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The Library => The SGA => Topic started by: Kaos on November 12, 2016, 02:17:12 AM

Title: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 12, 2016, 02:17:12 AM
People are crying, and it's not because they lost a race...


More than 200 hate incidents — ranging from swastika graffiti to physical threats — have been reported across the country since Donald Trump's election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit that monitors hate groups in the USA. Boo freaking hoo

Now many people of color, women and LGBT people who have long faced threats large and small must grapple with the knowledge that half of their fellow American voters elected someone who has advocated policies aimed at them: Keeping Muslims and Mexicans FUCK You.  The fucking word you're leaving out you pansy fucking fuck is "illegal" out of the country, using police tactics considered racially biased such as stop-and-frisk, and grabbing women without consent. There's a policy that allows grabbing women without consent!  I'm gonna rename Tuesday to Boobsday!!  Fucking idiot.

They are part of the other half of American voters, many of whom wept on election night and since, crying not because their horse in the race lost but because they fear for their safety and well-being. Then move, you fucking wussies

"I think it's normal in any election, one side is going to demonize the other," says Monnica Williams, a licensed clinical psychologist.

"In this case, Trump actually said those awful things about women, about minorities, and he stands by those remarks," Williams says. "It's very scary for people who are part of marginalized and stigmatized communities." Eat shit and die.

And yet, many people who are upset have been told, even by Trump opponents, to calm down — that it was just an election and that America would continue as it always has.

"To say that this was just another election is blindly ignorant to just how ... viscerally this campaign ripped open the wounds of racial resentment in this country," says Ryan Lenz, a Southern Poverty Law Center spokesperson.  "And if it's not apparent to you now, I believe it soon will be."  Ryan Lenz should be unemployed

Indeed, for many people who aren't straight, white American males, these latest hate incidents come on top of a year that was already terrifying and degrading.

• Five months ago to the day, 49 people were gunned down at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando. It was the deadliest attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. Islamic terrorist.... the kind of fuckhole Obama embraced and Trump wants to get out of the country.  Fucking idiot.

• A week before that, the Stanford sexual assault survivor highlighted the disregard many rape victims endure after her attacker, Brock Turner, received a six-month sentence. (He served just three months.) He stuck his finger in a girl he'd been fooling around with after she passed out at a party. Oh. The horror!!

• A month later, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were shot and killed by police in separate incidents within a day of one another. Fuck you.  They were criminals.  

Pulse, Stanford, Sterling and Castile weren't isolated incidents:

• This year, 385 black, Hispanic and Native American people have been shot and killed by police, according to The Guardian.  How many police have been killed?  How many blacks killed other blacks?  Fuck YOU

• Every two minutes, an American is sexually assaulted, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Bullshit. 

• More than 1,114 people were victims of hate crimes because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, according the FBI's 2014 data.   There are 319 million people in America.  That's a rate of .003%.  So, yeah.  FUCK YOU

The outbreak of post-election violence aimed at minority groups is "not that surprising" given the language heard and violence seen at Trump rallies, Lenz says. Umm, you stupid fucking fuck, the only "violence after the election was perpetrated BY the fucking fucks who were protesting against Trump, not directed toward them.  Go fuck yourself. 

"Over the course of his campaign, Donald Trump has blown a dog whistle at a number of far-right ideologies from anti-Muslim extremists to flat-out neo-Nazis," says Lenz. "With his election, many racists feel they've been legitimized." You mean like yourself?  Well, fuck you.

Some Trump supporters — former KKK grand wizard David Duke or students who chanted "build the wall," for instance — openly praised this rhetoric. So fucking what?

Many Trump voters looked past his words, rather than condoned them. Exit polls in Wisconsin, a big win for Trump, show that 21% of voters who had a negative opinion of him voted for him anyway. Because she's a heinous bitch

"I don't want to give the impression that everyone who voted for Trump is a racist," says Williams, who pointed to economic issues, abortion and problems with Hillary Clinton as other reasons for Trump's victory. "That being said, I think there were a number of people who were racist who said, 'it's about time someone is saying these things.'"

Trump’s campaign, however, has objected to the idea that he has encouraged racism.

“We totally disavow hateful rhetoric,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks has said. “Online or otherwise.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center should be eliminated has called on Trump to "distance himself" from "extremists."

"This violence that is starting to boil over is a reminder of how much work we have to do now to bridge the cultural gaps that are apparent in this country," Lenz says. "This election does not legitimize racial hatred."

Fuck all these people. 

We are closer to a civil war than we've ever been.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: CCTAU on November 12, 2016, 03:23:28 AM
People are crying, and it's not because they lost a race...

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/11/12/bad-year-for-minorities/93637192/ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/11/12/bad-year-for-minorities/93637192/)

Fuck all these people. 

We are closer to a civil war than we've ever been.

Somebody forgot to tell them they are on the anti-gun side!
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 12, 2016, 08:10:11 AM
Here's another mewling bitch.  His name is Neal Gabler

America died on Nov. 8, 2016, not with a bang or a whimper, but at its own hand via electoral suicide. We the people chose a man who has shredded our values, our morals, our compassion, our tolerance, our decency, our sense of common purpose, our very identity — all the things that, however tenuously, made a nation out of a country.

Whatever place we now live in is not the same place it was on Nov. 7. No matter how the rest of the world looked at us on Nov. 7, they will now look at us differently. We are likely to be a pariah country. And we are lost for it. As I surveyed the ruin of that country this gray Wednesday morning, I found weary consolation in W.H. Auden’s poem, September 1, 1939, which concludes:

“Defenseless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.”

I hunt for that affirming flame.

This generally has been called the “hate election” because everyone professed to hate both candidates. It turned out to be the hate election because, and let’s not mince words, of the hatefulness of the electorate. In the years to come, we will brace for the violence, the anger, the racism, the misogyny, the xenophobia, the nativism, the white sense of grievance that will undoubtedly be unleashed now that we have destroyed the values that have bound us. Fuck you, asshole. What we did was reinforce the values that built us.  Go live in France.

