There will be no election this year.
My prediction: There will be an election and the world is not going to end on Dec. 21st.
Whether we are stuck with the same president and divided Congress or a new President and new Congress they all are going to have to get their collective heads out of their collective asses and come up with some REAL solutions that will bring this economy roaring back. Keynesian economics is KILLING this economy 'deader than hell'! Big and Small business and industry hate uncertainty which is what we have now with the LACK of any real leadership in the White House or Congress. It is the President's Constitutional JOB to rise-up above the petty, partisan politics and LEAD in the best interest of the nation that elected him. As I've said before, The Pharaoh is AWOL and derelict in his duties and sacred responsibility. There will need to be responsible, reasonable austerity measures taken by FedGov including real cuts in all spending (not
cuts in increases but actual cuts), cut-backs in all entitlement programs across the board (100+ million people on some FedGov program, 1/3rd of the country...Really!?, that is absolutely unsustainable in a nation of 300+ million!), and real cuts in personal and corporate taxes coupled with a complete repression of tax loopholes, a global crackdown of tax avoidance mechanisms and means, ruthless prosecution of ALL tax evaders (including and especially filthy Congressmen, Senators, and Administration officials), and a serious, responsible scale-back of all unreasonable regulations of Business, Industry, and Commerce. Social Security and Medicare are currently unsustainable; they MUST be reformed; we can't keep using band-aid, spaghetti accounting to keep them going for a few more years until the next Congress. The Affordable Care Act must be repealed; we simply can't afford it and it gives unelected FedGov employees un-Constitutional authority over the citizens. The Patriot Act must be repealed and reformed for similar reasons (on that note the damn TSA is necessary but completely out-of-control at this point; the pit-bulls MUST be heeled). And we've GOT to stop supporting nations in which we have NO vested interest and that don't help us in some tangible way. Period.
I felt like channeling Hamilton this afternoon...