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Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum / Re: 2024-2025 Fighting Pearls
« Last post by CCTAU on Today at 12:46:04 AM »
It was a rousing victory!

We had to beat 8 again. But did so with a total team effort!

We are hard to beat when Denver and CBM play their normal game to go along with the rest of the team.

Broome is still kicking it. One leg and all!
Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum / Re: 2024-2025 Fighting Pearls
« Last post by eagleair89 on February 15, 2025, 06:55:35 PM »



Haley Center Basement / Re: Kaos' way behind movie reviews
« Last post by Kaos on February 14, 2025, 01:25:00 PM »

I was watching Valley Girl on Pluto (one of the classics) while working on something and Overboard came on.  Film from 1987 with Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Edward Hermann (Lost Boys and a million other things), and Roddy 'Cornelius' McDowell (whose voice makes me think of Planet of the Apes, I can't hear anything else).

It was one of those movies that came and went, didn't really make a dent, and then disappeared. It barely made back its $22 million budget (earning $26 million).

Yes, it's piffle. It's silly and contrived. The thing is, though, it's SO much better than 90% of what comes out now.  This sort of ticks back to the Cobra Kai nostalgia, but there were a LOT of really good (if inconsequential) movies from this timeframe that are a hundred times better than the tired, crass, vulgar nonsense that comes out of most studios these days.  Stuff like Great Outdoors, Summer Rental, Just One of the Guys, Last American Virgin, and Summer School for instance. Far better fare than what we're served today. It's kind of like a McDonald's meal. Tasty, filling, but not a whole lot of substance to it.

Basic story (if you don't know).  Goldie's rich. Kurt's a hobo-broke laborer with a bunch of kids. Goldie's husband tries to dispose of her (for the $$, of course). She ends up with amnesia, and Kurt - who despises her entitled attitude and wants to teach her a lesson - convinces her she's his hobo-broke wife.  Mild comedy ensues as she learns to be broke, and they learn they actually have a connection. 

Goldie was never much to look at in the face, but I'd forgotten she had a sorta booming body back in 1987. It's on PG-17 display here.   

Movies like this are the best. They go down so easy.

FWIW?  Ana Faris and some Mexican tried to remake this film in 2018. It bombed.  There were rumors of a McBongahey/Kate Hudson remake in 2024 but those turned out to be phony. This is one of those that's best left alone.
Broun Hall / Re: Cobra Kai: Never Dies
« Last post by Kaos on February 14, 2025, 12:48:08 PM »
I didn’t get to watch it. I canceled the Obama network.

Steal somebody's login. 

I get it. Netflix propped up the Obamas and made them ridiculously rich with a "producing" deal.  Everybody was complicit.  I don't watch the stuff they're associated with (if I'm aware). I don't watch the stuff XiBron is connected to.  But there's some good content there.  The Korean shows? Cobra Kai? Some documentaries?  It's never my first choice to stream (that's always Pluto) and if my ex-wife wasn't paying for it I don't know that I would have it. But for an old fart like me with a sentimental, nostalgic streak that runs deep?  Cobra Kai hit all the right spots.
Auburn Culinary Center / Re: Spatchcocked Chicken
« Last post by Snaggletiger on February 14, 2025, 10:27:28 AM »
To celebrate my dad's 74th, he asked me to smoke a whole chicken & a cigar with him this upcoming weekend.  He left out the beer part because he doesn't drink, but I'll have it covered. 

I previously only used the tried and true beer can method, but over the past year have navigated over to spatchcocking that chicken, and spatchcocking it good.  My method:

Pre-heat the egg to a steady 225-235°

1. Take some scissors, cut out the spine.
2. Flip the bird over, and firmly press down on the breastbone until it breaks.
3. Dry the skin w/ a paper towel.
4. Lightly drizzle and spread olive oil all over the bird, making sure to enjoy massaging the breasts.
5. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, garlic powder, a dash of bbq rub, cayenne pepper, and rosemary or thyme.
6. Throw it on indirect heat with the legs towards the flame and leave it alone for 3 hours.
7. When you get to the 160° internal temperature, start basting with melted butter (I put a little BBQ rub in the butter)
8. Reach 165-170° internal temp and remove from the grill.
9. Let rest, loosely covered for 45 mins to an hour.
10. Carve that bad girl up and serve.

I may be old, but I'm pretty sure it just moved.
Broun Hall / Re: Cobra Kai: Never Dies
« Last post by CCTAU on February 14, 2025, 02:05:24 AM »
I didn’t get to watch it. I canceled the Obama network.
Broun Hall / Cobra Kai: Never Dies
« Last post by Kaos on February 14, 2025, 12:07:08 AM »
I’m a sappy, nostalgic, sentimental old fart. 

This isn’t great.  It’s overly dramatic. It’s silly.  It’s goofy at times.  It’s unrealistic. It was occasionally uneven.

But I love it. 

It’s over now. Final six episodes on the Netflix.   Will never be classic television like Breaking Bad or Sopranos.  But it understood what it was. Understood it from day one and never really wavered.

It hit so many right notes along the multi season span.  People may say it wasn’t necessary.  But it was.  Johnny’s redemption arc may be the greatest comeback story ever told. 

The final five episodes wrapped the entire saga up very well - and there was a lot to wrap.

It makes me feel kinda dumb for liking it but I do. No. That’s inaccurate. I love the show.

Cobra Kai.  Never die. 
Auburn Culinary Center / Spatchcocked Chicken
« Last post by Snakebite on February 13, 2025, 05:28:12 PM »
To celebrate my dad's 74th, he asked me to smoke a whole chicken & a cigar with him this upcoming weekend.  He left out the beer part because he doesn't drink, but I'll have it covered. 

I previously only used the tried and true beer can method, but over the past year have navigated over to spatchcocking that chicken, and spatchcocking it good.  My method:

Pre-heat the egg to a steady 225-235°

1. Take some scissors, cut out the spine.
2. Flip the bird over, and firmly press down on the breastbone until it breaks.
3. Dry the skin w/ a paper towel.
4. Lightly drizzle and spread olive oil all over the bird, making sure to enjoy massaging the breasts.
5. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, garlic powder, a dash of bbq rub, cayenne pepper, and rosemary or thyme.
6. Throw it on indirect heat with the legs towards the flame and leave it alone for 3 hours.
7. When you get to the 160° internal temperature, start basting with melted butter (I put a little BBQ rub in the butter)
8. Reach 165-170° internal temp and remove from the grill.
9. Let rest, loosely covered for 45 mins to an hour.
10. Carve that bad girl up and serve.

War Damn Eagle / Re: NFL Head Coach Change Season Thread
« Last post by Kaos on February 12, 2025, 11:48:37 PM »
All the time...

I have no recollection of that singular event.  Therefore, pics or it didn't happen.
War Damn Eagle / Re: Super Bowl
« Last post by Kaos on February 12, 2025, 11:46:59 PM »
You’re an butthole.

Btdubbs - same number of people watched Michael Jackson’s halftime show as this years. The Country and the world both had half the amount of audience then too. Js.

Put me in charge of the halftime show.  I guarantee it would be entertaining. 

As long as Jay-Z does it, we are going to get stuff that doesn't relate to the majority of the viewing audience. 
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