We all knew these hatreds lurked under the thinnest veneer of civility. That civility finally is gone.
We all knew these hatreds lurked under the thinnest veneer of civility. That civility finally is gone. In its absence, we may realize just how imperative that politesse was. It is the way we managed to coexist.

If there is a single sentence that characterizes the election, it is this: “He says the things I’m thinking.” That may be what is so terrifying. Who knew that so many tens of millions of white Americans were thinking unconscionable things about their fellow Americans? Who knew that tens of millions of white men felt so emasculated by women and challenged by minorities? Who knew that after years of seeming progress on race and gender, tens of millions of white Americans lived in seething resentment, waiting for a demagogue to arrive who would legitimize their worst selves and channel them into political power? Perhaps we had been living in a fool’s paradise. Now we aren’t.

This country has survived a civil war, two world wars, and a great depression. There are many who say we will survive this, too. Maybe we will, but we won’t survive unscathed. We know too much about each other to heal. No more can we pretend that we are exceptional or good or progressive or united. We are none of those things. Nor can we pretend that democracy works and that elections have more or less happy endings. Democracy only functions when its participants abide by certain conventions, certain codes of conduct and a respect for the process. So if we elect a power-mad, lying, corrupt, evil BITCH, that proves our goodness?  Oh boo fucking hoo you pansy ass piece of shit.

No more can we pretend that we are exceptional or good or progressive or united. We are none of those things.

The virus that kills democracy is extremism because extremism disables those codes. Republicans have disrespected the process for decades. They have regarded any Democratic president as illegitimate. They have proudly boasted of preventing popularly elected Democrats from effecting policy and have asserted that only Republicans have the right to determine the nation’s course. They have worked tirelessly to make sure that the government cannot govern and to redefine the purpose of government as prevention rather than effectuation. In short, they haven’t believed in democracy for a long time, and the media never called them out on it.  As proven by the email leaks the media was completely behind Hillary and has been anti-conservative for decades.  Eat a turd burger, fuckho.

Democracy can’t cope with extremism. Only violence and time can defeat it. The first is unacceptable, the second takes too long. Though Trump is an extremist, I have a feeling that he will be a very popular president and one likely to be re-elected by a substantial margin, no matter what he does or fails to do. That’s because ever since the days of Ronald Reagan, rhetoric has obviated action, speechifying has superseded governing. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Regan was all about rhetoric. 

Trump was absolutely correct when he bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his supporters wouldn’t care. It was a dictator’s ugly vaunt, but one that recognized this election never was about policy or economics or the “right path/wrong path,” or even values. It was about venting. So long as Trump vented their grievances, his all-white supporters didn’t care about anything else. He is smart enough to know that won’t change in the presidency. In fact, it is only likely to intensify. White America, Trump’s America, just wants to hear its anger bellowed. This is one time when the Bully Pulpit will be literal. :taunt:

The media can’t be let off the hook for enabling an authoritarian to get to the White House. Long before he considered a presidential run, he was a media creation — a regular in the gossip pages, a photo on magazine covers, the bankrupt (morally and otherwise) mogul who hired and fired on The Apprentice. When he ran, the media treated him not as a candidate, but as a celebrity, and so treated him differently from ordinary pols. The media gave him free publicity, trumpeted his shenanigans, blasted out his tweets, allowed him to phone in his interviews, fell into his traps and generally kowtowed until they suddenly discovered that this joke could actually become president.

Just as Trump has shredded our values, our nation and our democracy, he has shredded the media. In this, as in his politics, he is only the latest avatar of a process that began long before his candidacy. Just as the sainted Ronald Reagan created an unbridgeable chasm between rich and poor that the Republicans would later exploit against Democrats, conservatives delegitimized mainstream journalism so that they could fill the vacuum.  :taunt:

With Trump’s election, I think that the ideal of an objective, truthful journalism is dead, never to be revived.
Retiring conservative talk show host Charlie Sykes complained that after years of bashing from the right wing, the mainstream media no longer could perform their function as reporters, observers, fact dispensers, and even truth tellers, and he said we needed them. Like Goebbels before them, conservatives understood that they had to create their own facts, their own truths, their own reality. They have done so, and in so doing effectively destroyed the very idea of objectivity. Trump can lie constantly only because white America has accepted an Orwellian sense of truth — the truth pulled inside out. SERIOUSLY?  Can this lunatic fuck read?  Is he deaf and blind?  The media covered for her constantly and did its best to dismantle Trump. 

With Trump’s election, I think that the ideal of an objective, truthful journalism is dead, never to be revived. Like Nixon and Sarah Palin before him, Trump ran against the media, boomeranging off the public’s contempt for the press. He ran against what he regarded as media elitism and bias, and he ran on the idea that the press disdained working-class white America. Among the many now-widening divides in the country, this is a big one, the divide between the media and working-class whites, because it creates a Wild West of information – a media ecology in which nothing can be believed except what you already believe.

With the mainstream media so delegitimized — a delegitimization for which they bear a good deal of blame, not having had the courage to take on lies and expose false equivalencies — they have very little role to play going forward in our politics. I suspect most of them will surrender to Trumpism — if they were able to normalize Trump as a candidate, they will no doubt normalize him as president. Cable news may even welcome him as a continuous entertainment and ratings booster. And in any case, like Reagan, he is bulletproof. The media cannot touch him, even if they wanted to. Presumably, there will be some courageous guerillas in the mainstream press, a kind of Resistance, who will try to fact-check him. But there will be few of them, and they will be whistling in the wind. Trump, like all dictators, is his own truth.  :taunt:

What’s more, Trump already has promised to take his war on the press into courtrooms and the halls of Congress. He wants to loosen libel protections, and he has threatened Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos of Amazon with an antitrust suit. Individual journalists have reason to fear him as well. He has already singled out NBC’s Katy Tur, perhaps the best of the television reporters, so that she needed the Secret Service to escort her from one of his rallies. Jewish journalists who have criticized Trump have been subjected to vicious anti-Semitism and intimidation from the alt-right. For the press, this is likely to be the new normal in an America in which white supremacists, neo-Nazi militias, racists, sexists, homophobes and anti-Semites have been legitimized by a new president who “says what I’m thinking.” It will be open season.   :taunt:

This converts the media from reporters to targets, and they have little recourse. Still, if anyone points the way forward, it may be New York Times columnist David Brooks. Brooks is no paragon. He always had seemed to willfully neglect modern Republicanism’s incipient fascism (now no longer incipient), and he was an apologist for conservative self-enrichment and bigotry. But this campaign season, Brooks pretty much dispensed with politics. He seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that no good could possibly come of any of this and retreated into spirituality. What Brooks promoted were values of mutual respect, a bolder sense of civic engagement, an emphasis on community and neighborhood, and overall a belief in trickle-up decency rather than trickle-down economics. He is not hopeful, but he hasn’t lost all hope.

