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Haley Center Basement / Re: Hey Fat Asses
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 04:38:03 PM »
Did y’all have Token size seats for the really big fatass people?

They, along with Taliban prisoners in transport, were strapped to 463L pallets and center loaded on C-130’s.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Hey Fat Asses
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 04:32:43 PM »

One of my jobs in the Chair Force was to load plan aircraft to achieve “Center of Balance” for optimized flight. This was done with cargo, passengers, and fuel in mind. There’s a sizable target window that you aim for, but it still can take some playing around with all the variables. Got especially tricky when transporting hazardous materials, as their position was by a door that it could be kicked off the aircraft in flight should something go wrong.

I say all that to say that it is very impressive that a lot of pilots can do it on the fly, whereas load planners need a computer program & a rule book to reference. Hope you all clapped once you landed!
Did y’all have Token size seats for the really big fatass people?
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 04:31:59 PM »

Horror/suspense film that uses the idiocy of the so-called "pandemic" as the basis for and crux of the plot.

Two college girls in Colorado leave campus behind to "quarantine" at the vacation home of one of the pair. It's a really swanky, secluded, rich person's log cabin style abode.

One of the two is a mask-obsessed freak who stresses over the plandemic, down to constant masking, hosing the air with lysol and even wiping down the (very few) groceries they bring with disinfectant wipes. 

The other is mask averse, has a very cavalier attitude toward the whole plandemic overreaction.  She has to be forced to put on the ridiculous, worthless, ineffective face diaper and sheds it as soon as possible in every situation.

I liked the mask-averse girl. She wasn't like the typical horror/thriller central girl. She wasn't perfectly made up, impeccably dressed (or really even stylish). She was short. She had a few pounds on her. She was, essentially, a girl you could actually possibly know. I found that refreshing and appealing. I also liked her physical manifestations of rage. She was great with that.

The other one, a heavy-set black girl, I didn't care for as much. Her mask whining got on my nerves pretty badly. She wasn't nearly as effective at the rage or physicality. In a movie like this where there are essentially two "final girls" they need to be evenly matched and I didn't find that to be the case here.

Basic storyline.  After girls flee to cabin for their quarantine party, a rejected boyfriend of the girl I liked shows up after dark. She isn't inclined to provide the snootch despite his pleas so he agrees to leave the next day. 

Masked marauders make that impossible.

The rationale for their home invasion is unintentionally (or perhaps intentionally?) hilarious and ties back into the whole "why aren't you wearing a mask" theme.

The girls and the dude battle the invaders in some very-well choreographed and brutal fight scenes. Blood is spilled. People don't make it out. 

It struck me as funny because of the whole Covid masks thing - which we all now know (well, almost all I think there might still be one denier lurking around here) was a complete scam.  It reminded me of just how stupid, fascist, and controlling that period of time was, and how sheepishly moronic far too much of the population was as it followed along with the draconian (and completely made up) rules. 

One odd note?  If you're a Frasier fan, you'll see a much older Mel (Niles' short-term spouse) as one of the mask loons. I don't know that she's done anything since Frasier, but there she was.
Signing Day / Re: Boom 2025!!!
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 04:29:24 PM »
2025 LB Tyler Lockhart commits:

6'3" 200 4*

Only a 4 star. Mods move this to the  low priority thread. And quickly.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Portal Time Again
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 04:27:04 PM »
You must have gotten the small fry
I got your small fry. Wait…
War Damn Eagle / Re: Portal Time Again
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on Today at 04:26:05 PM »
An offensive lineman flew in from the portal this weekend Ronan Chambers played in 37 games for Akron.  Not huge at 6'6" 285.  Not highly rated.  In fact, he was actually transferring to Tulane before taking a visit to teh Planez. 

It just puts some experienced depth in the room.
At 285 and all the way from Akron, I bet that motherfucker’s arms are wore slap  out.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Dad Jokes, Puns, Dis’s
« Last post by Snakebite on Today at 02:53:42 PM »
Gonorrhea would have been a great name for diarrhea medicine.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Dad Jokes, Puns, Dis’s
« Last post by Snaggletiger on Today at 02:36:14 PM »
I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.

I'll let you know.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Portal Time Again
« Last post by Buzz Killington on Today at 11:42:08 AM »

Although, I have to say Five Guys has adjusted some things to make it easier.  I got a cheeseburger, fries and a coke there last week.  My first payment is not due until July 1st. 

They're trying to help the common man.
You must have gotten the small fry
War Damn Eagle / Re: Portal Time Again
« Last post by Snaggletiger on Today at 11:36:16 AM »
Five Guys huh?
His NIL must already be off the charts!


Although, I have to say Five Guys has adjusted some things to make it easier.  I got a cheeseburger, fries and a coke there last week.  My first payment is not due until July 1st. 

They're trying to help the common man.
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