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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Godfather on June 22, 2017, 03:26:51 PM

Title: Prowler
Post by: Godfather on June 22, 2017, 03:26:51 PM
I have a question....actually multiple.  You can take this for what it's worth, but I'm being genuine.  I have never called you names on here (to my knowledge), I know we have had disagreements but you are still a fellow Auburn fan. 

I don't really know you even though I have met you before in brief settings in real life.  I love Jumbo and I know you are his boy, so I have to believe you are good people.  I have no problems with someone having a different opinion than me, wesfau2 for instance, one of my best friends (politically we don't agree, and that is ok).  Sufficed to what people believe and have said on here you are no idiot. 

What I presume to know about you is through your posts and Jumbo.  You work hard.  You have a solid job.  Not sure if you own or rent a home, but I presume you live a nice life.  You aren't on the government dime. I believe you have work-related healthcare, like most of us. Correct me if I am wrong on any of my presumptions.

Ok questions some of these are multiple so I apologize.  I'm not being a dick or trolling you.  I'm curious as to why you have some of the ideas you have. 

1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US?
2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here?
3. Were your parent's immigrants? How do you feel about immigration? 
4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less?
5. Do believe you have white privilege? why/why not?
6. Do you believe that there is a wage gap? why/why not?
7. I know you are left on social issues.  Do you lean left or right on fiscal issues?
8. What is your stance on abortion?
9. What is your biggest gripe against Trump?
10. Should we have free healthcare for all? Why?
11. Should the rich pay more taxes or less? why?

You can choose to answer these questions or not answer them... whatever you choose.  I am actually curious as I would like to have a civil discussion with you on these issues. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: WiregrassTiger on June 22, 2017, 04:29:50 PM
Don't take the bait P. Fuck the Man.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 22, 2017, 04:38:28 PM
I have a question....actually multiple.  You can take this for what it's worth, but I'm being genuine.  I have never called you names on here (to my knowledge), I know we have had disagreements but you are still a fellow Auburn fan. 

I don't really know you even though I have met you before in brief settings in real life.  I love Jumbo and I know you are his boy, so I have to believe you are good people.  I have no problems with someone having a different opinion than me, wesfau2 for instance, one of my best friends (politically we don't agree, and that is ok).  Sufficed to what people believe and have said on here you are no idiot. 

What I presume to know about you is through your posts and Jumbo.  You work hard.  You have a solid job.  Not sure if you own or rent a home, but I presume you live a nice life.  You aren't on the government dime. I believe you have work-related healthcare, like most of us. Correct me if I am wrong on any of my presumptions.

Ok questions some of these are multiple so I apologize.  I'm not being a dick or trolling you.  I'm curious as to why you have some of the ideas you have. 

1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US?
2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here?
3. Were your parent's immigrants? How do you feel about immigration? 
4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less?
5. Do believe you have white privilege? why/why not?
6. Do you believe that there is a wage gap? why/why not?
7. I know you are left on social issues.  Do you lean left or right on fiscal issues?
8. What is your stance on abortion?
9. What is your biggest gripe against Trump?
10. Should we have free healthcare for all? Why?
11. Should the rich pay more taxes or less? why?

You can choose to answer these questions or not answer them... whatever you choose.  I am actually curious as I would like to have a civil discussion with you on these issues.

I think you misspelled gutter hore. 

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: AUChizad on June 22, 2017, 04:42:41 PM
This thread is a good start.

I too am not trolling when I say I hope he answers these based on his own thoughts without having to copypasta.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: WiregrassTiger on June 22, 2017, 04:55:09 PM
This thread is a good start.

I too am not trolling I say I hope he answers these based on his own thoughts without having to copypasta.
Yeah well you've yet to answer numerous questions about your sexual identity. So, pump your brakes regarding Prowler.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Token on June 22, 2017, 04:58:46 PM
If there has ever been a day that we can go one thread without being a pile of assholes, this is it.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 22, 2017, 05:46:20 PM
If there has ever been a day that we can go one thread without being a pile of assholes, this is it.

I feel triggered. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 22, 2017, 06:08:17 PM
This thread is a good start.

I too am not trolling when I say I hope he answers these based on his own thoughts without having to copypasta.

You guys act as if he hasn't had this opportunity before now.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 22, 2017, 06:13:48 PM
You guys act as if he hasn't had this opportunity before now.

I know I been clowning, but seriously.  This. 

These waters have been chummed before.  You're not going to pull a cogent shark out of them. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: War Eagle!!! on June 22, 2017, 10:16:10 PM
I have a question....actually multiple.  You can take this for what it's worth, but I'm being genuine.  I have never called you names on here (to my knowledge), I know we have had disagreements but you are still a fellow Auburn fan. 

