« Last post by Snaggletiger on February 05, 2025, 05:42:28 PM »
All this reminds me of years ago, when a buddy of mine was all worked up about a "documentary" he had seen the night before, about these three college students who got lost in the woods in Maryland. They kept trying to find their way out, but kept winding up in the same place. There was something in the woods after them. They all disappeared, but had filmed the whole ordeal. The footage was found, and he watched it last night, and it was the scariest thing he'd ever seen. No one has ever found them either.
Randy, what was this "documentary" called?
I believe it was called The Blair Witch Project. You've GOTTA see it.
Uh huh. And what channel was it on?
The Sci-Fi Chan......Oh.....never mind!