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Man Commits Suicide at Age 60 - Uses Internet to Upload His Life and Thoughts


Today is August 15, 2013. Today is my 60th birthday. Today is the last day of my life. Today, I committed suicide. Today, is the first day this site is active, but it will be here for years to come.

Despite what you might think or what the conventional wisdom is regarding suicide, none of those reasons apply to me.


1) I had no health issues. I was only sick three times in my adult life that I can remember – and all three were self-induced (accidental). I didn’t miss a scheduled day of work in over 25 years. I had no diseases. I never drank. I never took drugs. I never smoked. Thus, I had no physical problems other than occasional acid indigestion – but, that was usually after eating a whole pan of brownies! So, I admit, I did have brownie issue.


2) I had no legal issues. I had never been arrested, much less convicted. I’d never seen a jail from the inside. Other than traffic tickets, I was a model citizen – or at least I pretended to be and nobody could prove otherwise.


3) I had no financial problems. I sold my house which was completely paid for in 1998. The same year I bought $30,000 in 1/10 ounce gold coins and pre 1965 silver coins. Gold was $300/ounce when I bought it and silver was $4/ounce. Gold went up to $1,700 and Silver to $44 making my stash worth over $200,000.

38.800542, -94.687884

And, I had other assets, including a 401K. Besides, everyone who knows me knew I was extremely cheap. I wanted for nothing.


4) I had no loss of anyone close to me that I couldn’t bear. My mom and dad died at elderly ages and neither were unexpected. My brother and sister are healthy and active. I never had anyone die who was extremely close to me other than my parents. Other more distant relatives and secondary friends have died, but nobody close.


5) I had plenty of activities in which I participated – including church choir, monthly poker, friends, family, internet, and SportsInReview.com. I did not feel lonely or in any way unappreciated for who I was.


6) I was not depressed. Anyone who says I was is either ignorant or a liar. I stressed out at times – especially in the workplace, because my tendency was to work myself to death. But, I was “retired” for 18 months before I ended my life and I didn’t have any stress during that time. In some respects, I feel like I was retired the last 15 years of my life because doing sports statistics could hardly be considered "work". In any event, I can’t imagine anyone being more free of stress than I.


So, the major reasons adults commit suicide – health, legal, financial, loss of loved ones, loneliness or depression… none of those issues are relevant to me and, for the most part of my life, have never been.


I decided I wanted to have one of the most organized good-byes in recorded history and I think I will be successful. The key has always been to do it before it becomes impossible to accomplish what I’m doing now – because then it’s too late and I would simply be along for the ride to the inevitable cliff. And, that has always been an unacceptable conclusion to my life. I became convinced that had I waited even another few years, I would never have been able to produce this site.

Pretty much the guy wrote a whole lot of blog posts about his thoughts and and his life and published them online before offing himself. 

Ane he's a fucking moron. 

Age 60 is not old anymore. 

My father-in-law is 64 and still runs 3 miles four days a week and walks an additional 2 miles 7 days a week.  He lifts weights.  He has a place on the lake where he takes his boat out on weekday mornings to watch the sunrise, drink coffee from a thermos and read the newspaper.  And unfortunately I know this from overhearing a phone conversation, he and his 66 year old wife still have sex. 

This guy feels like he's in control of his own life by choosing when to end it, and while that is one way to prove you have control, I'd say that experiencing life the way you want to experience it is a better indicator of control.  Sure his body will begin to break down over the next ten to twenty years and he will eventually piss himself and maybe be wheelchair bound, but you know what?  You can still kill yourself then. 

You can fall off a four story building at 80 and died on impact.  No big deal.  There's your control. 

Doing it at 60 seems more like a grab at attention, but his writing seems sincere, and I sincerely believe he was a moron and if there is a God waiting on him after death, he probably gave him a stern lecture about his stupidity. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole