« Last post by Kaos on February 14, 2025, 01:25:00 PM »
I was watching Valley Girl on Pluto (one of the classics) while working on something and Overboard came on. Film from 1987 with Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, Edward Hermann (Lost Boys and a million other things), and Roddy 'Cornelius' McDowell (whose voice makes me think of Planet of the Apes, I can't hear anything else).
It was one of those movies that came and went, didn't really make a dent, and then disappeared. It barely made back its $22 million budget (earning $26 million).
Yes, it's piffle. It's silly and contrived. The thing is, though, it's SO much better than 90% of what comes out now. This sort of ticks back to the Cobra Kai nostalgia, but there were a LOT of really good (if inconsequential) movies from this timeframe that are a hundred times better than the tired, crass, vulgar nonsense that comes out of most studios these days. Stuff like Great Outdoors, Summer Rental, Just One of the Guys, Last American Virgin, and Summer School for instance. Far better fare than what we're served today. It's kind of like a McDonald's meal. Tasty, filling, but not a whole lot of substance to it.
Basic story (if you don't know). Goldie's rich. Kurt's a hobo-broke laborer with a bunch of kids. Goldie's husband tries to dispose of her (for the $$, of course). She ends up with amnesia, and Kurt - who despises her entitled attitude and wants to teach her a lesson - convinces her she's his hobo-broke wife. Mild comedy ensues as she learns to be broke, and they learn they actually have a connection.
Goldie was never much to look at in the face, but I'd forgotten she had a sorta booming body back in 1987. It's on PG-17 display here.
Movies like this are the best. They go down so easy.
FWIW? Ana Faris and some Mexican tried to remake this film in 2018. It bombed. There were rumors of a McBongahey/Kate Hudson remake in 2024 but those turned out to be phony. This is one of those that's best left alone.