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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: AUChizad on January 24, 2008, 11:44:12 PM

Title: Zeitgeist
Post by: AUChizad on January 24, 2008, 11:44:12 PM
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331&hl=en (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5547481422995115331&hl=en)

Someone sent me a link to this movie, and I watched the whole mindless thing.

I post on flixter through a facebook app and review some movies I watch. The review for this particular movie was extra long as it irritated me so badly.

Here was my review.
Have I ever mentioned that hippies piss me off? Especially the ones who have smoked so much pot that paranoia has crept into their daily consciousness to the point where they believe the most fanatical batshit-crazy theories with zero basis in reality? This film is, in a nutshell, the exact kind of fodder that feeds these idiots. The "enlightened" trendily rebellious fucks will no doubt regurgitate the mindless shit they heard here, and proceed to call rational thinking people "sheep" for trusting factual, legitimate, documented sources over being spoon fed by this one nonsense spattering "documentary" that couldn't even get a proper release, but is instead given away for free online because it is so full of shit. Never once realizing the total irony in the fact that they trumpet the importance of "thinking for yourself" rather than blindly accepting what you are told, yet they blindly accept this fallacious drivel completely devoid of a single verified source as the Gospel truth.

Part I is devoted to bashing organized religion, with its main focus on Christianity. It tries to say that Jesus never even walked the earth, and the whole story of the Bible was plagiarized off of earlier religions. It uses typical conspiracy theorist logic in the same vein as "2 + 2 = 22, 22 - half of that equals 11! 11 minus the 2 we started with is 9. 9/11!" to attempt to debunk a 2,000 year old religion. They list a slew of ancient Gods and claim a list of parallels suggesting that they are all the same plagiarized character. However, most if not all of their claims are inaccurate. None of those Gods were born on December 25th, none of them were born from virgins, and none of them were crucified. Crucifixion was invented just before Jesus's time. There was no crucifixion in 3000 BC. They also ignore that nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus was born on December 25th. Horus's mother was Isis, not Isis Mary as this movie claims. Horizon means "to limit" in ancient Greek, not "Horus has risen." Israel had more than 12 Kings. The list of inaccuracies goes on.

Part II is the prototypical crackpot conspiracy theory of the 21st century, which is that 9/11 was an inside job. They attempt to assert the same old familiar tinfoil hat 9/11 conspiracies, and worst of all, they take unverified source upon unverified source as their proof. The hijackings and subsequent destruction were some of the best documented events in world history - by the news media, private citizens with cameras, talking with family members in the towers and on the hijacked planes while the events were unfolding. All of these people are liars being manipulated by the "man behind the curtain"? The conviction of Jose Padilla (dirty bomber caught with plans), Richard Reid (shoe bomber caught in the act by passengers), and Zacarias Moussaoui (20th Hijacker on 9/11 that missed his flight) were all never mentioned by the film. It goes on from here into more ridiculous fantasy, such as claiming that FDR bullied Japan into WWII.

Part III gives us bonus crazy. It is all about how the Federal Reserve banks are trying to implant RFID chips in people. Seriously. One major claim of this portion is that the 16th Amendment does not exist, which is of course more barking lunacy. It was in fact ratified on February 3, 1913 by 42 of 48 states, which is far above the 3/4s needed. There have been several lame arguments to the federal court system since then (for example, the amendment was "not properly ratified due to the exact same language not being approved by each state - almost entirely due to spelling errors and punctuation") all of which have been ruled against, and the amendment has withstood all challenges.

Anyone who buys into this garbage is not living in reality, and what's worse, they adamantly insist on telling those of us who are that we are the ignorant ones.

Never before has anyone commented on one of my reviews. But I dared question this turd of a movie and the crazies came out of the woodwork. How dare I bash this movie that 890 people have given an average 4 1/2 out of 5 stars?
Nalini Singh commented

at 10:18pm yesterday

    The idea that you think everyone that likes this movie is a hippie shows your ignorance, not your reasons for not liking this movie. Those of us who a enjoy a good conspiracy theory are not irrational thinker as you would like to believe. I know what is the truth and I know this movie is full of theories but I still like the idea that someone is willing to show us what kind of theories there are. Why not, it's just like a science experiment, get over it and stop taking it so effing seriously.