For those of us now languishing in despair, this may be a prescription for rejuvenation. We have lost the country, but by refocusing, we may have gained our own little patch of the world and, more granularly, our own family. For journalists, Brooks may show how political reporting, which, as I said, is likely to be irrelevant in the Trump age, might yield to a broader moral context in which one considers the effect that policy, strategy and governance have not only on our physical and economic well-being but also on our spiritual well-being. In a society that is likely to be fractious and odious, we need a national conversation on values. The media could help start it.

But the disempowered media may have one more role to fill: They must bear witness. Many years from now, future generations will need to know what happened to us and how it happened. They will need to know how disgruntled white Americans, full of self-righteous indignation, found a way to take back a country they felt they were entitled to and which they believed had been lost. They will need to know about the ugliness and evil that destroyed us as a nation after great men like Lincoln and Roosevelt guided us through previous crises and kept our values intact. They will need to know, and they will need a vigorous, engaged, moral media to tell them. They will also need us.   :taunt:

We are not living for ourselves anymore in this country. Now we are living for history.


That people like this clown exist at all sickens me.   
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: AUTailgatingRules on November 12, 2016, 01:35:22 PM
This is the time out/participation trophy/upwards sports generation.  Nobody has ever taught these assholes how to lose.

In real life we keep score.  Deal with it
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 12, 2016, 03:36:02 PM

Somebody forgot to tell them they are on the anti-gun side!

The anti gun side is gonna start an uprising against the gun side. Prayers sent. Another level of stupid.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 12, 2016, 03:37:21 PM
Here's another mewling bitch.  His name is Neal Gabler


That people like this clown exist at all sickens me.

He hunts for that affirming flame bro. Don't interrupt him.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Token on November 12, 2016, 09:47:58 PM
This is the time out/participation trophy/upwards sports generation.  Nobody has ever taught these assholes how to lose.

In real life we keep score.  Deal with it

So I go to my 11 year old son's peewee football championship game today.  I noticed two of the teams we hammered during the regular season are there playing the game before us.  Also a championship game.  I ask, why are they playing?  Head coach says they decided to create two playoff brackets for the league this year. 

Top 4 teams play in the "black division" bracket for the championship and the bottom 4 teams play in the "silver league" bracket. 

These leagues weren't there for the beginning of the season.  They weren't created based on number of players, size of players or anything like that.  They literally took the bottom 4 teams in the league (none of which had a winning record) and let them battle it out for their own championship trophy. 

What is the fucking point of even competing anymore?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 12, 2016, 10:44:39 PM
So I go to my 11 year old son's peewee football championship game today.  I noticed two of the teams we hammered during the regular season are there playing the game before us.  Also a championship game.  I ask, why are they playing?  Head coach says they decided to create two playoff brackets for the league this year. 

Top 4 teams play in the "black division" bracket for the championship and the bottom 4 teams play in the "silver league" bracket. 

These leagues weren't there for the beginning of the season.  They weren't created based on number of players, size of players or anything like that.  They literally took the bottom 4 teams in the league (none of which had a winning record) and let them battle it out for their own championship trophy. 

What is the fucking point of even competing anymore?

Can the SEC do this?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Townhallsavoy on November 13, 2016, 10:10:06 AM
So I go to my 11 year old son's peewee football championship game today.  I noticed two of the teams we hammered during the regular season are there playing the game before us.  Also a championship game.  I ask, why are they playing?  Head coach says they decided to create two playoff brackets for the league this year. 

Top 4 teams play in the "black division" bracket for the championship and the bottom 4 teams play in the "silver league" bracket. 

These leagues weren't there for the beginning of the season.  They weren't created based on number of players, size of players or anything like that.  They literally took the bottom 4 teams in the league (none of which had a winning record) and let them battle it out for their own championship trophy. 

What is the fucking point of even competing anymore?

Here's a CSB:

They did something similar when I was playing little league football. Made an all star team and a bunch of people got pissed because they felt like the all star team was just the sons and friends of the coaches who got to pick the all star team.

They made an all star team B. I was on All Star Team B and kinda embarrassed by it.

We got to play All Star Team A in the first game of an all star tournament. We didn't know what the fuck we were doing because we only had one practice before the game. I lined up over the center as a DT and noticed the center had his head down as he snapped the ball.

So I launched out of a four point stance and hit him in the back of the head every play. They fumbled like 15 times and we ended up winning.

Pic related:

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: AUChizad on November 14, 2016, 10:22:47 AM







Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: CCTAU on November 14, 2016, 10:51:24 AM
Dont tell the liberals that. They are too busy filling up social media with the same truths the liberal media spouted during the campaign!
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2016, 11:07:32 AM
Here's a CSB:

They did something similar when I was playing little league football. Made an all star team and a bunch of people got pissed because they felt like the all star team was just the sons and friends of the coaches who got to pick the all star team.

They made an all star team B. I was on All Star Team B and kinda embarrassed by it.

We got to play All Star Team A in the first game of an all star tournament. We didn't know what the fuck we were doing because we only had one practice before the game. I lined up over the center as a DT and noticed the center had his head down as he snapped the ball.

So I launched out of a four point stance and hit him in the back of the head every play. They fumbled like 15 times and we ended up winning.