I don't really know you even though I have met you before in brief settings in real life.  I love Jumbo and I know you are his boy, so I have to believe you are good people.  I have no problems with someone having a different opinion than me, wesfau2 for instance, one of my best friends (politically we don't agree, and that is ok).  Sufficed to what people believe and have said on here you are no idiot. 

What I presume to know about you is through your posts and Jumbo.  You work hard.  You have a solid job.  Not sure if you own or rent a home, but I presume you live a nice life.  You aren't on the government dime. I believe you have work-related healthcare, like most of us. Correct me if I am wrong on any of my presumptions.

Ok questions some of these are multiple so I apologize.  I'm not being a dick or trolling you.  I'm curious as to why you have some of the ideas you have. 

1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US?
2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here?
3. Were your parent's immigrants? How do you feel about immigration? 
4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less?
5. Do believe you have white privilege? why/why not?
6. Do you believe that there is a wage gap? why/why not?
7. I know you are left on social issues.  Do you lean left or right on fiscal issues?
8. What is your stance on abortion?
9. What is your biggest gripe against Trump?
10. Should we have free healthcare for all? Why?
11. Should the rich pay more taxes or less? why?

You can choose to answer these questions or not answer them... whatever you choose.  I am actually curious as I would like to have a civil discussion with you on these issues.

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Prowler on June 23, 2017, 03:05:11 PM
1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US? (Because it would be)

2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here? (We still use socialist programs. I think it would work better if people would care more for their neighbor).

3. Were your parent's immigrants? How do you feel about immigration? (Mother and my 3 aunts immigrated from Germany. They should be properly vetted. As for refugees, the vetting processes need to be expedient).

4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less? (I'd like for them to be less involved).

5. Do believe you have white privilege? why/why not? (Yes. I've gotten pulled over a few times and I have yet to be shot at).

6. Do you believe that there is a wage gap? why/why not? (Yes. Any moron can see that).

7. I know you are left on social issues.  Do you lean left or right on fiscal issues? (Left)

8. What is your stance on abortion? (Pro-choice. It's the woman's body. I find it funny, some of the "pro-life" people in this Country are the same ones screaming at refugees or saying fuck the 23 Million Americans that are going to be kicked off of healthcare with TrumpCare).

9. What is your biggest gripe against Trump? (He's a fucking liar, literally anything he says is a lie. That is perfectly fine for a celebrity, but it is a huge mistake for a President...especially one that has an Ego the size of Trump's and doesn't know how to shut his mouth).

10. Should we have free healthcare for all? Why? (Yes, because healthcare isn't a privilege. Everyone deserves to have healthcare. The country spends more money on Medicare, Medicaid, & VA healthcare than it would cost to give everyone healthcare).

11. Should the rich pay more taxes or less? why? (The top 1% should be paying a lot more, they're the ones hiding Billions in offshore accounts)
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: ssgaufan on June 23, 2017, 03:17:07 PM
1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US? (Because it would be)

4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less? (I'd like for them to be less involved).

If you answered these two questions honestly, you have no clue how socialism works.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: AUChizad on June 23, 2017, 03:23:58 PM
1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US? (Because it would be)
I can tell right away this is going to be insightful...

2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here? (We still use socialist programs. I think it would work better if people would care more for their neighbor).
Social programs are not Socialist programs, Prowler. Have you heard of Venezuela? Take a peek at how Socialism is going for them.

4. Should the government be more involved in our lives or less? (I'd like for them to be less involved).
Please explains how this comports with your affinity for Socialism. I'm not trying to be insulting when I say, I seriously don't think you understand the meaning of the term.

5. Do believe you have white privilege? why/why not? (Yes. I've gotten pulled over a few times and I have yet to be shot at).
Do you believe that no non-white people in America can say this as well?

6. Do you believe that there is a wage gap? why/why not? (Yes. Any moron can see that).
That is not a why or a why not. What data/facts do you have to back this up? Do you understand that the difference in outcome is different than the difference in opportunity? Do you understand the factors that go into this statistic is the total wages for ALL women vs. ALL men, regardless of career choices, hours worked, or the voluntary choice to NOT work and be a stay-at-home mom?

Here is a video for you to "research" that breaks this down pretty clearly.


10. Should we have free healthcare for all? Why? (Yes, because healthcare isn't a privilege. Everyone deserves to have healthcare. The country spends more money on Medicare, Medicaid, & VA healthcare than it would cost to give everyone healthcare).
I'm not known for my math skills, but how exactly does the country spend more on these three super small segments of the much, much larger healthcare pie than it would cost for ALL health care of ALL people in this country? You might have forgotten to carry the one or something.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Godfather on June 23, 2017, 03:37:34 PM
1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US? (Because it would be)

2. Socialism has shown over the years to constantly fail.  Why do you think it would work here? (We still use socialist programs. I think it would work better if people would care more for their neighbor).

