Scream 4Let me get this out of the way first. Courtney Cox looks like hammered buzzard shit. Her plastic surgery was a disaster, the fake cheekbones and ghoulishly stretched smile is reminiscent of the Joker. Never thought I would say this but Arquette could do better. Congrats to him for moving on.
Neve Campbell, on the other hand, didn't go the "carve-em-up" route and has aged pretty well.
And now the movie.
It's exactly what you expect. Exactly.
Plenty of attractive beasts. Marielle Jaffe? Holy smoking cow. See below. Hayden Panieterre? Meh, reminded me of a midget. Brittany Robertson? Nice hair. Happy 21st birthday on Monday, BTW, Miss Robertson. Emma Roberts? Not so much hot, but a nice performance as the stalked one.
Like the original Scream you were never really sure who was under the mask until the final reveal. That's always good. I hate seeing what's coming early on. The script dropped a few red herrings and kept Ghostface's identity secret.
What the film lacked, though, was bite. We've seen it before. The cast -- and it was better than the average horror flick -- seemed to be going through the motions. The original was fresh and served as a springboard for a number of new faces like Neve, Courtney, Skeet, Jamie, Lillard and Rose McGowan. This version -- with the exception of Roberts -- was more a vehicle for established stars to chew a little scenery. Don't think there's a budding Jamie Kennedy in the group of lesser names here.
Complaint? Ghostface talked too damn much. And if you've seen the Scary Movie franchise, it's hard to take old Ghosty serious any more. When he's huffing weed with the Wayans brothers and his mask changes? Can't get that image out of my head. In a way, the Scary Movie series surpassed all but the first Scream anyway. It was better. But...
If you go, you'll get exactly what you pay for. Some low rent slashing, some attractive teens (no nudity at all), a shockingly hideous Courtney Cox, a surprisingly preserved Neve, a reveal you didn't expect and a pile of dead bodies.
The theater we went to added the surprise of a staffer dressed as Ghostface slipping into the screening as the credits rolled. He lurked in the shadows toward the exit and scared the absolute bejesus out of a group of ignorant, obnoxious, punk ass teens who'd spent most of the movie running their mouths from the back row. It was worth the price of admission to see the piggy bitch knocking her friends aside like bowling pins as they threw popcorn and drinks and scrambled back up the aisle.