Pic related:


Where did you find that picture of cct?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: CCTAU on November 14, 2016, 11:18:44 AM
Where did you find that picture of cct?

Bitch p!ease! I never wore a headband.
It messed up my hair!
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2016, 11:23:10 AM

Bitch p!ease! I never wore a headband.
It messed up my hair!

But them jeans though. Them jeans.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 14, 2016, 12:16:24 PM
But them jeans though. Them jeans.

What's wrong with those jeans?  Those are hawt.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 14, 2016, 12:20:14 PM
What's wrong with those jeans?  Those are hawt.

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 15, 2016, 07:37:10 AM
In an email to students, University of Michigan President Mark Schlissel wrote: “Our responsibility is to remain committed to education, discovery and intellectual honesty — and to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are at our best when we come together to engage respectfully across our ideological differences; to support all who feel marginalized, threatened or unwelcome; and to pursue knowledge and understanding.”

But when you treat an election in which the “wrong” candidate wins as a traumatic event on a par with the 9/11 attacks, calling for counseling and safe spaces, you’re implicitly saying that everyone who supported that “wrong” candidate is, well, unsafe. Despite the talk about diversity and inclusion, this is really sending the signal that people who supported Trump — and Trump is leading the state of Michigan, so there are probably quite a few on campus — aren’t really included in acceptable campus culture. It’s not promoting diversity; it’s enforcing uniformity. It’s not promoting inclusion; it’s practicing exclusion.  And though it pretends to be about nurturing, it’s actually about being mean to those who don’t fall in the nurtured class. Schlissel wrote he wants the university to be “a welcoming place for all members of society,” but how welcome can students who backed Trump feel in the wake of this performance?

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 15, 2016, 02:20:59 PM

FUCK Seth Meyers.  I've had enough of his bullshit. 

I hope his show crashes and burns. I hope he ends up on welfare or gets deported. 

Fuck Colbert.  Fuck Samantha Bee.  I hope they are both unemployed by the new year. 
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 15, 2016, 04:35:26 PM
Add Emmy Rossum to the list. 


She talked shit for months and now wants to cry when she gets it back.  Boo hoo, bitch. 

Canada beckons.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 29, 2016, 09:37:26 PM
Trump wants to put flag burners in jail or deport them. Yeah, nevermind the Constitution or the fact that, that's how you properly dispose of a ruined flag. Oh btw, he tweeted that suggestion. Also, don't be surprised if there's  A LOT of flag burning going on around Jan. 20th...I think he'd actually be mad, instead of acting, if people started burning confederate flags.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: bottomfeeder on November 29, 2016, 09:48:42 PM
Send all of the deviants to their deaths.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 29, 2016, 09:48:54 PM
Trump wants to put flag burners in jail or deport them. Yeah, nevermind the Constitution or the fact that, that's how you properly dispose of a ruined flag. Oh btw, he tweeted that suggestion. Also, don't be surprised if there's  A LOT of flag burning going on around Jan. 20th...I think he'd actually be mad, instead of acting, if people started burning confederate flags.

Your ass is the brightest part of you.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 29, 2016, 10:15:54 PM
This is typical Trump.  Exactly what we've seen the entire election and afterwards.  He says what everyone says around the water cooler.  Then hopefully, after his advisers get in his ear, he says the more politically correct thing.

I'm a lawyer.  I understand what the SCOTUS has ruled on flag burning. 5-4 vote twice, BTW.  It's still a controversial subject.  So, I'm well aware that Trump shooting his mouth off like that is typical knee jerk reaction that just can't continue when he becomes Prez.  But as an individual, I not only want to revoke their citizenship, I want to take a Kaos shovel to their faces every time they shit on our flag.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 29, 2016, 11:41:19 PM
Your ass is the brightest part of you.
Typical. I post the facts, you resort to trying to bully. You are pathetic.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 29, 2016, 11:53:30 PM
Typical. I post the facts, you resort to trying to bully. You are pathetic.

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: AUTiger1 on November 29, 2016, 11:54:19 PM
Typical. I post the facts, you resort to trying to bully. You are pathetic.

Smh...lol...bwwwwaaaaahahahhhahahaha! You think that is bullying?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 12:00:05 AM
Smh...lol...bwwwwaaaaahahahhhahahaha! You think that is bullying?
Notice I stated trying to bully, smh.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 30, 2016, 12:03:26 AM
Smh...lol...bwwwwaaaaahahahhhahahaha! You think that is bullying?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 12:09:41 AM
I know you more than you think.

You never answered my question from a few months ago. Do you take your robe and hood to be dry cleaned, or do you wash them yourself?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 30, 2016, 12:20:10 AM
I know you more than you think.

You never answered my question from a few months ago. Do you take your robe and hood to be dry cleaned, or do you wash them yourself?

I don't call it a robe.  I call it a smoking jacket. 

I wear it every time I smoke your ass in a discussion.  I'm going to have to get another one, this one is getting worn out.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 12:30:27 AM
I don't call it a robe.  I call it a smoking jacket. 

I wear it every time I smoke your ass in a discussion.  I'm going to have to get another one, this one is getting worn out.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. While you lay your hateful, racist head down, know that there were Republican protesters against Obama and your Führer was calling for a revolution and a march on Washington. Complain about that, moron.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 30, 2016, 09:11:07 AM
I know you more than you think.

You never answered my question from a few months ago. Do you take your robe and hood to be dry cleaned, or do you wash them yourself?

facts huh?

Why are you such a white apologist? So you are ok with flag burning when it's NOT for "disposing of it properly"? I don't care if it's illegal or not - being for or against it is another thing.

So scotus aside - Are you ok with someone burning the symbol of our great nation for the sheer purpose of disrespecting it?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 30, 2016, 09:12:21 AM
Whatever helps you sleep at night. While you lay your hateful, racist head down, know that there were Republican protesters against Obama and your Führer was calling for a revolution and a march on Washington. Complain about that, moron.

You could do yourself a huge favor and get off the wacko sites man. They are a cesspool.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 03:06:27 PM
facts huh?

