« Last post by Kaos on March 03, 2025, 10:13:07 AM »
September 5
Film focuses on the events in Munich at the 1972 Olympics when the Israeli athletes were taken hostage by members of a terrorist group which demanded the release of some Palestinians or something.
I'm a little tired of Holocaust movies and references. Yeah, it was bad, but it wasn't (by a long stretch) the worst thing humans have done to other humans in the history of the world. There needs to be some historical context.
By the same token, I'm tired of movies about and discussion of this event in Munich. Yes, terrorists did something heinous at the Olympics - like 50 or 70 years ago or something. Roughly a dozen people died. Boo freakin' hoo. There have since been incidents of terrorism and/or just regular mayhem where as many or more were killed. Why the continual focus on this singular event?
The ones I know of? There was a movie in the late 90s One Day in September. Speilberg did one in 2005 Munich that scarfed up Oscars. There was at least one multi-part documentary recently (on AppleTV I think) and there have been multiple (like a dozen) other documentaries on this event. In the grand scheme of world history? Who cares?
This film is framed very similarly to Saturday Night - the semi-true story of the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of SNL. September 5 tells the story of the Munich hostage situation from the perspective of the ABC Sports crew that broadcast the event. SN was entertaining. This is morose, self-aggrandizing boredom.
It's a completely unnecessary entry in a story that's been told far more times than it warrants.
I suspect it was flung together to make some kind of commentary on the Palestinian-Israel conflict going on now. An attempt to resurrect this event to sway opinions and portray the Palestinan supporters in the worst, most barbaric light. Which is fine. Wipe them from the map. I got no problem there. This boring movie about a grainy, decades-old event wasn't the way, though.