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War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 12:19:51 PM »
As passionate as our fans are, this is nuts to me.

Agreed.  That said, our non-revenue sports are pretty well-attended, you just can't juice folks for tix like FB/BB can do.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 12:19:07 PM »
I haven't looked at any numbers, but if the baseball team is not, they need to fire whoever be in charge.  Despite the crappy season, they still drew record numbers.  If you're pretty close to capacity in most games, and you're still not profitable, sum ting wong.

Unfortunately attendance doesn’t really equate directly to profitability.

War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 12:18:17 PM »
And at Auburn, the only two sports that generate revenue are Football and Men's basketball.

As passionate as our fans are, this is nuts to me.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 11:39:26 AM »
Someone doesn't know the definition of "debunked."

So, all that congressional activity...hearing after hearing after hearing...must have uncovered something earthshattering and actionable, no?

What's that?  Nothing happened.  Oh.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by AUJarhead on Today at 11:24:25 AM »
I haven't looked at any numbers, but if the baseball team is not, they need to fire whoever be in charge.  Despite the crappy season, they still drew record numbers.  If you're pretty close to capacity in most games, and you're still not profitable, sum ting wong.


In 2023, Baseball spent 6.2M, and took in 1.8M, for a net loss of 4.4M.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Snaggletiger on Today at 11:21:07 AM »
And at Auburn, the only two sports that generate revenue are Football and Men's basketball.

I haven't looked at any numbers, but if the baseball team is not, they need to fire whoever be in charge.  Despite the crappy season, they still drew record numbers.  If you're pretty close to capacity in most games, and you're still not profitable, sum ting wong.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 11:13:29 AM »
Line out for me how Hunter Biden's gun troubles are an issue for any of us to worry about.

The tax thing will come with a bunch of side-dressing of foreign-relations smear, but all the substantive claims around his time at Burisma were debunked in congressional hearing, mostly by the Republican's own witnesses.  So, get him if he underpaid his taxes I guess.

Someone doesn't know the definition of "debunked." 
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by AUJarhead on Today at 11:01:59 AM »
some of the non-revenue producing sports possibly being cut.

And at Auburn, the only two sports that generate revenue are Football and Men's basketball.

The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 10:29:44 AM »
Sometimes, I wish that Godfather was still alive. But I think that seeing how fucked up Wes became may have been too much for him to bear.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 10:14:08 AM »
I (knowing squat about cars) go to my mechanic and tell him I hear a thumping sound coming from the right rear of my car.  I suspect it's a faulty rear transmission.  Tragic, if true.

He looks it over and assures me that it's the iron spike sticking out of my tire and not a transmission problem. 

"But my buddy Gary and the local newsguy, Perd Hapley, both assured me that it's a transmission problem," I say.  "You must be wrong!"

This is how you guys sound.
Sorry to hear about your car. Have you checked the trunk to make sure that you didn’t pick up a lot lizard boy or some other male prostitute and inadvertently left them in the trunk?

Your mind is all fucked up so it could have happened. I hope they aren’t dead by now.
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