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Gov. Jindal Builds Barriers while The ONE still Bloviates and Blames


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I am a day late in posting on this but I was impressed yet again by Gov. Jindal (R-LA) taking action while The ONE eats shrimp and holds another Presser ("no questions please!") on the Gulf Oil Spill.  Here it is Day 57 and The Kenyan is finally getting around to meeting BP officials for an Oil Summit while "The Nostril" Rep. Waxman (D-CA) spends his day demonizing all of the oil companies on Capitol Hill.

Excerpt from ABC News article, all emphasis is my own:

Gov. Bobby Jindal Orders National Guard to Build Barrier Wall Off Louisiana Shore
Louisiana Gov. Takes Matters Into Own Hands, But Will BP Foot the Bill?

June 14, 2010—

Eight weeks into the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of the Mexico, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has told the National Guard that there's no time left to wait for BP, so they're taking matters into their own hands.

In Fort Jackson, La., Jindal has ordered the Guard to start building barrier walls right in the middle of the ocean. The barriers, built nine miles off shore, are intended to keep the oil from reaching the coast by filling the gaps between barrier islands.

Today, huge Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters lined up in the air, dropping sandbags one by one into the sea.

"They are lifting up about 7,000 pounds of sandbags," said 1st Lt. James Tyson Gabler.

The authorities say they're keeping a tab on the cost of the project and will send a bill to BP, adding to a huge list of claims from the spill zone.

BP says that it has paid out $62 million in claims so far, about half of the 51,000 applications that have been filed.
At the site of the leak, BP promises that it will be able to corral some 53,000 barrels of oil per day by the end of June, but critics say that won't be enough. They argue that more than 60,000 barrels are leaking out every day, and they believe that the end of June is a pipe dream.

As for the relief wells that promise a final solution to the spewing leak? BP says that the wells are on track, already dug 2.7 miles below the sea floor with one more mile to go. The first relief well could come on line at the beginning of August.

Full article:

Further, the GOP is claiming that President Hussein is using this crisis to push the Dems "Cap and Trade" Carbon Tax and "climate change" legislation...as of this afternoon it looks like they are right.  What did Rahm Emmanuel say "never let a crisis go to waste"...?

From the Politico, moments ago:

President Obama has invited Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) to the White House for a Wednesday meeting to discuss energy legislation and other issues, as part of the president’s new plan to persuade moderates in both parties to pass a climate change bill before the midterm elections, according to people familiar with the situation.

As part of that push, Energy Secretary Steven Chu met quietly with a handful of on-the-fence moderate Democratic senators on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, including Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Thomas Carper of Delaware, Evan Bayh of Indiana and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, according to a Democratic staffer.


I just hope Sen. Brown doesn't become another RINO sell-out.

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