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Haley Center Basement / Re: Conspiracies & The Like
« Last post by jmar on Today at 08:11:29 AM »
I sincerely hope the DOGE team is busy carving up Education while the Super Bowl is playing out.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Conspiracies & The Like
« Last post by jmar on February 07, 2025, 06:44:54 PM »
In due time, all will be revealed. Your choice to believe what's right in front of your eyes or not.
I'm only seeing desperate irrelevent losers threatening protests and lawsuits.
VDH tells us that Trump is the tip of the spear, like Patton's Third Army and should not pause to allow them to gain footing.

It's really something to behold.

Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on February 07, 2025, 06:43:22 PM »
Honestly, I never paid that much attention to the left/right leaning stuff, probably because I was never into politics at all.  Most likely never noticed, and/or didn't care.  I just thought it was a given that whoever was in office, was going to get skewered.

I stayed with SNL through Ferrell, Fallon, Kattan etc.  My main reason for moving on was the constant turnover. They'd start a new season, and it would go from 8 cast members to 24, and I wouldn't recognize 2 of them.  Didn't want to have to start over and get familiar with all the new characters.

It was really after Clinton because they hammered him pretty hard with Darryl and Phil Hartman but at some point it turned from lampooning the administration (which was always a comedic staple, even for Carson) to not-so-subtly attempting to influence people.  It became more purposeful. The edge was sharper. And the blade didn't cut both ways. Maybe that really didn't start in earnest until they attached collectively mouth-to-butt to suck off Obama. Fey's take on Sarah Palin went beyond comedy and into cruelty designed to shape public opinion of her - and derail any hope traitor McCain had of becoming president. In retrospect, it's probably a good thing. He was a deep-state Democrat hiding in Republican skin.

I loathed Ferrell.  Couldn't stand him. I also hated Adam Sandler on the show. Never funny in any way whatsoever.  That was really enough to push me away.  About the only thing that was interesting to me during that era was Norm Macdonald and sometimes Dennis Miller. I was never even much of a Chris Farley fan - poor man's John Belushi was all he was. 

I think part of that is age, too. I grew out of it. Occasionally somebody sends me a "great" sketch but it's always so stupid and lame I rarely even finish the three or four minutes of whatever it is. 

I am grateful for the talents it found. Some of my favorite movies of all time came from the early years crew. 

Vacation and Christmas Vacation, Fletch, Ghostbusters, Stripes, Animal House, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop, Blues Brothers, Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, 48 Hours, Coming to America.  I have to include Elf here, although everything else that idiot rump ranger did is garbage.
Chevy. Dan. Bill. Eddie. John.

Yes, I know some of those younger than me would strenuously object to my rejection of films like Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Grown Ups, Wayne's World, Click, Austin Powers, Old School, Anchorman, and Tommy Boy from my list, but I wouldn't wake up to poop on any of them. IMO they are all horrible, unfunny, one-note, superficial, superflous trash films. Seen them once, hope to never see them again.

This discussion is actually more entertaining than the film that initiated it.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Snaggletiger on February 07, 2025, 04:13:56 PM »
Honestly, I never paid that much attention to the left/right leaning stuff, probably because I was never into politics at all.  Most likely never noticed, and/or didn't care.  I just thought it was a given that whoever was in office, was going to get skewered.

I stayed with SNL through Ferrell, Fallon, Kattan etc.  My main reason for moving on was the constant turnover. They'd start a new season, and it would go from 8 cast members to 24, and I wouldn't recognize 2 of them.  Didn't want to have to start over and get familiar with all the new characters.
War Damn Eagle / Re: NFL Head Coach Change Season Thread
« Last post by wesfau2 on February 07, 2025, 03:54:08 PM »
Grades before they've even coached a game is as ridiculous as printing National Champion Recruiting t-shirts.

First time?
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on February 07, 2025, 03:19:38 PM »
Being one of the olds, SNL was definitely a huge part of my entertainment culture growing up.  It was one of those must-see TV events every week.  I even recall "double dating" one night, and discussing where we all wanted to eat, and what we would do until we went back to David's house to watch Saturday Night Live.

I can't really pinpoint the moment it turned. It was always a little bit left leaning, but there came a point where it careened into a ditch and turned into utter communist trash. 

Chevy, as much as anyone, was responsible for the election of Jimmy Carter. When he lampooned Gerald Ford tripping and falling constantly, he reinforced the idea that Ford was a clumsy, bumbling fool. Once Carter was in, though, the show was just as hard on him. Aykroyd's Carter impersonation was terrible, but harsh.

What's funny is really how little things have changed.  Demonizing Nazis as republicans, etc.