Why are you such a white apologist? So you are ok with flag burning when it's NOT for "disposing of it properly"? I don't care if it's illegal or not - being for or against it is another thing.

So scotus aside - Are you ok with someone burning the symbol of our great nation for the sheer purpose of disrespecting it?
I helped fight for that freedom. Burn it.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on November 30, 2016, 03:18:55 PM
I helped fight for that freedom. Burn it.

I'm not sure there is one ww2 vet who fought for it who wouldn't think you are batshit crazy for that stance.

Tells me all I need to know about you.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: dallaswareagle on November 30, 2016, 03:56:04 PM
I helped fight for that freedom. Burn it.

Please to be telling in what form that the mighty Air Force had you making a contribution to a war effort?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 30, 2016, 04:07:38 PM
Please to be telling in what form that the mighty Air Force had you making a contribution to a war effort?

He ran the best danged Coast Guard Recruiting Center in the whole Tri-States area.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: dallaswareagle on November 30, 2016, 05:11:23 PM
Please to be telling in what form that the mighty Air Force had you making a contribution to a war effort?
He ran the best danged Coast Guard Recruiting Center in the whole Tri-States area.

I thought maybe he thought picking up trash from the run way was hostile pay worthy? 
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: AUTailgatingRules on November 30, 2016, 05:16:25 PM

I thought maybe he thought picking up trash from the run way was hostile pay worthy?

Kind of like Sniper Fire in Bosnia?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: dallaswareagle on November 30, 2016, 05:22:02 PM
Kind of like Sniper Fire in Bosnia?

pew, pew.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 06:19:18 PM
Please to be telling in what form that the mighty Air Force had you making a contribution to a war effort?
I worked on C-130s, helped make sure they passed inspection before flying back out. You seriously want to try and diminish what I did? I signed my papers on Sept. 13th, 2001. When I got out, I went to work at a machine shop making parts for the C.R.O.W.S. (youtube it if you don't know what that is).

I and all other military members helped/helps fight for the freedom of the people in United States, regardless if we agree with all of them or not. Some dipshits here need to get that though their head. These same dipshits have no problem wearing their American flag thongs or panties though.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on November 30, 2016, 09:17:56 PM
I worked on C-130s, helped make sure they passed inspection before flying back out. You seriously want to try and diminish what I did? I signed my papers on Sept. 13th, 2001. When I got out, I went to work at a machine shop making parts for the C.R.O.W.S. (youtube it if you don't know what that is).

I and all other military members helped/helps fight for the freedom of the people in United States, regardless if we agree with all of them or not. Some dipshits here need to get that though their head. These same dipshits have no problem wearing their American flag thongs or panties though.

Dang P, chill.  This is the X.  We're all here to bust each other's chops.  If you served, then you have my utmost respect in whatever capacity it was.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on November 30, 2016, 10:33:23 PM
Dang P, chill.  This is the X.  We're all here to bust each other's chops.  If you served, then you have my utmost respect in whatever capacity it was.


Until he got behind Bernie I was with you.  Backing a socialist sorta poops on the sacrifices of the greatest generation.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: WiregrassTiger on November 30, 2016, 11:29:54 PM
It's none of your biz wacks about my panties. I done told you.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on November 30, 2016, 11:30:28 PM
Dang P, chill.  This is the X.  We're all here to bust each other's chops.  If you served, then you have my utmost respect in whatever capacity it was.
I appreciate that. And Kaos, go do more research.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: dallaswareagle on December 01, 2016, 02:20:53 PM
Dang P, chill.  This is the X.  We're all here to bust each other's chops.  If you served, then you have my utmost respect in whatever capacity it was.

No shit, if I bowed up every time someone said something about me in a disparaging way, hell it would be every other post. My god the misspelled words and incomplete sentences might shut the board down.  :haha:

But, Air force, come on.   :bamahomer:
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on December 01, 2016, 02:35:47 PM
Dang P, chill.  This is the X.  We're all here to bust each other's chops.  If you served, then you have my utmost respect in whatever capacity it was.

He's the only person to ever be in the military on here....or ever. Don't you get it? He's very important. No one gets it.

I had a direct family member at Normandy who I buried almost 9 years ago with shrapnel still in his body from that day in 1944 but yeah I wouldn't understand at all.

Get the fuck over yourself prowler. You're a damn kook.

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on December 01, 2016, 10:21:07 PM
He's the only person to ever be in the military on here....or ever. Don't you get it? He's very important. No one gets it.

I had a direct family member at Normandy who I buried almost 9 years ago with shrapnel still in his body from that day in 1944 but yeah I wouldn't understand at all.

Get the fuck over yourself prowler. You're a damn kook.
The only thing I have said is that they have that freedom. Since you or whomever was talking to me, I state that I helped fight for that freedom. I'm sure there are other veterans here...guess what, they helped fight for it too. I don't have to agree, as I've stated before, with what they do, but it is their freedom to do so. If you don't like their freedom...then leave, I'm sure North Korea has room. Problem solved.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: AUChizad on December 02, 2016, 12:43:28 PM
Trump mused over twitter that we should outlaw flag burning.

As a free speech absolutist, I disagree.

But Hillary Clinton actually tried to pass the legislation making it illegal.


Why do I suspect everyone in this thread would have the exact opposite opinion of this that they do now if Hillary tried to pass something like this again as president elect?
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Saniflush on December 02, 2016, 01:16:01 PM
I can't stand the site of someone desecrating our flag but in order to have the rights we do, you have to accept that it can happen.

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on December 02, 2016, 01:25:25 PM

Why do I suspect everyone in this thread would have the exact opposite opinion of this that they do now if Hillary tried to pass something like this again as president elect?

Because you are a liberal at heart and make politics personal.  Because you can't disagree with a person's political opinions without ascribing some nefarious evil to them as a person.  People who don't agree with you aren't allowed their opinions, disagreeing with your position is a moral affront. If they don't see it your way they must be uneducated, not sophisticated, a lower order thinker, less civilized than you, in a word...... deplorable. 

