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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Kaos on May 27, 2017, 10:28:05 PM

Title: The Cycle
Post by: Kaos on May 27, 2017, 10:28:05 PM
I was thinking about this as Memorial Day approaches. Not directly related but the political climate was on my mind.

It's really cyclical.  The people from Al Gore's generation -- one that includes Hillary and Obama -- are
the remnants of the Woodstock, peace and love generation. Former hippies. The offspring of solid conservative roots though.

The next generation, and I'm admittedly at the upper end of it, rejected that hippie bullshit. We saw first hand what Jimmah Cahtah's hug-it-out, give-it-away philosophy wrought.

And here we are now, a conservative majority sandwiched between two flower-power generations. What amuses and comforts me is the knowledge that the children of these silly little snowflakes will likely be staunch conservatives.