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Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 05:32:58 PM »
The Family Plan

I saw this bounce across the options a while back and then it disappeared. Ran across it the other day and flipped it on mainly because I like Michelle Monaghan. 

It was a better movie than I expected, even if some of it was trite and contrived. 

Marky Mark as a dutiful, boring family man who's hiding a secret past as a killer for hire. When his secret is about to be exposed, he takes his unsuspecting family on the lam.

Michelle is really great. She always is. Although the kids are somewhat caricatures, they aren't grating and annoying. They actually have some real kid characteristics which most movies fail to capture. The baby, who's Mark's co-conspirator, is pretty good too.

It's an easy watch.  There's a good mix of action and family-friendly comedy.  It's the kind of non-Satanic, non-profane, family-style movie that SHOULD make bank. That it didn't is kind of sad.

It's not going to make you think. But it's a decent enough movie that it deserved a better fate than to just disappear from mind.
Haley Center Basement / Re: $$$ Healthcare $$$
« Last post by jmar on Today at 05:21:16 PM »
Being the scumbag, ambulance chasing, personal injury attorney that I am, over the last 20 plus years, I've reviewed more medical records and expenses than I care to guess the number of. Is it an understatement to say our system is broke?  Been broke. 

I also come from a family with a long line of doctors, so Christmas dinners have some interesting discussions.  However, it's allowed me to see our system from different perspectives.

A few weeks ago, I was in the ER at one of our local hospitals.  As trivial as it sounds, I had been having nose bleeds for about a week.  Not small bleeds.  More of a why the hell is blood splattering on the floor level, and on this particular day, there was no stopping it, and I was in a bit of a panic.  Fast forward to the end, it turns out my incredibly dumb ass thought there was no rush in getting my blood pressure medication refilled.  The pharmacy is 90 seconds from my house.  I'll drop the bottle off tomorrow, or next week, or maybe some time next May.  I won't do that again. But here's my ER visit.

Check in, give them my card to charge me $200.00, and go sit for 1 1/2 hours in the waiting room with bloody gauze the size of a bed sheet hanging out of both nostrils.  I'm called back to triage where they take my blood pressure and ask me what seems to be the problem?  Well, it seeeeemmms, that all the blood on my inside, wants to be on the outside.  But hey, I'm no doctor. $1 to BR.  Triage session over.  Back to the waiting room for another hour.

Called back to a room, where I wait and wait and wait.  Finally, a nurse practitioner comes in and asks a few questions, and takes that little lighted scope thingy and tries to look up my nose.  He says he can't see anything through the blood, but this little scope is really to look in ears. He takes my blood pressure again and leaves.  I wait some more.  And wait.  He comes in again and takes my blood pressure one more time.  Then, he gives me a bottle of Afrin.  Yes, the same Afrin you would pick up in cold and flu section of Publix.  Tells me to spray it twice a day.  ER visit over.

I left out no details.  That was the full extent of triage, exam and treatment.  Got the EOB from Blue Cross showing charges totaling $2,570.44. Three BP checks and a bottle of Afrin. The proper acronym would be, AYFKM?

I had a client a few weeks back that was rear-ended.  Kinky!!!  Went to the ER with the usual complaints of back and neck pain. God bless her.  Came out with a bill of over $53,000.00, which included 5 CT scans at $6 grand a pop.

I could go on with nightmare billing scenarios all day. But, what's the other side of that?  Have you seen what Blue Cross pays after deductibles and co-pays?  Had I been on Medicare or Medicaid, the $200.00 I paid up front would have been more than double what the hospital received.  I deal with Medicare/Medicaid/Blue Cross and other health insurance all day long, and I honestly have no idea how doctors and hospitals stay in business if they have to make it on those amounts.  And another part of it is that I guarantee 60-70% of the people in that same waiting room had no insurance at all.  But they can’t be turned away. 

Then, I think about the fact my Blue Cross premium is by far the biggest expense in our household.  Far bigger than my mortgage payment.  Why, when they’re not paying shit towards the overpriced bill, and I had already paid more than the visit was really worth when I checked in. But, you can’t be without it.  Right?

The system is broke.     

You should just purchase a nice video camera so you can catch each detail in real time.
You can interview prospective clients and we can just follow your life as if you were a FB warrior with 27 ca... 28 cats.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Summer Olympics 2024
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 04:49:19 PM »
So I hear now the opening chose to mock all that's good
Twas just what I feared, I knew that they would

A tranny Last Supper spit in God's face
It feels like the end of this human race

Adults weren't enough, you had to drag kids
Into this perversion that went off the skids

With nonsense like this, we've lost our way
I'm glad I missed it, that's all I will say

You may have enjoyed it for all that I knew,
If you did? Oh my son I will pray for you

Haley Center Basement / Re: $$$ Healthcare $$$
« Last post by War Damn Six on Today at 03:37:04 PM »
Do you only read books with pictures on every page?

Reading is for losers.  Audio books are the shiznit.
War Damn Eagle / Re: What A Difference...
« Last post by Snaggletiger on Today at 03:36:10 PM »
Snags, why did you have VT bolded in the ACC?  When we played them in the Sugar Bowl, weren't they the ACC Champs?

I'll tell you exactly why, Mr. Smartypants.  Because, shut up.
Haley Center Basement / Re: $$$ Healthcare $$$
« Last post by Snaggletiger on Today at 03:30:13 PM »
Good grief.  Did you bill someone when you wrote that?

Do you only read books with pictures on every page?
War Damn Eagle / Re: What A Difference...
« Last post by War Damn Six on Today at 03:27:09 PM »
Snags, why did you have VT bolded in the ACC?  When we played them in the Sugar Bowl, weren't they the ACC Champs?

Since when does a lawyer worry about little stuff like facts?
War Damn Eagle / Re: What A Difference...
« Last post by AUJarhead on Today at 03:18:04 PM »
Snags, why did you have VT bolded in the ACC?  When we played them in the Sugar Bowl, weren't they the ACC Champs?
War Damn Eagle / Re: What A Difference...
« Last post by GH2001 on Today at 03:07:04 PM »
I can't imagine you with your balls now, much less 5 years. So, some things never change. How bout them acorns?
Broun Hall / Re: I Did Not Know…
« Last post by GH2001 on Today at 03:02:56 PM »
We Built this City was a song by Starship in the mid 80s (formerly Jefferson Starship and Jefferson Airplane). Mainly fronted by Grace Slick and Mickey Thomas in those days.

Few weirdo factoids:

 - We Built this City was voted by VH1 sometime in the 90s (I think) as the worst song of all time. Ummmm, no. Is it canned? Sure but hardly the worst song ever.

- The song itself is a "f the man!", non corporate song if you listen to it. Which is ironic considering it's canned, "Corporate Rock".

- Songwriter was a guy named Martin Page. In the 80's most of us probably didn't know who that was. Collaborated a lot behind the scenes with big acts. By the Mid 90's? You may remember his solo album that became a big hit - In the House of Stone and Light. I still like that tune.

- Lastly, Mickey Thomas (mentioned above) who did much of the vocals for Starship and appears in a ton of the aforementioned song's video (BELOW - thats him in the still shot) - is from Cairo, Georgia - home of the Syrupmakers. If you're not familiar, Cairo is in the bottom western corner of Georgia - a stones throw from our esteemed Snaggie Lawyer in Dothan.

- Oh Also? Grace Slick will be 85 in October. Thats just weird.

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