 28, 2011, 03:01:58 PM
LSU. It's when I knew we had a legit shot to win the whole damn thing.

And I married into a bunch of LSU fans.

I didn't stop smiling for a week when I was around them. I didn't even have to say anything...I just smiled...
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Townhallsavoy on June 28, 2011, 03:11:16 PM

I sat three feet from their band.  I listened to their entire visiting section scream "slut" at each dance team member during pregame activities.  I had drunk assholes screaming trash at me all game long. 

And they were in tears as O-Mac crossed the goal line. 
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: dallaswareagle on June 28, 2011, 03:17:24 PM
Some of mine are different: The 3 I came back for:

Arky State: It is always special to come back for the first game-Buzz in the air and everybody’s first look at Cam. You had a feeling he was going to be special.

LSU: Watching the offense work and that 70 yard run to seal the deal. Had a great time with some LSU folks after the game.

Georgia:  Watching the ass beating after they way they jumped on our logo. Shitty fans too.

Edit: Since I could not get to go to the BCS game-Going back to Auburn was the second best thing. That night at Toomers was wild. (and cold)
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Tiger Wench on June 28, 2011, 03:24:45 PM
Georgia.  My only Auburn game to attend in person all year. 

Got to party pre and post game with Sweets, Chizad, Chop and Glenn.
Got to go to Tiger Walk right on the rail.
Got to high five Chiz and Malzahn and Nick and O-Mac.
Got to sit with my TigersX sister Sweets and have some of the most fun I have ever had at a game.
Got to see Cam smile up close and personal.
Got to cheer hysterically when our starting QB was introduced in defiance of the haters.
Got to watch Nick Fairly fuck up a QB.
Got to see Dyer break Bo's record.
Got to scream until I lost my voice because I did NOT fly all the way from Texas to see my boys lose to fucking GEORGIA.
Got to sing our fight song over and over and over along with 85,00 of my closest friends to celebrate winning the SECW.
Got to see our seniors celebrate as they played their last home game.
Got to see the season highlight video and determine that yes, Tonight WAS a Good Good Night.
Got full frontal hugs from Smokin' Joe Frazier. 

It don't get no better than that.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Saniflush on June 28, 2011, 03:26:46 PM

Was in Vegas with my Marine corp buddy watching this fucker.  Had a bunch of obnoxious leg humpers sitting in the sports book next to us.  They kept talking shit the entire first half.  My buddy was pissed as hell at them.  So he asked me if we were gonna win, I told him yes and he proceeded to make these fuckers put their money where their mouth was. 

They did not really enjoy the second half as much. 
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AuburnChopper 3.0 on June 28, 2011, 03:51:28 PM
The BCS Championship...

Nothing will replace that feeling of being literally in position to high five all the players coming out of the tunnel, and being 30 yards max from a field goal the pushed us into a National Championship.  Getting to stand there and see every player and coach with tears in their eyes, or just experiencing pure joy as they individually came to the tunnel after the post game celebration.  A year of success validated after enduring so much... even as fans.

That was a irreplaceable.  Best ever.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AUChizad on June 28, 2011, 03:57:46 PM
LSU. It's when I knew we had a legit shot to win the whole damn thing.

And I married into a bunch of LSU fans.

I didn't stop smiling for a week when I was around them. I didn't even have to say anything...I just smiled...
I came to that realization a week earlier.


I knew this week it would come down to us and Oregon for the crystal.

I thought it would be the only game that could outscore that total. I was wrong.

I saw more games in person this year than I had since I was a student.

Was in Auburn for pretty much all of the home games.

Saw Arkansas State, Clemson, South Carolina, Arkansas, and LSU, in Jordan Hare, and saw Ole Miss in Oxford. Tailgated in Auburn for the rest of the home games.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Aubie16 on June 28, 2011, 03:58:06 PM
The BCS Championship...

Nothing will replace that feeling of being literally in position to high five all the players coming out of the tunnel, and being 30 yards max from a field goal the pushed us into a National Championship.  Getting to stand there and see every player and coach with tears in their eyes, or just experiencing pure joy as they individually came to the tunnel after the post game celebration.  A year of success validated after enduring so much... even as fans.

That was a irreplaceable.  Best ever.

