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Pat Dye Field => War Damn Eagle => Topic started by: AUChizad on November 05, 2010, 09:42:46 AM

Title: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: AUChizad on November 05, 2010, 09:42:46 AM

This is sad. And I mean really, really sad.

I have been reading the columns thrown up by writers across the country. It makes me wonder what the business that I have loved for more than four decades is coming to.

A street agent with all sorts of problems of his own, supposedly, tells Mississippi State he can deliver Cam Newton for $180,000. Newton goes to Auburn.

Presto! Auburn and Newton and his family are guilty. No doubt about it. Never mind that Auburn isn't being investigated by the NCAA. Never mind that no one at Auburn, including Newton, has been accused of wrongdoing. Never mind that he has not been ruled ineligible.

Why let those little facts get in the way?

The worst of all was written by Pete Fiutak of Foxsports.com. I don’t make a habit of criticizing other reporters or columnists. They put their names on what they say, and they have to answer for it.

But Fiutak, who knows nothing about the situation, goes so far over the line he can't even see the line.

Here's three paragraphs that tell you all you need to know:

"Auburn, your reputation as an academic institution, which is what you allegedly are, and your credibility as a university is on the line here. On the mere suspicion of impropriety, you have to suspend Newton. Yes, your prize JUCO transfer, who left Florida after getting arrested on three felony counts relating to a stolen laptop computer, can't wear an Auburn uniform until more of the story is uncovered. (And Florida, you had better get working on your story about how you got Newton to come to Gainesville in the first place.)

"Again, this isn't a court of law. He's guilty until he proves his innocence on this one since this goes beyond a message-board rumor or some rumblings from insiders. Do you really think Mississippi State officials would put their neck on this type of a chopping block on a mere allegation or in an attempt at gamesmanship? Of course not.

"No, Auburn coach Gene Chizik shouldn't be fired right now without any investigation, and Newton doesn't have to be booted off the team yet, but neither one should be allowed to wear the Auburn colors for the foreseeable future. They can't as long there's any question whatsoever over if they're dirty or not."

Because a street agent told John Bond he tried to get Mississippi State to pay money to sign Newton, then Newton and Chizik should be suspended at Auburn? I'll have to admit, in 40-plus years of covering sports and reading the best in the business, I've never seen anything like that.

If anybody ought to be suspended or fired, it is the person who wrote it.

He was the worst on a bad night, but he wasn';t the only one. Newton and his family have been tried and convicted. Auburn is dirty and doesn't deserve the national championship. Newton is dirty and doesn't deserve the Heisman Trophy. So the story goes.

Look, I don't know where all this is headed. I know what I believe. Maybe there's real evidence hidden out there somewhere. If there is, I haven't seen it and neither has anyone associated with Auburn. If there was any evidence at all, he would not be playing.

But what the hell! Why worry about evidence? Why not just trash a kid and his family beyond belief just because you can? When it's over and he has been found guilty of nothing, will these people care what they've done to him and his family? Nope.,

Is this really what my business has come to?
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: djsimp on November 05, 2010, 09:50:48 AM
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: GH2001 on November 05, 2010, 09:57:02 AM
I'm about to rage on fuitak.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Ogre on November 05, 2010, 10:19:30 AM
That's the best Marshall article I've read in years.  He speaks the truth.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: JR4AU on November 05, 2010, 10:27:42 AM
Unfortunately the voices these writers here, are the same ones on talk radio, and the net...the fucking idiots that need no facts.  Yes Phillip, this is what your profession has come to...catering to the lowest common denominator.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Token on November 05, 2010, 10:45:55 AM
I admit it.  I was wrong.  I knew it would get ran by the locals in Alabama, and maybe mentioned on ESPN, but I didn't think it would get this hot. 

I still feel it's a non-issue, but the national media has laid full hands on it.  I wonder if it's because Cam is that far ahead in the Heisman race, or because Auburn's in the SEC. 

Somehow, and it's amazing to me, the consensus is MSU = good guys and Auburn = bad guys.  Complete crock of shit and it's probably fucked up what could have possibly been one of the best Iron Bowl games in a long time.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 05, 2010, 10:50:47 AM
I admit it.  I was wrong.  I knew it would get ran by the locals in Alabama, and maybe mentioned on ESPN, but I didn't think it would get this hot. 

I still feel it's a non-issue, but the national media has laid full hands on it.  I wonder if it's because Cam is that far ahead in the Heisman race, or because Auburn's in the SEC. 

Somehow, and it's amazing to me, the consensus is MSU = good guys and Auburn = bad guys.  Complete crock of shit and it's probably fucked up what could have possibly been one of the best Iron Bowl games in a long time.

Word.  Regardless of the outcome, the problem is that this thing will drag on for months and months.  If MSU reported it, the NCAA has already asked for and received financial records, the AU Compliance Dept. has run it's investigation, why can't the NCAA finish up it's shit in due time and put this puppy to bed, one way or another.  It's ONE guy allegedly shopping ONE athlete around.  Investigate it and be done with it.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Godfather on November 05, 2010, 10:55:07 AM
Phillips Article went up on our front page, with a foreword by me.
I refuse to put any "so called stories" up on this site regarding Cam Newton and these allegations.  The media is on a witch hunt and have totally crucified this kid, his family and my beloved university.  Without any shred of evidence, he has been marked as guilty.

It is a complete travesty that some of these so called reporters have said "Don't vote Cam Newton for Heisman"  these "hacks" get off on sensationalism not journalism.  I am attaching one story that is from Phillip Marshall.  He posted this on his blog at Auburn Undercover this is the only piece of journalism that I have read this morning and respected.  War Eagle!
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: AUChizad on November 05, 2010, 11:20:27 AM
Phillips Article went up on our front page, with a foreword by me.
:thumsup: :bc:

That's right. Jesus and I both give that a thumbs up.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Saniflush on November 05, 2010, 11:23:23 AM
Phillips Article went up on our front page, with a foreword by me.

Dude you have so much face time coming it's not even funny.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: JR4AU on November 05, 2010, 11:24:35 AM
That shit needs to be tweeted too. 

For that matter, Auburn better have it's PR people in teh sweatshop post haste.
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: djsimp on November 05, 2010, 11:42:53 AM
Great stuff GF! I agree with JR, lets get this shit out there! Pronto!
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 05, 2010, 02:40:12 PM
I have never wanted you more than I do at this very moment.  Wait...what?
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Tiger Wench on November 05, 2010, 03:02:49 PM
I have never wanted you more than I do at this very moment.  Wait...what?
You meant to post that in my Mandel thread, right?  **wink wink**
Title: Re: Philip Marshall: A Sad State of Affairs in My Business
Post by: Buzz Killington on November 05, 2010, 03:04:45 PM
You meant to post that in my Mandel thread, right?  **wink wink**

Ummmm...yeah.  That's it.  Sorry, wrong thread.