I am going to try and discuss these with you one at a time, but I am going to discuss the first 2 together because they deal with the same principle.

Some of these I will also ask additional questions ...apologies for that. 

Do you currently like living in the US? 

With #1 you really didn't answer the question.  "Because it will" doesn't mean anything, why will it work?

See socialism preaches equality amongst others right?  I want equality too, but I want equal opportunity (which we currently have) not equal outcome. See the problem with socialism is people don't realize that there are still 2 classes, the poor which become 95% and the ultra rich which are the 5%.  Socialism makes everyone dirt poor because everyone is then equal right.  I have history to back me up on this.  Hell, I have Venezuela right now that says I am right.

You can honestly debate with me a system that Bernie Sanders wouldn't have to live by.  The man has 3 houses.  I don't own 3 houses...do you own 3 houses?   

Here's the thing, my father taught me to worry about myself.  Don't worry about what the other guy is making. That's what America is based on.  Any American can become anything they want to be (equal opportunity).  You can invent something and become a multi-millionaire. You can work your ass off and build a company.  The sky is the limit, we are only limited by our own attitudes. 

Caring for your neighbor is not socialism.  I agree with you that there are socialist programs in this country.  I would also say that many of them aren't working.  I would argue that Social Security is a socialist program and was developed to help the elderly after retirement to maintain a way of living.  The program is in shambles. 

Socialism brings more government into our lives (which is why your answer to question #4 "I'd like for them to be less involved" is contradictory and confusing to me.)
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Godfather on June 23, 2017, 03:55:36 PM
3. Were your parent's immigrants? How do you feel about immigration? (Mother and my 3 aunts immigrated from Germany. They should be properly vetted. As for refugees, the vetting processes need to be expedient).

Don't have much to go on with you here, but I agree and disagree with you. 

I guess my question was also a bit ambiguous.  I probably should have asked: Do we have an immigration problem currently? How would you propose we fix it?  You answered some of that.

See I do believe we have a big immigration problem here.  Not as big as Europe, but if left unchecked would be.  I don't believe we should shut down our borders permanently but I do think we should shut them down until we figure out a better way to fix our immigration system.  I believe it was Dr. Charles Krauthammer who said that we should shut down our borders for 1-2 years, build the wall and in the meantime figure out how to correct our current system. 

I agree on your vetting, but I also want a cap on how many people are let in each year. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Token on June 23, 2017, 04:30:48 PM
I'm sorry for my previous response in this thread. 

Carry on.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 23, 2017, 05:29:48 PM
I'm sorry for my previous response in this thread. 

Carry on.

I'm not.

Move along.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Prowler on June 23, 2017, 06:38:30 PM
Don't have much to go on with you here, but I agree and disagree with you. 

I guess my question was also a bit ambiguous.  I probably should have asked: Do we have an immigration problem currently? How would you propose we fix it?  You answered some of that.

See I do believe we have a big immigration problem here.  Not as big as Europe, but if left unchecked would be.  I don't believe we should shut down our borders permanently but I do think we should shut them down until we figure out a better way to fix our immigration system.  I believe it was Dr. Charles Krauthammer who said that we should shut down our borders for 1-2 years, build the wall and in the meantime figure out how to correct our current system. 

I agree on your vetting, but I also want a cap on how many people are let in each year.
When Trump proposed the travel ban on the 7 Countries he and the rest of the White House stated then, that it would be a 90 day pause on those countries, while they figured out a better way to vet them. That was about 100 days ago...and nothing has been figured out, in fact, no one is looking into trying to figure out how to strength the process.

Also, the wall would likely take longer than 1-2 years to build, just look at Corridor X, that was started about 15 years ago.

I agree with a yearly cap.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: CCTAU on June 23, 2017, 07:33:50 PM
1. You supported Bernie Sanders, who in his own words believes in socialism.  Why do you think socialism would be a good fit in the US? (Because it would be)

You lost any SANE American right there.

I too feel much pity for you and yours!
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: chinook on June 23, 2017, 11:54:08 PM
When Trump proposed the travel ban on the 7 Countries he and the rest of the White House stated then, that it would be a 90 day pause on those countries, while they figured out a better way to vet them. That was about 100 days ago...and nothing has been figured out, in fact, no one is looking into trying to figure out how to strength the process.

Also, the wall would likely take longer than 1-2 years to build, just look at Corridor X, that was started about 15 years ago.

