God forbid a serious illness ever hit this country. After this turns out to be "a buncha people with the sniffles and a sore throat who miss a day or three of work or school but DO NOT DIE", people will ignore things next time.
Here's a mark my words for you - if people die of swine flu, it will be because they are already imune compromised, like an elderly person, a very young person, or a person with a pre-existing illness that makes them more susceptible to a virus. And these same people would have been just as likely to die of the "regular' flu in Octorber or November. Yes, it is kind of unnerving that it moves so quickly - but so does the regular flu - we are just used to getting the regular flu every year. But every year there are new strains, which is why we get a new flu shot every year - this is NOT A UNIQUE OCCURRENCE.
Hysteria - more deadly than the swine flu.
I am totally disgusted at the freakout mentality of this country.