AUChizad commented

at 7:06am

    Did I call it, or what? You call me ignorant for calling this movie out for being completely inaccurate. You are a victim of propaganda, yet you think I'm ignorant for daring to think critically about this movie that is based less in fact than Star Wars and call out several of its endless inaccuracies. If this were marketed as a work in fiction, it would not have received such a poor review.

Kaez Handa commented

at 7:21am

    Seems Like Movies Are At Best A Distraction For You
Nalini Singh commented

at 9:13am

    Correction idiot, I called you ignorant for calling people that liked this movie hippies...not for calling the movie out as you say....read what I wrote again and you will see.
AUChizad commented

at 3:05pm

    "Seems Like Movies Are At Best A Distraction For You"
    Says the guy who gave RoboCop a 4 star rating. Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to admit I love shitty movies, RoboCop included, but I'm not the one self-righteously pontificating to others about someone's taste in movies. Unless they want to see Meet The Spartans.
    At least you didn't give The Game Plan and Sydnie White 3 1/2 stars, like the profound thinker Nalini Singh did.

Please, call me an idiot again to further prove my point.
How about you read what I wrote again and tell me where you see "Everyone who enjoyed this movie is a hippie." Perhaps you enjoy movies that pass themselves off as documentaries, yet are completely full of outright lies and inaccuracies. If it were a documentary on how to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, but never once told me to add bread, peanut butter, or jelly, I would have given it half a star as well.

Then a girl who's a friend of mine (an ex-girlfriend actually) who showed  me this crap got her dig in as well about how "We all have our opinions, and just because you express yours the loudest doesn't mean everyone else is wrong" And how I showed that I have "a strong academic mind" because I fact checked, "but those of us with creative minds interpret things differently." She has since deleted that post, but before she did I responded.
AUChizad commented

at 3:27pm

    Meri, I have to go particularly easy on you since I know you personally, and you're the one who showed me this piece of crap to begin with.
    How did I voice my opinion louder than the 890 people who have reviewed this turd so far and gave it an average 4 1/2 stars? Be "creative" all you want, but don't try to pass it off as fact when it's not. Because some things (i.e. historical facts) are quantifiable. Try being "creative" on a history exam and see how well you score.
Nalini Singh commented

at 3:47pm

    You have not proven anything, sorry my bad...but I guess according to you I don't live in reality and hippies just piss you off, as if that is any better. You know the real point here is think for youself and that is exactly what I am doing and what you are doing. I don't claim to be profound but it sounds to me like you think you are. Please stop spreading your hateful attitude and btw you are being self-righteous, you are doing the exact thing you are complaining about that all us hippies do.
I haven't dignified her with a third response yet.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: Lurking Tiger on January 25, 2008, 09:10:57 AM
I skimmed most of this, but that AUChizad guy seems like a fag.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: AUChizad on January 25, 2008, 09:45:18 AM
I skimmed most of this, but that AUChizad guy seems like a fag.
You goddamned dirty hippie.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: AUChizad on January 25, 2008, 01:37:00 PM
Jason Burmaster commented

at 8:33am

    NO film is based completely on fact. even the most acuate documentary is subject to its film makers opinions. what did you think this film was about before you watched it? i'll bet you like the film Snatch. i respect people with strong opions, like yourself, but i'm reminded of the saying, 'a LITTLE knowledge is a dangerous thing'. do you even know what a hippie is? can you define it without consulting a dictionary? the people who made this film are capitalist - they work for a living.
i'm sure you just refer to anyone with long hair as a hippie, or you call the guys jesus and think it funny. its just hair. did you never have the courage to let yours grow or smoke a joint? or did some long haired pot smoker beat you to the girl you liked in high school. stick to your opions, but don't try to act like you know the first thing about film, just rewatch Snatch and feel cool.
thats opinions by the way
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: Lurking Tiger on January 25, 2008, 01:50:38 PM

Be careful with this guy. He obviously works in a movie theater and has the posters in his mom's basement to prove it.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: AUChizad on January 25, 2008, 02:46:32 PM
AUChizad commented

at 10:44am

    Goddamn hippies...
    Don't know exactly what the movie Snatch has to do with anything, but yes, I do prefer it to your 3 1/2 star rated Hitch or your 4 1/2 star rated Titanic.
    Are you a 13 year old girl?
    If knowledge is a dangerous thing, ignorance and false knowledge are far far worse. Oh, you sure proved me wrong by arguing semantics over the word hippie. Hippie is not a form of government, dipshit. Because they have jobs as filmmakers they're capitalists, therefore not hippies?
Your second post is not really worth addressing, but I will anyway. It is nothing but misguided projections based nothing on fact. Kind of like this movie you think is such a masterpiece. Now I see why.
And, please, oh knowledgeable film critic, tell me what about 50 First Dates is worthy of a 3 1/2 star rating?
I didn't even review Snatch, but since I did enjoy the film, I really need to know why it is not worthy of your divine grace, because after all thinking for yourself is not welcome here.
Nalini Singh commented