I'd still hate her for all the evil and corrupt things she's done and I'd never vote for her under any circumstances, but if she'd ridden the alien dinosaurs to Washington?  I'd support that particular position. 
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: CCTAU on December 02, 2016, 01:55:27 PM
I don't think it should be punishable by prison or losing citizenship. I do think we should have the right to whip their ass.

I also think that if you burn the flag, that you should lose any money you are receiving from the government (if any).

It's like a country that despises us, and yet takes our money. It should be done away with. The old "bite the hand that feeds you" analogy.

If you do something to harm the reputation of your company, you get fired. Burning the flag should be treated the same way. You should lose your handouts from the country you hate for a period of time. Maybe five years. People do grow up. Well most. But it should be five years from every occurrence.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on December 02, 2016, 02:29:58 PM
I can't stand the site of someone desecrating our flag but in order to have the rights we do, you have to accept that it can happen.

Nuff said!
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on December 02, 2016, 04:52:49 PM
I can't stand the site of someone desecrating our flag but in order to have the rights we do, you have to accept that it can happen.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on January 17, 2017, 08:14:05 AM
More people who should be deported. 

I really wish Trump would just deport these Hollywood morons.  Put them all on a boat with Meryl "We are the oppressed" Streep and Rosie "Did you say there was a buffet on this boat?" O'Donnell. 

King of Civil Rights Lewis
Every Democrat skipping the inauguration
Every stupid fool who participated in the "We will survive Trump" video which includes
>Emma Stone
>Matthew McBongahey
>Andrew Garfield
>Amy Adams
>Chris Pine
>Twattajabe J. Henson
>Hailee Steinfeld (who the fuck is this?)
>Dev Patel
>Natalie Portman

Also deport Robert DeNiro, Don Cheadle, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen's dad, Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansen and sadly both Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. 

Had enough of their bitching, whining, moaning and pissing.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: The Prowler on January 17, 2017, 05:33:35 PM
More people who should be deported. 

I really wish Trump would just deport these Hollywood morons.  Put them all on a boat with Meryl "We are the oppressed" Streep and Rosie "Did you say there was a buffet on this boat?" O'Donnell. 

King of Civil Rights Lewis
Every Democrat skipping the inauguration
Every stupid fool who participated in the "We will survive Trump" video which includes
>Emma Stone
>Matthew McBongahey
>Andrew Garfield
>Amy Adams
>Chris Pine
>Twattajabe J. Henson
>Hailee Steinfeld (who the fuck is this?)
>Dev Patel
>Natalie Portman

Also deport Robert DeNiro, Don Cheadle, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen's dad, Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansen and sadly both Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. 

Had enough of their bitching, whining, moaning and pissing.

^^ THIS ^^ ... vv AFTER YOU STATED THIS vv  :facepalm:

Because you ... make politics personal.  Because you can't disagree with a person's political opinions without ascribing some nefarious evil to them as a person.  People who don't agree with you aren't allowed their opinions, disagreeing with your position is a moral affront. If they don't see it your way they must be uneducated, not sophisticated, a lower order thinker, less civilized than you, in a word...... deplorable.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on January 17, 2017, 06:47:26 PM
More people who should be deported. 

I really wish Trump would just deport these Hollywood morons.  Put them all on a boat with Meryl "We are the oppressed" Streep and Rosie "Did you say there was a buffet on this boat?" O'Donnell. 

King of Civil Rights Lewis
Every Democrat skipping the inauguration
Every stupid fool who participated in the "We will survive Trump" video which includes
>Emma Stone
>Matthew McBongahey
>Andrew Garfield
>Amy Adams
>Chris Pine
>Twattajabe J. Henson
>Hailee Steinfeld (who the fuck is this?)
>Dev Patel
>Natalie Portman

Also deport Robert DeNiro, Don Cheadle, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen's dad, Tom Hanks, Bryan Cranston, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansen and sadly both Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. 

Had enough of their bitching, whining, moaning and pissing.

Amy Adams. That one hurt.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Snaggletiger on January 19, 2017, 03:55:05 PM
I voted for Trump.  Lesser of two evils?  Meh, I don't know if it was that. But I have no doubt that these were the two least appealing candidates I can recall by a long shot.  Even as I was sitting there with the ballot in hand, I found myself just staring at it for several minutes.  I couldn't vote for Clinton.  I'm convinced the woman is as slimy as any politician in history.  Just as important, I couldn't abide continuing with the same policies implemented under Obama, including one that caused my annual health insurance premium for a family of 3 to now eclipse $20,000.00.  As a matter of fact, an employee we've had for 12 years is leaving next week to go with a much larger company that can offer her coverage. The prediction for 2017 is a 25% increase.  It has to stop.

Why Trump? Because voting for a third party candidate wasn't going to bring about any change.  Would I be making a statement?  Yep.  And that statement would be that I'm okay with losing employees.  That I'm fine with taking $20,000.00 of my net pay and throwing it at minimal coverage and a $3,000.00 deductible.  That's what affects me and my family directly and Trump was the only option with the possibility of changing that. 

With regard to his policies, at the end of the day and after he finally refined all the shooting from the hip, water-cooler rhetoric, I'm pretty much in his corner on most all of them.  It seems there were always a lot of elephants in the room.  Trump put himself behind the 8-ball right off the bat with his rant on those damn Mexicans jumping the border and bringing their drugs and crime with them.  We need to build a wall, load up every one of those wet backs and dump em' back on the other side. 

You can't say that.  You racist, Mexican hating pig. But what's the elephant in the room?  There are in fact eleven and a half million illegal immigrants here with more pouring in every day.  But settle down, snowflakes.  No need to be traumatized.  You can take your exams and sleep okay at night because nobody is coming to you or your family's door with handcuffs and a big truck to ship you across the border.  Trump had to change his tune but most importantly, he has vowed to actually do something about the immigration problem.  Oh, and ask Kate Steinle's parents if the policies need to be changed.

