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The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by wesfau2 on Today at 03:16:50 PM »

I’m not gonna out lawyer you, but I’ll offer my thoughts…

Judge is a Biden donor, should’ve recused himself.

This is why this is going to be a painful exercise (prob moreso for me than you.)  Recusal is a VERY high standard.  I've had opposing counsel who was the SON of the judge...and I couldn't get a recusal.  Donating to a politician isn't an inherently disqualifying action, without more.  Was he a super donor?  Millions given?  Had to be hundreds of thousands  if this is objectionable behavior, right? 

$35 to the Dem party with a whopping $15 earmarked for Joe's campaign. 

Asked if this could be grounds for a legal challenge or recusal, Gillers said, “Absolutely not. This does not come anywhere near the kind of proof required for recusal.”  (Gillers is a legal ethics professor at New York University)


Bragg ran for the DA’s office on the promise to put Trump behind bars.

I can't find anything about Bragg's campaign that looks relevant, but a prosecutor promising to be tough on crime...and specifically tough on the loudest and most obvious business crimes committer in NYC...is not surprising. 


The whole trial was a moving target trying to look for crimes.

That is patently stupid.  The crimes were charged in the indictment.  You can't drag someone to criminal court without telling them what they're charged with.

The defense didn’t even know what they were defending until the prosecution’s closing argument,

Also patently stupid.  There are no Perry Mason surprises in court.  The defense knew (and if they couldn't figure out from the witness list, then they're incompetent) what they were up against.

which was the last argument heard by the jury. Apparently New York is the only state that allows that… can you confirm?

Goddamnit.  This is the stupidest yet and why I implore you to please please please stop getting your news from wherever you do.  EVERY JURISDICTION IN THE UNITED STATES ALLOWS THE PARTY WITH THE BURDEN OF PROOF TO GET THE FINAL REBUTTAL. PLAINTIFFS IN CIVIL SUITS AND THE STATE IN CRIMINAL CASES GO LAST.

Key witnesses for the defense were denied.

Also for the State.  There were limitations on both sides due to the prohibited portions of their testimony and no reasonable way to get them on the record without going beyond the evidentiary limitations.  If you have a specific witness objection, let's pull the motions and orders and see what happened.

Biden campaign trotted out Deniro outside the courthouse to bash Trump at a press conference.

Yeah, that was stupid.  It also had zero effect on the verdict.

All seems like Kangaroo court.

I'm sure that's the picture being painted in certain media circles that know their audience won't think critically about anything presented to them.

Present company excluded, though, I'm sure.
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 10:57:21 AM »
Godzilla - Minus One

This is the Godzilla I remember from the afternoon movies. Thoroughly Japanese, rooted in WW2, leveling Japanese cities.

It destroys things because it can. It isn't the savior or protector of humanity. It's an enormous, destructive beast. Its motivation, other than the enjoyment of wrecking things, is unknown.

Good story, good acting, quality CGI.  This is an old-school monster tale done the right way. 

Highly recommend, but just a warning: This isn't a Godzilla you're supposed to root for. 
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 10:41:17 AM »
Completely disagree. This was a breath of fresh air for a mediocre franchise (the first one is an action classic and Shane Black's 2018 movie is dumb fun). This is exactly what they should do with the Predator; put it in different time frames. And if you're mad because a girl beat it (gasp! pearls clutched!), watch the end credits. It's not a long-lived victory.

No problem putting Predator in different settings or time frames. Have no problem with it being set on the Plains or having Indians fight it.

Don't care that a girl beat it.  Do care that THIS worthless character beat it. Figured she would, because that would be the stupidest possible ending to the film and I had no interest in seeing THAT at all.

Got tired of watching her yammer about what a great hunter she was and then her self-made bow falls apart.  Or she can't take the shot when she should. Or she puts other people in danger/gets them killed because she's so stupid and out of touch with her own worth that she keeps blundering into places she should never be.  I despised her character and declined to watch her "redemption" arc.  Screw her. 
Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on Today at 10:31:51 AM »
The First Omen

We already knew that the child brought home by American Diplomat Robert Thorn was not his biological child. The child of Thorn and his wife Katherine supposedly died in childbirth in Rome and Catholic priests/nuns convinced the grieving Thorn to substitute an orphan child born at the same time.  We KNEW this if we watched The Omen.