at 11:14am

    you sure do like to point out people's ratings,don't U? Well I could waste my time and go through some of Urs, which I am sure are sooo profound, but I am not going to bother because I don't judge people based on the movies they like.Wait, I don't judge people.I find Ur responses quite amusing though because each one is some sort or attempt an an insult and U are only pointing out ratings, U're probably defensive about being called ignorant thing because a lot of people must say that to you.
AUChizad commented

at 11:41am

    I could care less what movies other people enjoy. I clearly stated that I'm no film snob myself. All I have done is point out the hypocrisy of people who have suggested I'm brainless due to what movies I enjoy. Kind of like pointing out that you claim not to judge people, yet you've called me ignorant 4 times now as well as hateful. Also, I've never commented on any user's reviews ever, yet the crazies have come out of the woodwork to attack this review.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: kirkAU on January 26, 2008, 02:13:14 PM
Chad, i am impressed with your wit against the hippies.  but clearly, as all the strange named "hippies" pointed out, you are ignorant.  How dare you assert proven fact and accurate history.  Your such an asshole.  clearly, there are no standards of what is right or true.  And they know best.  In fact, we should let them run our country.  obviously you need to watch the film again.  in fact, how about you write a post after you watch it again.  The title will be, "Why i'm an ignorant white bastard and the movie is the shit, why does it not have 9 academy awards?"  (sorry for the grammar and syntax errors in the title of your paper, but i thought it appropriate)

i expect, as you continue to update your conversion via facebook into a hippie, to post your apologies to Nalini and Kaez
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: AUChizad on January 27, 2008, 12:41:43 PM
Jason Burmaster commented
at 11:12amhippie is not a form of government? who said it/they were? and yes, if you work for money, then you can not be a hippie. i noticed you didn't adress my first point and question. dipshit? you curse like a 13 year old girl. calling people who you don't know names. for shame. intellegent people don't have to use language like that to express themselves. if your going to pontificate so agressively at least have some class and be open to others opinions.
Jason Burmaster commented
at 11:20amwhy is 50 first dates worth a 31/2 rating, good question. what it lacks in grace and originality, it makes up for in preformance and pacing. i would contend that the concept is uninspired, but think its important to note that the humoris and lite dramatic moments are skillfully blended. the leads aquate theselves well and the supporting cast ranges for crass to inspired. all technical aspects are caried off seamlessly and the continuity is amazingly adimant. not perfcet. not great. 3 1/2
Jason Burmaster commented
at 11:29ami'm not trying to get in a pissing contest with you. as i stated, you have srtrong opinions and thats something i admire in people. i'd rather debate with you then agree with some on everything, thats boring. if i've been condisending or insulting i appologize for the hypocracy. i think there is enough room on here for everyones opinions including yours. mabye we should both not take it and ourselves so seriously. this will be my last reply. i wil not check this again. replies will go unseen.
I borrowed that line from you LT. Hope you don't mind.
Since you insist on arguing the semantics of the word hippie, Websters defines it as "a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society and advocates a nonviolent ethic." By your definition Widespread Panic and the Grateful Dead can't possibly be hippies because they produce music that financially supports them, and therefore are full blown capitalists? If you say so, hippie. As far as your film critiques, I concede. You obviously work in a movie theater and have the posters in your mom's basement to prove it. I can't compete with that.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: AWK on January 28, 2008, 10:44:14 AM
Here is a good comparison for you Chad...and sort of ironic ocnsidering the basis of the name of the film.  The people who like this movie would obviously consider themselves free thinkers, who are "creative".  However, using historical events and misconstruing them into some sort of inaccurate fact based theory is exactly what the Nazi's accomplished.  In the same context (film) no doubt.  Everyone knows how "free thinking" those Nazi's were.
Title: Re: Zeitgeist
Post by: Lurking Tiger on January 28, 2008, 11:05:35 AM
Everyone knows how "free thinking" those Nazi's were.

And huge Cowboy fans.