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War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by The Six on Today at 02:19:37 PM »
Just a theory but I think you are about to see serious reductions in staff, assistants, and support areas for the non-revenue sports. Additionally, HC salaries are about to come way down. Whether they accomplish that by letting folks go, encouraging retirement, I don't know, but that's a big piece of ops costs - salary and benefits - and is the usual answer when an entity wants to "cut costs while maximizing returns" and such. You will also likely see more "juice" on the tickets for said events or a lot of NASCAR-type advertising on facilities, uniforms, etc.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Dad Jokes, Puns, Dis’s
« Last post by CCTAU on Today at 02:03:24 PM »
More punny stuff.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by AUJarhead on Today at 02:00:02 PM »
As passionate as our fans are, this is nuts to me.

Boggles my mind that Gymnastics lost 2.5M in 2023.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 12:45:07 PM »
Has to come down to operational costs & being locked into contract bids w/ vendors that monopolize goods and services, I would have to think.

That's probably a big piece of it, for sure.

I do know that baseball unleashed the new HOF lounge this past season, so I am sure that put a hurtin’ on things, too.

You sly dog.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 12:44:19 PM »
So, all that congressional activity...hearing after hearing after hearing...must have uncovered something earthshattering and actionable, no?

What's that?  Nothing happened.  Oh.

Well. At least we know you understand the word “obtuse.”
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 12:37:10 PM »
Agreed.  That said, our non-revenue sports are pretty well-attended, you just can't juice folks for tix like FB/BB can do.

Has to come down to operational costs & being locked into contract bids w/ vendors that monopolize goods and services, I would have to think.

I do know that baseball unleashed the new HOF lounge this past season, so I am sure that put a hurtin’ on things, too.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 12:19:51 PM »
As passionate as our fans are, this is nuts to me.

Agreed.  That said, our non-revenue sports are pretty well-attended, you just can't juice folks for tix like FB/BB can do.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 12:19:07 PM »
I haven't looked at any numbers, but if the baseball team is not, they need to fire whoever be in charge.  Despite the crappy season, they still drew record numbers.  If you're pretty close to capacity in most games, and you're still not profitable, sum ting wong.

Unfortunately attendance doesn’t really equate directly to profitability.

War Damn Eagle / Re: Turn Out the Lights
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 12:18:17 PM »
And at Auburn, the only two sports that generate revenue are Football and Men's basketball.

As passionate as our fans are, this is nuts to me.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 11:39:26 AM »
Someone doesn't know the definition of "debunked."

So, all that congressional activity...hearing after hearing after hearing...must have uncovered something earthshattering and actionable, no?

What's that?  Nothing happened.  Oh.
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