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The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:52:59 PM »
Another thing, Spanky. If you’re thinking that I’m just going to sit idly by and let you abuse Snags, you’re more mentally ill that most seem to believe that you are.

Do you actually believe that anyone on here is incapable of debating either of you? Or, for that matter, beating the physical fuck out of you after the verbal beat down is over?

Regardless, I’m not about to sit here and let you take advantage of my retarded friend. Lawyer or not. Go fuck yourself, fire plug.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:44:08 PM »

I’m not gonna out lawyer you, but I’ll offer my thoughts…

Judge is a Biden donor, should’ve recused himself.

Bragg ran for the DA’s office on the promise to put Trump behind bars.

The whole trial was a moving target trying to look for crimes. The defense didn’t even know what they were defending until the prosecution’s closing argument, which was the last argument heard by the jury. Apparently New York is the only state that allows that… can you confirm?

Key witnesses for the defense were denied.

Biden campaign trotted out Deniro outside the courthouse to bash Trump at a press conference.

All seems like Kangaroo court.
Dude, you’re not a lawyer. Don’t make us non lawyers look bad by going against the likes of a legal expert, like Wes.

Do not question D.A. Brag’s 45 million dollar net worth. It only brought up because he black.

Is it racist to call attention to the lack of linking verbs in Ebonics?

If so, I don’t mind your deleting my post, Short Stuff. I bring a plenty without it.
Haley Center Basement / Re: After engagement how soon were y’all marrued
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:31:29 PM »
I think a whole year engagement is leaving a lot of time for things to blow up and fall completely apart. Smart thinking.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Kaos on June 01, 2024, 01:14:26 PM »
If there are legit problems with the process point them out.  All I've heard is RIGGED MAGA BLUBLEURKE

I'll take Steve's criticisms here a little more seriously because the rest of you are just going to be parroting talking heads

So says the king of parroting talking heads. 

Self awareness isn’t your strong suit there, is it Whoopi Wesburg?
War Damn Eagle / Re: We’re a GOLF school!
« Last post by eagleair89 on June 01, 2024, 12:26:11 PM »
Hickory shafts and gutta-purcha balls!!!

We Nashunal champee-uns!!!

Grab the shit remover rolls and drive the corner to clear the trees boys and girls!!!

WAR DAMN!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Snakebite on June 01, 2024, 11:48:32 AM »
If there are legit problems with the process point them out.  All I've heard is RIGGED MAGA BLUBLEURKE

I'll take Steve's criticisms here a little more seriously because the rest of you are just going to be parroting talking heads

I’m not gonna out lawyer you, but I’ll offer my thoughts…

Judge is a Biden donor, should’ve recused himself.

Bragg ran for the DA’s office on the promise to put Trump behind bars.

The whole trial was a moving target trying to look for crimes. The defense didn’t even know what they were defending until the prosecution’s closing argument, which was the last argument heard by the jury. Apparently New York is the only state that allows that… can you confirm?

Key witnesses for the defense were denied.

Biden campaign trotted out Deniro outside the courthouse to bash Trump at a press conference.

All seems like Kangaroo court.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by wesfau2 on June 01, 2024, 11:07:44 AM »
It’s an exercise in futility, brother. No matter what is laid out before you, your mind is made up.

I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. I didn’t vote for him in ‘20. After seeing all this shit, I damn sure will be voting for him in November. Never in a million years thought I’d say that I’d be voting for Trump.

If there are legit problems with the process point them out.  All I've heard is RIGGED MAGA BLUBLEURKE

I'll take Steve's criticisms here a little more seriously because the rest of you are just going to be parroting talking heads
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Snakebite on June 01, 2024, 10:13:57 AM »
I've got time ...

It’s an exercise in futility, brother. No matter what is laid out before you, your mind is made up.

I didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. I didn’t vote for him in ‘20. After seeing all this shit, I damn sure will be voting for him in November. Never in a million years thought I’d say that I’d be voting for Trump.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Kaos on June 01, 2024, 10:07:58 AM »
Wes, really.  This is as big a joke, and a blight on the American justice system as you can get.  It’s beyond laughable.  There are people who should never be allowed to practice law again.  Start with Merchan.

You want specifics?  As K said, how much time have you got?  To defend this destroys all sense of credibility.

It’s a failed exercise.  One of two things will happen no matter how much truth you provide. 

1) Shift the goalposts
2) employ the favorite tactic of BG03 from the old days: “whataboutism”
Plainsman Park / Re: 2024 MLB Bitchin' & Moanin'
« Last post by jmar on June 01, 2024, 09:55:24 AM »
Fairweather?  WTF you talkin bout?  I was listening to the Braves on radio at age 8.  Been to countless games as far back as Turner Field.  Just apathetic because I can’t watch them at all.
It's just that I'm back to square one following the Braves much like you because of viewer restrictions driven by greed in the form of extortion.

Cable tv became an absolute godsend back in the day. Prior to that baseball fans in Alabama could only view a regular season game on a Saturday thanks to NBC.

I only knew the Braves through radio waves throughout the sixties and seventies. And it was not until the summer of '82 while working in Atlanta that I was able to attend a good many games.

The misdirected fairweather jab was in reply to the current season of misfortune and slight struggle along with the sheer volume of trade suggestions I read daily (by the uninitiated) as if the Braves only came into existence (with the new maffs) when they themselves discovered the game.

There... I'm a baseball snob.


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