We also knew that Thorn's child was killed and buried near its mother - a jackal - in a forbidding cemetery near Rome. We knew that because we watched Thorn open the caskets before dogs drove him from the plot in the original Omen.

This prequel turned that on its head a little. There was no jackal, only some demon and a girl.

This movie crawls slowly through standard tropes of evil-driven nuns and priests, mysterious priestly rituals, and foreboding music without ever advancing the story - what little there was- at all. In the universe of unnecessary films (and there are many) this ranks near the top of the least necessary, least impactful, worst efforts of all.

Zero scares. A couple of gross birthing scenes. A completely out-of-place "Star Wars" 'there is another' useless sideline.

The Omen is a classic film. It and The Exorcist created a new standard for horror.

This?  Just a paint-by-numbers snoozefest.

The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:52:59 PM »
Another thing, Spanky. If you’re thinking that I’m just going to sit idly by and let you abuse Snags, you’re more mentally ill that most seem to believe that you are.

Do you actually believe that anyone on here is incapable of debating either of you? Or, for that matter, beating the physical fuck out of you after the verbal beat down is over?

Regardless, I’m not about to sit here and let you take advantage of my retarded friend. Lawyer or not. Go fuck yourself, fire plug.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:44:08 PM »

I’m not gonna out lawyer you, but I’ll offer my thoughts…

Judge is a Biden donor, should’ve recused himself.

Bragg ran for the DA’s office on the promise to put Trump behind bars.

The whole trial was a moving target trying to look for crimes. The defense didn’t even know what they were defending until the prosecution’s closing argument, which was the last argument heard by the jury. Apparently New York is the only state that allows that… can you confirm?

Key witnesses for the defense were denied.

Biden campaign trotted out Deniro outside the courthouse to bash Trump at a press conference.

All seems like Kangaroo court.
Dude, you’re not a lawyer. Don’t make us non lawyers look bad by going against the likes of a legal expert, like Wes.

Do not question D.A. Brag’s 45 million dollar net worth. It only brought up because he black.

Is it racist to call attention to the lack of linking verbs in Ebonics?

If so, I don’t mind your deleting my post, Short Stuff. I bring a plenty without it.
Haley Center Basement / Re: After engagement how soon were y’all marrued
« Last post by WiregrassTiger on June 01, 2024, 02:31:29 PM »
I think a whole year engagement is leaving a lot of time for things to blow up and fall completely apart. Smart thinking.
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Kaos on June 01, 2024, 01:14:26 PM »
If there are legit problems with the process point them out.  All I've heard is RIGGED MAGA BLUBLEURKE

I'll take Steve's criticisms here a little more seriously because the rest of you are just going to be parroting talking heads

So says the king of parroting talking heads. 

Self awareness isn’t your strong suit there, is it Whoopi Wesburg?
War Damn Eagle / Re: We’re a GOLF school!
« Last post by eagleair89 on June 01, 2024, 12:26:11 PM »
Hickory shafts and gutta-purcha balls!!!

We Nashunal champee-uns!!!

Grab the shit remover rolls and drive the corner to clear the trees boys and girls!!!

WAR DAMN!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
The SGA / Re: What would it take?
« Last post by Snakebite on June 01, 2024, 11:48:32 AM »
If there are legit problems with the process point them out.  All I've heard is RIGGED MAGA BLUBLEURKE

I'll take Steve's criticisms here a little more seriously because the rest of you are just going to be parroting talking heads

I’m not gonna out lawyer you, but I’ll offer my thoughts…

Judge is a Biden donor, should’ve recused himself.

Bragg ran for the DA’s office on the promise to put Trump behind bars.

The whole trial was a moving target trying to look for crimes. The defense didn’t even know what they were defending until the prosecution’s closing argument, which was the last argument heard by the jury. Apparently New York is the only state that allows that… can you confirm?

Key witnesses for the defense were denied.

Biden campaign trotted out Deniro outside the courthouse to bash Trump at a press conference.

All seems like Kangaroo court.
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