Minus Iron Bowl and BCSNC


Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Buzz Killington on June 28, 2011, 04:02:50 PM
From the sheer enjoyment of a battle, the Clemson game was tops from that list.  Even though both teams went in different directions later in the season, it looked like two heavyweights slugging it out all night long.  It reminded me of a Pat Dye era "slobber-knocker".

The most fun game was the SECCG, for the same reasons wes mentioned.  As soon as Darvin Adams caught that pass just before halftime, you could see the orange and blue half two-thirds of the stadium let out a sigh of relief.  From that point forward, it was just plain fun.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AuburnChopper 3.0 on June 28, 2011, 04:24:52 PM

Didn't see that...  :facepalm:

At that point... It was the LSU game for me.  Not because it was just for me, but it was the first game where I looked at my wife and new she was 100% into it.  She got it that game.  Seeing Cam drag Patrick Peterson across the goal line and winning that game when we'd been shit on by LSU so many times by field goals and fluke last second passes...  It was perfect.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: Aubie16 on June 28, 2011, 05:19:14 PM
Didn't see that...  :facepalm:

No biggie. Just wanted to take the opportunity to use a snarky picture. I figured if I included those two the discussion wouldn't involve any other game. There were just so many this year that were awesome.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AuburnChopper 3.0 on June 28, 2011, 05:31:21 PM
No biggie. Just wanted to take the opportunity to use a snarky picture. I figured if I included those two the discussion wouldn't involve any other game. There were just so many this year that were awesome.

It was excellent picture usage.  I chortled.

...Agreed.  Everything that weekend, from binge drinking after seeing you at that joint in Scottsdale with Jumbo, Daniel and Donovan McNabb and confusing the shit out of completely outnumbered and uncomfortable Eagles fans...  it was a great experience...
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: jmar on June 28, 2011, 08:33:21 PM
I like the LSU series best overall and Arky second. I think Arky showed most everyone that this team was really special.
But beating whinny-assed Georgia was my favorite of the year.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AUChizad on June 28, 2011, 09:07:17 PM
I came to that realization a week earlier.


I knew this week it would come down to us and Oregon for the crystal.

I thought it would be the only game that could outscore that total. I was wrong.

I saw more games in person this year than I had since I was a student.

Was in Auburn for pretty much all of the home games.

Saw Arkansas State, Clemson, South Carolina, Arkansas, and LSU, in Jordan Hare, and saw Ole Miss in Oxford. Tailgated in Auburn for the rest of the home games.
Forgot to mention I was at the BCSMFCG.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AUsweetheart on June 28, 2011, 09:25:21 PM
Nothing is better than when we win. Unless it's when we win and bama loses.

I bit every one of my fingernails off during the last seven minutes of the KY game....and that win was sweet sweet, thanks to SC. That being said, my fave had to be the LSU game.
I hate those bastards.
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: AUTiger1 on June 29, 2011, 12:32:27 AM
Nothing is better than when we win. Unless it's when we win and bama loses.

I bit every one of my fingernails off during the last seven minutes of the KY game....and that win was sweet sweet, thanks to SC. That being said, my fave had to be the LSU game.
I hate those bastards.

Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: The Prowler on June 29, 2011, 01:26:59 AM
SEC Championship Game for pure enjoyment plus the fact that a win sealed Auburn's plans for Arizona.  Which brings me to my favorite game that I'll attend for the rest of my life, the BCS Championship Game.  The pregame exitment and the postgame jubulation will never be matched, again.  To top it off Coach Belittle & Coach Cryer had to sit there and watch it, then we got to heckle the shit outta both of them afterwards.  "THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!!" "Hey, Coach kebbler how'd you like them apples!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WAR MUTHA FUCKIN EAGLE!!!!! THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!!!!"
Title: Re: Favorite Game of the Year
Post by: djsimp on June 29, 2011, 10:15:29 AM
I went with Georgia as my #1 pick simply because I dislike them so much. Also, because the whole Cam Newton saga had reached a pinnacle and Auburn was feeling extreme pressure. I saw and unbelievably rock solid team.

Secondly, I would go with LSU. That was a fun game to watch. Not only did Cam make Peterson  look as though he was stuck in mud but we rammed the run game down their throats and they could not stop it. The Purple Dranks got completely manhandled in the trenches.

Third, it was the SECCG. What a bootiful thing it is to whip the shit out of a Coach Visor team. Plus the excitement of knowing by Auburn winning, it was all Glendale baby!