"No more Muslims can enter this country until we get a handle on terrorism".  Sweet Haysus, Donald.  You can't say that you Muslim bashing, low life piece of shit.  But what's that over in the corner?  Wait, that's an elephant, isn't it?  The truth is that radical Muslims have dedicated themselves to taking out as many innocent infidels as possible.  They fly planes into buildings and kill thousands.  They walk into their work place and blow away dozens.  They storm a gay club and wipe out 50 or so people.  They drive large trucks into crowded streets.  But rest easy Machmud.  Donald had to tone down the brash talk and no one is putting a moratorium on you bringing thousands more little bomb toting, jihadis into the country.  But again, Trump was the only one with the stones to address the problem and pledge to do something about it without giving two shitzu shits about hurting anyone's feewings.

He was the only candidate to openly endorse our first responders and tell BLM to focus on the exponentially bigger problem, black on black crime.   He recognizes that NAFTA is a big drain on this economy and that we can only grow by keeping the jobs here.  And on and on and on....

But you can't say those things like two bros having a beer at the bar talking about dropping the big one on the entire Middle East and be elected President.  That's not how people really think.  Or can you?  Wait, what's tomorrow?         
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: dallaswareagle on January 19, 2017, 04:14:31 PM
I voted for Trump.  Lesser of two evils?  Meh, I don't know if it was that. But I have no doubt that these were the two least appealing candidates I can recall by a long shot.  Even as I was sitting there with the ballot in hand, I found myself just staring at it for several minutes.  I couldn't vote for Clinton.  I'm convinced the woman is as slimy as any politician in history.  Just as important, I couldn't abide continuing with the same policies implemented under Obama, including one that caused my annual health insurance premium for a family of 3 to now eclipse $20,000.00.  As a matter of fact, an employee we've had for 12 years is leaving next week to go with a much larger company that can offer her coverage. The prediction for 2017 is a 25% increase.  It has to stop.

Why Trump? Because voting for a third party candidate wasn't going to bring about any change.  Would I be making a statement?  Yep.  And that statement would be that I'm okay with losing employees.  That I'm fine with taking $20,000.00 of my net pay and throwing it at minimal coverage and a $3,000.00 deductible.  That's what affects me and my family directly and Trump was the only option with the possibility of changing that. 

With regard to his policies, at the end of the day and after he finally refined all the shooting from the hip, water-cooler rhetoric, I'm pretty much in his corner on most all of them.  It seems there were always a lot of elephants in the room.  Trump put himself behind the 8-ball right off the bat with his rant on those damn Mexicans jumping the border and bringing their drugs and crime with them.  We need to build a wall, load up every one of those wet backs and dump em' back on the other side. 

You can't say that.  You racist, Mexican hating pig. But what's the elephant in the room?  There are in fact eleven and a half million illegal immigrants here with more pouring in every day.  But settle down, snowflakes.  No need to be traumatized.  You can take your exams and sleep okay at night because nobody is coming to you or your family's door with handcuffs and a big truck to ship you across the border.  Trump had to change his tune but most importantly, he has vowed to actually do something about the immigration problem.  Oh, and ask Kate Steinle's parents if the policies need to be changed.

"No more Muslims can enter this country until we get a handle on terrorism".  Sweet Haysus, Donald.  You can't say that you Muslim bashing, low life piece of shit.  But what's that over in the corner?  Wait, that's an elephant, isn't it?  The truth is that radical Muslims have dedicated themselves to taking out as many innocent infidels as possible.  They fly planes into buildings and kill thousands.  They walk into their work place and blow away dozens.  They storm a gay club and wipe out 50 or so people.  They drive large trucks into crowded streets.  But rest easy Machmud.  Donald had to tone down the brash talk and no one is putting a moratorium on you bringing thousands more little bomb toting, jihadis into the country.  But again, Trump was the only one with the stones to address the problem and pledge to do something about it without giving two shitzu shits about hurting anyone's feewings.

He was the only candidate to openly endorse our first responders and tell BLM to focus on the exponentially bigger problem, black on black crime.   He recognizes that NAFTA is a big drain on this economy and that we can only grow by keeping the jobs here.  And on and on and on....

But you can't say those things like two bros having a beer at the bar talking about dropping the big one on the entire Middle East and be elected President.  That's not how people really think.  Or can you?  Wait, what's tomorrow?       

 :bar:  It will be interesting to come back one year from now and see where this country is? 
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on January 20, 2017, 09:05:54 AM
I voted for Trump.  Lesser of two evils?  Meh, I don't know if it was that. But I have no doubt that these were the two least appealing candidates I can recall by a long shot.  Even as I was sitting there with the ballot in hand, I found myself just staring at it for several minutes.  I couldn't vote for Clinton.  I'm convinced the woman is as slimy as any politician in history.  Just as important, I couldn't abide continuing with the same policies implemented under Obama, including one that caused my annual health insurance premium for a family of 3 to now eclipse $20,000.00.  As a matter of fact, an employee we've had for 12 years is leaving next week to go with a much larger company that can offer her coverage. The prediction for 2017 is a 25% increase.  It has to stop.

Why Trump? Because voting for a third party candidate wasn't going to bring about any change.  Would I be making a statement?  Yep.  And that statement would be that I'm okay with losing employees.  That I'm fine with taking $20,000.00 of my net pay and throwing it at minimal coverage and a $3,000.00 deductible.  That's what affects me and my family directly and Trump was the only option with the possibility of changing that. 

With regard to his policies, at the end of the day and after he finally refined all the shooting from the hip, water-cooler rhetoric, I'm pretty much in his corner on most all of them.  It seems there were always a lot of elephants in the room.  Trump put himself behind the 8-ball right off the bat with his rant on those damn Mexicans jumping the border and bringing their drugs and crime with them.  We need to build a wall, load up every one of those wet backs and dump em' back on the other side. 

You can't say that.  You racist, Mexican hating pig. But what's the elephant in the room?  There are in fact eleven and a half million illegal immigrants here with more pouring in every day.  But settle down, snowflakes.  No need to be traumatized.  You can take your exams and sleep okay at night because nobody is coming to you or your family's door with handcuffs and a big truck to ship you across the border.  Trump had to change his tune but most importantly, he has vowed to actually do something about the immigration problem.  Oh, and ask Kate Steinle's parents if the policies need to be changed.

