How will CoD be any different from the previous CoD games?
They make slight changes with each new game. The weapon upgrade system was cool and unique when they first released it, and then was still cool for another release. Then it was still cool to see how they added different weapons, attachments, perks, killstreaks, etc. for another release or two.
Personally, I'm burned out on the series now. Nothing's changed enough in the past few releases to keep me interested.
They tout that the killstreaks have been "redesigned." All they've done is create three separate "packages" (support, assault, and specialist) which have different available killstreaks. The first two give you normal killstreaks; the specialist package gives you perks as your killstreak rewards, instead of your typical killstreak rewards.
Now, they've added some new killstreaks, but nothing too far out of the ordinary that really changes the game. There are some more air vehicles that you can get in, shoot from, and/or control, and there are some more different types of air support that you can call in, but it's all relatively the same. The only truly new one is the juggernaut suit, which basically gives you the ability to take additional damage, and you get some specific weapons, the type of which depends upon the killstreak package you're using. Big basically gave me the juggernaut perk, which existed in previous releases, and two weapons as a killstreak.
They've added some new game modes, which I could care less about...I rarely play most of the game modes as it is.
Weapon progression system? Bunch of BS...they've given it a new name, but it's essentially the same thing as weapon attachments in the previous games. Sure, you're "leveling up" your gun/gun skills separate from your attachments, but it's the same damn thing. "You can level up your gun kick skill!!! LOL! WEAPON PROGRESSIONZ!" Yeah, and I can attach a grip to my weapon in your last fucking game to do the same thing. Ass clowns.
Same old, same old. Slight new twists. Mostly relabeling perks as killstreaks, killstreaks as perks, and attachments as "weapon proficiencies." Too old, do not want.