They lampooned society fairly equally in the beginning. At some point that shifted. The show was AWFUL from about 1980 until it stabilized in 1986. In fact, had it not been for Eddie Murphy during those dismal wasteland seasons, I'd wager the show would have quietly disappeared. The show fired everybody from the 85 cast except for Nora Dunn, Jon Lovitz, and Dennis Miller. Firings included Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Michael Hall, Joan Cusack, Damon Wayans, and Randy Quaid. Probably saved it.  And then it was reasonably funny again for a while. Once Ferrell showed up in 1995 or so, the show had outlived its usefulness for me.  I haven't watched it consistently or even sporadically, since. 

I did like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler but as the show slid further and further into leftist politics it lost me.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Conspiracies & The Like
« Last post by Kaos on February 07, 2025, 02:47:29 PM »

In due time, all will be revealed. Your choice to believe what's right in front of your eyes or not.
The SGA / Re: Criminals…
« Last post by bgreene on February 07, 2025, 02:29:54 PM »

President                           Tenure           Pardons or Clemency           Notes
George Washington           1789–1797   16   
John Adams                   1797–1801   20   
Thomas Jefferson            1801–1809   119   
James Madison                   1809–1817   196   
James Monroe                   1817–1825   419   
John Quincy Adams           1825–1829   183   
Andrew Jackson                   1829–1837   386   
Martin Van Buren           1837–1841   168   
William Henry Harrison   1841   0   
John Tyler                           1841–1845   209   
James K. Polk                   1845–1849   268   
Zachary Taylor                   1849–1850   38   
Millard Fillmore                   1850–1853   170   
Franklin Pierce                   1853–1857   142   
James Buchanan           1857–1861   150   
Abraham Lincoln           1861–1865   343   
Andrew Johnson                   1865–1869   7654       Includes thousands of pardons for ex-Confederates
Ulysses S. Grant           1869–1877   1332   
Rutherford B. Hayes           1877–1881   893   
James A. Garfield           1881.             0   
Chester A. Arthur           1881–1885   337   
Grover Cleveland           1885–1889,
                                        1893–1897   1107        Estimate
Benjamin Harrison           1889–1893   613   
William McKinley           1897–1901   918   Estimate
Theodore Roosevelt           1901–1909   981   Estimate
William Howard Taft           1909–1913   758   
Woodrow Wilson           1913–1921   2480   
Warren G. Harding           1921–1923   800   
Calvin Coolidge                   1923–1929   1545   
Herbert Hoover                   1929–1933   1385   
Franklin D. Roosevelt           1933–1945   3687   
Harry S. Truman           1945–1953   2044   
Dwight D. Eisenhower   1953–1961   1157   
John F. Kennedy           1961–1963   575   
Lyndon B. Johnson           1963–1969   1187   
Richard Nixon                   1969–1974   926   
Gerald Ford                   1974–1977   409   Pardoned Richard Nixon in September 1974
Jimmy Carter                   1977–1981   566   Excludes over 200,000 pardoned for Vietnam draft evasion
Ronald Reagan                   1981–1989   406   
George H. W. Bush           1989–1993   77   
Bill Clinton                           1993–2001   459   
George W. Bush                   2001–2009   200   
Barack Obama                   2009–2017   1927   
Donald Trump                   2017–2021,   
                                        2025–present   1700   Includes approximately 1500 pardoned for January 6 attacks
Joe Biden                           2021–2025   8,064   Includes 6500 possibly pardoned for marijuana possession
Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum / Re: 2024-2025 Fighting Pearls
« Last post by AUJarhead on February 07, 2025, 12:33:57 PM »
Talked to a Southern Indiana booster last night who lived next door to Lord Bruce when he was the USI coach.  The booster and her husband attend 4 or 5 Auburn games a year, and were right behind the Auburn bench for the OU game.

She said that Bruce did in fact rip CBM a new one, and all the players, saying exactly what we are saying here on the board.
War Damn Eagle / Re: NFL Head Coach Change Season Thread
« Last post by The Six on February 07, 2025, 11:36:04 AM »

New England Patriots - Mike Vrabel (former Titans HC, Patriots LB) C-
Chicago Bears - Ben Johnson (OC for Lions) D
New York Jets - Aaron Glenn (former player, DC for Lions) B
Jacksonville/London Jaguars - Liam Coen (OC for Buccaneers) F
Las Vegas Raiders - Pete Carroll (former Seahawks and USCw HC) D-
Dallas Cowboys - Brian Schottenheimer (current Cowboys OC)  F

New Orleans Saints - Kellen Moore (current Eagles OC) expected to be hired post Super Bowl loss  C+

Grades before they've even coached a game is as ridiculous as printing National Champion Recruiting t-shirts.
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