TakenI'd have taken that lying bitch daughter to the woodshed. That spoiled bitch needed a serious whipping. And the mom, hot as she is, what a mommy part. Liam should have saved some of that rage and unleashed it on those two whores. mommy part punted both. My advice to the actress who played the daughter (Maggie Grace) is to never do any movies where the director wants her to run. She looks like a spastic penguin.
Liam was good. The dinner scene was classic.
My problem with the whole thing, though, is I can't imagine him working up that kind of rage for either of those ungrateful bitches.
Mr. BrooksFirst, let me say that the things I would do to Danielle Panabaker cannot be said out loud. There is something about her...

The scene at the end where she's getting sort of horny looking at the blood spraying on the wall? Damn, girl, stab me and let me bleed.
Beyond that? Meh. The William Hurt device was contrived and not compelling. Dane Cook? Fuck that. Demi Moore? Yeah, she was utterly convincing. She's a female John Travolta.
Worst, though, was Kevin Costner. I didn't buy him as a killer -- he didn't get enough out of it -- nor did I buy him as a captain of industry. This movie -- as all -- would have been better with Johnny Depp in the lead role.
It was a decent filler. Just not noteworthy.