I agree with a yearly cap.

ha. The Exc. order has been in legal limbo. Day 1 hasn't started.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: RWS on June 24, 2017, 09:23:35 AM
When Trump proposed the travel ban on the 7 Countries he and the rest of the White House stated then, that it would be a 90 day pause on those countries, while they figured out a better way to vet them. That was about 100 days ago...and nothing has been figured out, in fact, no one is looking into trying to figure out how to strength the process.
The ban is being fought in the courts because supposedly it was so overboard that it violates the constitution (which it doesn't).  How would you propose that it be strengthened without being fought?
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: bottomfeeder on June 24, 2017, 09:44:26 AM
The end game for socialism.

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Prowler on June 24, 2017, 07:17:55 PM
The ban is being fought in the courts because supposedly it was so overboard that it violates the constitution (which it doesn't).  How would you propose that it be strengthened without being fought?
The fact that they haven't begun to figure out how to strength the process, tells me all I need to know. That 90 day plan was going to be a lot longer, luckily the courts stepped in and stopped it.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 24, 2017, 07:30:18 PM
Anybody ready to wave the white flag?
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: RWS on June 25, 2017, 10:29:40 AM
The fact that they haven't begun to figure out how to strength the process, tells me all I need to know. That 90 day plan was going to be a lot longer, luckily the courts stepped in and stopped it.
OK, but my question is how should it be strengthened without it being fought in the courts?  It makes no sense to criticize them for not strengthening it when it is being fought in its current form for being too strong. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: WiregrassTiger on June 25, 2017, 12:08:55 PM
Anybody ready to wave the white flag?
If this is intended for AUChizzy, you buried him a long time ago. Now, he told the teacher on AUChizad!, so ! Hasn't been around to defend himself.

Obviously, we all liked ! a lot. More than Chizzy could ever be liked.

Not sure you'd win an argument vs !. He the man.

But you destroyed Chizzy. Numerous times. And we could vote on it again if he needs added proof.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Six on June 26, 2017, 09:36:00 AM
Poor, disenfranchised people have voted Democrat for over 50 years.

They are still poor and disenfranchised.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 26, 2017, 10:42:52 AM
Poor, disenfranchised people have voted Democrat for over 50 years.

They are still poor and disenfranchised.

Actually they are much worse.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: CCTAU on June 26, 2017, 12:47:40 PM
Actually they are much worse.

You cannot tell them that. They will just say that the republicans blocked his greatness!
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 26, 2017, 02:40:51 PM
The fact that they haven't begun to figure out how to strength the process, tells me all I need to know. That 90 day plan was going to be a lot longer, luckily the courts stepped in and stopped it.

But that wasn't what you said a page back.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Prowler on June 28, 2017, 10:14:58 PM
Poor, disenfranchised people have voted Democrat for over 50 years.

They are still poor and disenfranchised.

Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia and Kentucky are the poorest states in the Country...they're all Republican States.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: chinook on June 29, 2017, 01:00:12 AM

Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia and Kentucky are the poorest states in the Country...they're all Republican States.

Wrong peeps.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 29, 2017, 05:54:37 AM

Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia and Kentucky are the poorest states in the Country...they're all Republican States.

In which the poor and disenfranchised consistently vote against their own self interests.

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 29, 2017, 08:58:47 AM

Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia and Kentucky are the poorest states in the Country...they're all Republican States.

They're the highest % black too. Just like most major cities (also poor). See wes' sjw thread a few weeks ago.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 29, 2017, 10:26:49 AM
They're the highest % black too. Just like most major cities (also poor). See wes' sjw thread a few weeks ago.

Black people are poor? Racist!!
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 29, 2017, 01:29:09 PM
Black people are poor? Racist!!

Damn facts.

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: The Prowler on June 29, 2017, 04:36:08 PM
In which the poor and disenfranchised consistently vote against their own self interests.

Owesley County, Ky. has the highest rate of food stamp usage in the Country. That county is 99% white and 95% Republican.
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Kaos on June 29, 2017, 04:47:48 PM

Owesley County, Ky. has the highest rate of food stamp usage in the Country. That county is 99% white and 95% Republican.

Exceptions do not define the rule, prowler. 
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: GH2001 on June 29, 2017, 06:33:02 PM

Owesley County, Ky. has the highest rate of food stamp usage in the Country. That county is 99% white and 95% Republican.

And the other 100 poorest counties in the us?

How's about you name the poorest county in Alabama? Mississippi? Georgia?

Hint: for alabama Sumter and macon almost always top the list.

Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: CCTAU on June 29, 2017, 10:58:42 PM
And the other 100 poorest counties in the us?

How's about you name the poorest county in Alabama? Mississippi? Georgia?

Hint: for alabama Sumter and macon almost always top the list.

Yeah but what about that one county in Wyoming!
Title: Re: Prowler
Post by: Jumbo on June 30, 2017, 01:33:47 AM
And the other 100 poorest counties in the us?

How's about you name the poorest county in Alabama? Mississippi? Georgia?

Hint: for alabama Sumter and macon almost always top the list.
Greene County.