"No more Muslims can enter this country until we get a handle on terrorism".  Sweet Haysus, Donald.  You can't say that you Muslim bashing, low life piece of shit.  But what's that over in the corner?  Wait, that's an elephant, isn't it?  The truth is that radical Muslims have dedicated themselves to taking out as many innocent infidels as possible.  They fly planes into buildings and kill thousands.  They walk into their work place and blow away dozens.  They storm a gay club and wipe out 50 or so people.  They drive large trucks into crowded streets.  But rest easy Machmud.  Donald had to tone down the brash talk and no one is putting a moratorium on you bringing thousands more little bomb toting, jihadis into the country.  But again, Trump was the only one with the stones to address the problem and pledge to do something about it without giving two shitzu shits about hurting anyone's feewings.

He was the only candidate to openly endorse our first responders and tell BLM to focus on the exponentially bigger problem, black on black crime.   He recognizes that NAFTA is a big drain on this economy and that we can only grow by keeping the jobs here.  And on and on and on....

But you can't say those things like two bros having a beer at the bar talking about dropping the big one on the entire Middle East and be elected President.  That's not how people really think.  Or can you?  Wait, what's tomorrow?       

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on January 20, 2017, 09:28:27 AM
I voted for Trump.  Lesser of two evils?  Meh, I don't know if it was that. But I have no doubt that these were the two least appealing candidates I can recall by a long shot.  Even as I was sitting there with the ballot in hand, I found myself just staring at it for several minutes.  I couldn't vote for Clinton.  I'm convinced the woman is as slimy as any politician in history.  Just as important, I couldn't abide continuing with the same policies implemented under Obama, including one that caused my annual health insurance premium for a family of 3 to now eclipse $20,000.00.  As a matter of fact, an employee we've had for 12 years is leaving next week to go with a much larger company that can offer her coverage. The prediction for 2017 is a 25% increase.  It has to stop.

Why Trump? Because voting for a third party candidate wasn't going to bring about any change.  Would I be making a statement?  Yep.  And that statement would be that I'm okay with losing employees.  That I'm fine with taking $20,000.00 of my net pay and throwing it at minimal coverage and a $3,000.00 deductible.  That's what affects me and my family directly and Trump was the only option with the possibility of changing that. 

With regard to his policies, at the end of the day and after he finally refined all the shooting from the hip, water-cooler rhetoric, I'm pretty much in his corner on most all of them.  It seems there were always a lot of elephants in the room.  Trump put himself behind the 8-ball right off the bat with his rant on those damn Mexicans jumping the border and bringing their drugs and crime with them.  We need to build a wall, load up every one of those wet backs and dump em' back on the other side. 

You can't say that.  You racist, Mexican hating pig. But what's the elephant in the room?  There are in fact eleven and a half million illegal immigrants here with more pouring in every day.  But settle down, snowflakes.  No need to be traumatized.  You can take your exams and sleep okay at night because nobody is coming to you or your family's door with handcuffs and a big truck to ship you across the border.  Trump had to change his tune but most importantly, he has vowed to actually do something about the immigration problem.  Oh, and ask Kate Steinle's parents if the policies need to be changed.

"No more Muslims can enter this country until we get a handle on terrorism".  Sweet Haysus, Donald.  You can't say that you Muslim bashing, low life piece of shit.  But what's that over in the corner?  Wait, that's an elephant, isn't it?  The truth is that radical Muslims have dedicated themselves to taking out as many innocent infidels as possible.  They fly planes into buildings and kill thousands.  They walk into their work place and blow away dozens.  They storm a gay club and wipe out 50 or so people.  They drive large trucks into crowded streets.  But rest easy Machmud.  Donald had to tone down the brash talk and no one is putting a moratorium on you bringing thousands more little bomb toting, jihadis into the country.  But again, Trump was the only one with the stones to address the problem and pledge to do something about it without giving two shitzu shits about hurting anyone's feewings.

He was the only candidate to openly endorse our first responders and tell BLM to focus on the exponentially bigger problem, black on black crime.   He recognizes that NAFTA is a big drain on this economy and that we can only grow by keeping the jobs here.  And on and on and on....

But you can't say those things like two bros having a beer at the bar talking about dropping the big one on the entire Middle East and be elected President.  That's not how people really think.  Or can you?  Wait, what's tomorrow?       

And it became apparent that both 3rd party candidates were morons.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on January 20, 2017, 01:36:11 PM
All these can burn at the stake too.

Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: CCTAU on January 21, 2017, 12:05:20 PM
And it became apparent that both 3rd party candidates were morons.

I will refrain...
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on January 21, 2017, 12:40:33 PM

I will refrain...

Evan "I came out of nowhere, was funded by Romney and skipped the primaries" McMullin

And "what's Allepo?" and can't name a single current world leader.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on January 21, 2017, 12:52:23 PM
Evan "I came out of nowhere, was funded by Romney and skipped the primaries" McMullin

And "what's Allepo?" and can't name a single current world leader.

Nobody took those people seriously. 
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on January 21, 2017, 01:22:56 PM
Nobody took those people seriously.

Sad part is that some did.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: Kaos on February 02, 2017, 12:28:38 PM
Sarah Silverman calling for armed insurrection. 
Judd Apatow branding Trump supporters as "fools" in his support of the Berkeley riots. 

Both should be arrested.   
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: GH2001 on February 02, 2017, 02:27:47 PM
Sarah Silverman calling for armed insurrection. 
Judd Apatow branding Trump supporters as "fools" in his support of the Berkeley riots. 

Both should be arrested.

And hung. Standard protocol for treason.
Title: Re: Fuck these people
Post by: bottomfeeder on February 02, 2017, 06:22:56 PM
It seems the liberals have a major identity crisis going on with all of the different factions they encompass. I don't understand what they have morph into, but it's unrecognizable, even for their own base. I find it laughable really. The entertainment valuable is through the roofies.

(http://i.makeagif.com/media/8-04-2015/-z8ACt.gif) (http://makeagif.com/-z8ACt)